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bough this for Co Op Play
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Joined: Dec 7, 2007
Messages: 1

After spending literally 4 hrs trying to get online with a buddy I realized this game is not worth the stress.  One of us would sign on and load the update fine and the other would get an error message that they couldn't connect to the update server.  We were extremely frustrated as this is the only rpg we could play together from the safety of our own homes.  After calling user help for 45 minutes it somehow worked and we were both online.  Now the best part comes: Starting a game!  One of us hosted the other joined we started the game and whoever joined got booted every single time.  We read the forums and did everything we found and still nothing worked.  Then we tried to go return it at walmart and got screwed there as well.

 My thoughts and feelings to whoever plays or is thinking of playing this game.  Why did you waste the money on a game that doesn't even allow you the easy option of playing the game.  There is way to much stress to try and play online that in the end even if it did work you won't want to play it anyway.  Stay very far away from the idea of buying this or you gaurentee yourself getting screwed out of $42 bucks.  This game is by far the worst game I have ever tried to play because of all the problems I had loading it.



Joined: Jan 26, 2007
Messages: 46

Online play always worked fine for me, though I suppose there were actually people playing online when I bought the game. I imagine for someone just picking it up that the online lobby is pretty barren, sadly. Also, don't buy games form Wal-Mart if you can help it. Their return policy is kind of...blah...


Joined: Mar 31, 2008
Messages: 1

ViciousMusician: I had the same problem. Finally I got the point where I could get both boxes to check for updates and what-not, but when I would load the second ps3 into the first ps3's hosted game, it would give me an error saying "Host has left at a critical time" and it wouldn't let me in the game. After endless hours of messing around with the configuration of my router, I found that turning off "Filter Multicast" and "Filter Internet NAT Redirection" made it work.

I also found that there were no problems when the ps3's would connect to games hosted outside the network, or if ps3s connected to the game from the outside of the network hosted on the inside of the network... It was only an issue for games hosted inside the network and connecting from inside the network.

I am now looking at my two ps3s connecting to each other. W00H00!

Interestingly enough, I found that sony's tech support didn't know the answer to this one either. Playing these console games online has wound me up calling xbox 360's tech support, linksys's tech support and ps3's tech support countless times and it is always either "I'm going to elevate your issue to the next level of support cause I don't know what to tell you" or "call the other guys cause I don't know what to tell you". Very frustrating the even the manufacturers of the hardware we use don't know how the hell to set their equipment up so that it works.
Untold Legends » Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom » Co-Op and Internet Play
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