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Druid armor
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Joined: Mar 22, 2007
Messages: 15

What type of armor does a druid use? I noticed as a quest reward I mostly receive light armor but I also received a medium armor bracer (lvl17) So I was wondering should I look for more medium or does it vary what we use - I would assume medium is better protection...

thanks in advance!!

Server: Xeth
Guild: Sacred Haven
Rank: Recruit


Joined: Apr 30, 2007
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Location: Pennsylvania

In Vanguard druids can only wear light armor same as the other casters.

Server: Seradon
Guild: Silky Venom
Rank: Knight Errant


Joined: May 15, 2007
Messages: 237

Druids wear light armor as Danidas said. 

Armor will be very important for you to raise both attribute and non-attribute stats.  Since druids are among the "Squishy" in the game, AC or other "protective" armor isn't nearly as important as gear that will enhance your dps, energy, etc.  (If a quest armor reward is other than light, you won't be able to use it, btw.)

One thing I didn't know about for quite awhile as I was leveling up was spell damage focus (sdf).  You'll want to have sdf at about 10x your level, i.e., level 20 should aim for about 200 sdf. 

Others may have better ideas but my suggestion is to look for int gear first, wis gear and sdf next, and then look for spell damage rating, crit damage, vit/con (depending on what you have chosen for that attribute slot), etc. 

You can interchange weapons and focus items to get as much of a stat boost as you can.  Druids don't melee (except for entertainment purposes), so keep your eye open for weapon slot items that will particularly boost int, wis and sdf.

Hope this helps SMILEY



Joined: Mar 22, 2007
Messages: 15

The reason I was wondering was, I received a medium armor wrist  (fang wristbad)  as a quest reward I was hoping there was more medium to come at a higher lvl.

Server: Seradon
Guild: Erus Ex Telon
Rank: Leader


Joined: May 29, 2007
Messages: 713

You can get all sort of equipment from quests.  Some will not be useable (say, a bard instrument or a two-hander sword), but many quests will offer you a choice among four to eight items, one of which will definitely be useful to you.


Server: Seradon
Guild: Reverence
Rank: Alt


Joined: Sep 5, 2007
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Location: Auckland, NZ

There is very little medium or heavy armour that can be worn by casters, but there are a few items. Typically the stats aren't great for casters though. Similarly, theres a few heavy items that melee can wear.

Server: Xeth
Guild: Fury
Rank: Initiate


Joined: May 22, 2007
Messages: 41

Since a Druid is able to heal they are allowed to equip SOME medium armor that Disciples and Clerics are able to wear because of the healing focus, etc... High end of game you will be mostly if not totally in light armor. I would not be looking for medium armor because they are low in INT which is one of a Druids primary stats.


Joined: Mar 22, 2007
Messages: 15

thanks for all the answers...I'll craft me some nice light armor then SMILEY

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