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Trials of the Pantheon Testing 13
03/05/2009 15:27:24
Dk fix on test 19
06/11/2009 23:43:11
1st june 2009 test bugs/feedbacks & thanks
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06/11/2009 23:05:14
test dummies 7
06/11/2009 14:21:04
Dragon Monk Feedback 19
06/10/2009 17:59:58
what do we test next? 6
06/08/2009 08:52:19
Cleric abilities 0
06/07/2009 23:45:03
Bard Songs 23
06/07/2009 17:13:04
Notes for patch that is currently on test
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06/04/2009 23:07:03
sorceror fire pummel 2
06/02/2009 23:26:00
Mobs in Kojani sea itemized? 0
06/02/2009 12:16:35
Monk Bugs Curremt Patch 5/31/09 1
06/02/2009 08:58:41
shimmering shallows elementals 39
06/01/2009 22:55:22
Sorcerer's Chromatic Barrier and the new resists 2
06/01/2009 11:14:06
Devs could you answer this honestly? 2
05/30/2009 07:30:45
05/29/2009 05:31:59
Monk Bugs 24
05/28/2009 12:18:36
no more test dummies? 4
05/25/2009 08:05:25
Vulmanes left out on new hair 10
05/22/2009 13:14:16
Harvesting Cloth Gear bugged 6
05/22/2009 00:16:02
slighty off topic 0
05/21/2009 22:04:51
Test Patch - Hair 5
05/21/2009 13:36:46
Crafting Exp - Post 50 - currently not working. 3
05/20/2009 17:29:28
Righteous Breastplate of Apprentice 3
05/19/2009 11:12:23
Attributes earned at lvl55 during Test 0
05/19/2009 09:17:24
Bows.. xbows.... 26
05/19/2009 00:23:47
Warrior Orders - Lock and Load 33
05/19/2009 00:23:00
Pantheon Daily Quests Testing 29
05/19/2009 00:22:33
Druid spells post 50
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05/19/2009 00:21:55
New BOD camp 13
05/19/2009 00:21:17
Bard - Post 50 Summary 11
05/19/2009 00:20:50
Silius why are you changing Disciples Post 50? 32
05/19/2009 00:20:23
[Feedback] Diplomacy in PotA
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05/19/2009 00:19:50
Paladin abilities changes
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05/19/2009 00:18:58
Suggesting a tweak on SOD reward / hammer costs 17
05/18/2009 15:43:09
Pantheon Testing Pictures 11
05/18/2009 10:48:31
[Necromancer] - Pet's Auto Assist & Taking Damage Question 0
05/18/2009 06:16:28
Druid Pet/Other Feedback/Bugs After Last Patch. 17
05/17/2009 12:38:11
Blood Mage ability - Bloodthinner 5
05/17/2009 00:59:23
lvl 55 monk attack delayed death touch 0
05/16/2009 21:30:16
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