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Silver Cathedral Stuck
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Untold Legends » Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom » Technical Discussion Previous Topic  |  Next Topic
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Joined: Jan 1, 2007
Messages: 2

Hi there. My fiance and I have been working on the game together and have made it through to getting the Lizard Men on to fight with us. We're stuck with the screen 24/24 Attackers Killed. This, we think, is the Kuag Trolls Under Siege quest. Usually the message goes away when we  finish a quest. This time it hasn't. We cannot get through the door where there was a yellow star but now there is not.

Anyone have the same problem and know how to get past or are we bugged? If we're bugged *cry* we have only saved this one game SMILEY


Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Messages: 4

I'm just at the same point. Finished the level and waiting for the gate to appear... but nothing.

No gate appears and I cannot leave the room.  So I think I have to delete my 4 player game and start again.

Or is there a hack to get around this lost gate??? Its nice to have 4 players at level 26 to 28 and play together..


Joined: Aug 10, 2006
Messages: 22
Location: g-town, Vienna, AT, EU.

Geistwesen wrote:

I'm just at the same point. Finished the level and waiting for the gate to appear... but nothing.

No gate appears and I cannot leave the room.  So I think I have to delete my 4 player game and start again.

Or is there a hack to get around this lost gate??? Its nice to have 4 players at level 26 to 28 and play together..

Go back to the top of the library tower BEFORE you meet the golem ( if you have a old saved game )

There you can get unlimited experince from the skeletons and level as many toons up to level 45+ as you want for playing together with your friends

Instead of level 46 you get the ability to get full health & mana after EACH opponent you kill, mich makes it much easier to play this game SMILEY


Untold Legends » Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom » Technical Discussion
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