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The Official Active Xeth Guild Listing
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Server: Xeth
Guild: The Commonwealth
Rank: Jr. Member


Joined: Aug 26, 2007
Messages: 353

Besides Xeth having Xeth Faire, Newbie Nights, Crafting/Diplo Classes and other great events - we also have the best guilds here:

Family Friendly:

The Commonwealth            Guild Website     Newbie Friendly, EST/CST
Shadowfire                       Guild Website     Newbie Friendly, EST/PST
Wings of Justice                Guild Website
Fabled                                   Guild Website
Order of the Hammer             Guild Website
Ex Umbris                              Guild Website
Mystical                                   Guild Website

Hardcore Raiders:

Pain                                 Guild Website
Brotherhood of the Spider    Guild Website
Damage                            Guild Website
Veracity                                   Guild Website
TKagi Ro                                 Guild Website

Raiders:  (* = Casual)

Sacred Haven                    Guild Website
One Shot                          Guild Website
Fury                                         Guild Website
The Old Timers Guild *             Guild Website 
Avatars of Might                      Guild Website
Havoc                                      Guild Website
Final Resolve *                        Guild Website
Paradigm                                 Guild Website
Order of the Badger                Guild Website
Divine Grace                            Guild Website
The Cult of the Angry GoblinGuild Website    European CET
Red Skies*                              Guild Website
T A S C *                                 Guild Website
Warborn                                  Guild Website

Will update as the guilds post here.  PM me if your website changes so I can update links later.



Message edited by Saharas on 06/03/2009 20:20:11.

Server: Xeth
Guild: The Commonwealth
Rank: Jr. Member


Joined: Aug 26, 2007
Messages: 353

The Commonwealth 
~ Encourage ~ Teach ~ Grow ~ Prosper

Leaders: Dutch, Ohmar

Officers: Sckoonar, Jinicai

Timezones (area of most members): Eastern/Central

Recruitment: Open Feb. 1st all levels, classes and spheres

Description/Mission: The Commonwealth Guild is a Family Friendly Guild.
This means we consider all of our members part of our on-line family.
This means we expect our guild members to remain friendly toward one another.
We are a community of people that really Love to play Vanguard.
We are very active in the community with activies and helping new players.

Guild Website

Message edited by Saharas on 01/26/2009 11:49:57.

Server: Xeth
Guild: Shadowfire
Rank: Imperator


Joined: May 15, 2007
Messages: 2907
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina

  • We believe in playing at your own pace - there's no pressure to level up fast.
  • Active in all three spheres of Vanguard (crafting, diplomacy, and adventuring)
  • Members at all level ranges, and guild groups happening all the time.
  • One of the oldest guilds on the server, formed at launch, with many people who have been playing nonstop since launch.
  • Focused on the quality of our members rather than just growing big.
  • Dedicated to the overall server community.  We put on serverwide events and try to set a good example for everyone else.

So, if you're looking for a guild that's focused on the journey rather than the destination, a true "family" guild that isn't all about the next raid or the next dungeon, and a great community of people to play with and talk to while you play, then please feel free to check us out by going to our website:  If you like what you see, just post an application, and we'll get in touch!

Server: Xeth
Guild: Pain
Rank: Recruit


Joined: Mar 7, 2007
Messages: 4

Hardcore Raiding

 Pain -


Message edited by Tenei on 01/26/2009 17:54:50.

Server: Xeth
Guild: Brotherhood Of The Spider
Rank: Officer


Joined: Aug 3, 2007
Messages: 81
Location: Xeth

Hardcore Raiding Guild


Brotherhood of the Spider



Message edited by Nycah on 01/26/2009 20:17:19.

Server: Xeth


Joined: Oct 5, 2007
Messages: 282

Raiding (but not required)


Sacred Haven



Server: Xeth
Guild: One Shot
Rank: alts


Joined: Feb 15, 2007
Messages: 6136

One Shot.  Um...Raiding Guild.  What's the difference between hard core and just raiding, anyhow?

BTW, how comes the "family friendly" guilds get a bigger font size?  What are you trying to say?   (<--I keed, I keed)

Message edited by tarf12345678 on 01/26/2009 23:10:00.


Joined: May 15, 2007
Messages: 193



Damage is a core, active raiding guild. We gather from various games with a majority of our fine folks coming from the Quellious server in Everquest. Our intentions are to continue our path of online destruction with general pillaging of evil, tempting of attractive people, with great camaraderie and skill. We are looking for hardy souls, ready to have fun, and arise to any challenge that stands in our way.

Basic Information

Raid Times
We are based on US Eastern Time. Raids begin at 7pm Mon-Fri, and 6pm on Sunday. Saturdays are free.

Loot Distribution
We use a customized DKP system to award loot. Points are accrued by raid attendance, and spent on items. Items have set prices, and the individual with the highest points wins.
Recruits are given a small point pool to start with, which they may use to purchase items. They receive another points bonus upon making member.

We use Ventrilo heavily for raid communication.

Message edited by Ellestil on 01/27/2009 03:34:15.

Server: Xeth
Guild: Wings of Justice
Rank: Viceroy


Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 3360
Location: South Carolina

Wings of Justice - family friendly

Server: Xeth
Guild: Fury
Rank: Guild Leader


Joined: Feb 19, 2007
Messages: 46
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio


Leaders: Sleez, Pheer, Changul

Officers: Temujin, Winawum

Timezones/Playtimes (area of most members): Eastern Time zone for most members, Our Peek times are from 9am-2pmEST

Recruitment: check website, applicants must be lvl 48+

Description/Mission: Fury is a  medium sized Casual Raiding guild. Although we are casual we have completed apw and are starting to work on the 24 man content. We have a solid core of dedicated, friendly, helpfull and mature players. Raiding is not required, however we do raid at least 3 times a week for anybody wanting to join in on the fun. Fury is currently the only daytime raiding guild on xeth to my knowledge so if you play during our hours and would like to experience some end game content look us up.

Guild website:

Message edited by sbkidd on 01/27/2009 16:21:48.


Joined: Jun 1, 2007
Messages: 116

Veracity is a high-end raiding guild.  We use a DKP-based loot distribution system and raid four nights a week.  On offnights, we enjoy exploring the rest of the game.

We are currently recruiting: Monk, Disciple, Bard.

Even if we are not currently recruiting your class, feel free to contact an officer and take a look at our guild charter.   Applications may be posted here:

Server: Xeth
Guild: The Old Timers Guild
Rank: Member


Joined: May 21, 2007
Messages: 69

Casual Raiding

We are a guild of mature gamers who have bonded together to seek out two things we are all passionate about...Fun and Gaming. We believe that on-line gaming doesn't have to be solely about the game or the uber loot. We believe that part of the allure comes in the camaraderie and social interaction one can only find in a group of like minded individuals.

While we are not hardcore raiders nor power grinders we do have goals we wish to accomplish.  We do these at our own pace which can sometimes be a little slow for some.  We believe in the journey not the destination.

In OTG you will find a community of mature gaming fans looking to have some fun and enjoy an escape from daily life. Most of us have family and work obligations. Some of us have kids that are older than what many consider to be the “typical gamer”. Our roster ranges from students to graduates, Mothers and Fathers to yes even Grandparents (and a few Great Grandparents) all brought together to unite in one common goal that has become our motto:

Laid Back, Not Too Serious, No Drama, All About The Fun


Joined: Jul 15, 2008
Messages: 177

Raiding guild on Xeth.

Guild website: http://www.avatarsofmight.ORG

The website pretty much has all the information on what we're about but if you have any questions at all, please feel free to PM me here or post on our forums =)


Cheers and happy hunting!

Message edited by Griffarien on 03/23/2009 09:43:31.

Server: Xeth
Guild: Havoc
Rank: Hordemaster


Joined: Jun 14, 2007
Messages: 20

Add Havoc to the active raiding guild list on Xeth,  We are mostly west coasters that play late night pacific. 

Our website is


edit: Fixed the link

Message edited by Tyrynt on 02/16/2009 10:22:36.

Server: Xeth
Guild: Final Resolve
Rank: Leader


Joined: Jun 14, 2007
Messages: 85

Guild Name: Final Resolve
Role Play Status: None
Guild Leaders: Valencia
Officer Contacts:  Karella, Quinine, Adarae
Website Address: Website Link
Recruitment: open to all levels
Raid Times: Wednesday, Friday & Sundays 8PM 

Note: Raiding is purely optional; attendance is not mandatory, sign ups are required if you want to attend.
We usually do APW progression on Friday and entry/mixed stuff on Sunday/Wed for the newer raiders.  
Often times we will plan something like Griffon events, Dungeon Crawls, BoD groups during the weekdays. We also have an alliance with 4 other guilds and support each other on their events. The alliance raids 4 days a week and FR members can sign up for those.

Raid Progression Status: 4/1/09 Current progression within APW; We are working on the Library, buff quests there & Cartheon Wing. Farming Entry wing, Palp, Athriss, Vashren.

Information: About us: Final Resolve is first and foremost a club founded by friends who like to play games together. The core of the guild has played and raided with each other for years in other games so we're pretty comfortable together. Character progression and content experience are important considerations in MMOG's. However, for us they are meaningless if you don't truly enjoy the company of those you share them with. Personality fit is our top concern and should be yours as well. Most of us are over 30, many over 40, however, we welcome all ages, provided the player is relatively mature. We are a family guild that raids! We support all spheres of game play and have a strong crafter base in members. We have a guild hall on Thestra. No level requirement as we look for personality first and foremost. We have members ranging from 20 - 50. Multiples of alts. We encourage you to progress at your rate and enjoy your game.

We are primarily a North American PST to EST guild. We tend to be most active on the weekends and evenings later in the week. However, we do have some members from Europe and some with unusual work schedules who can be found playing at various times. More detailed information about us can be found on the guild section of our home page or by clicking here. Joining us is by invitation. If you think we might be a fit send a tell to Valencia or Adarae in game and express your interest.

Message edited by shazmiera on 04/01/2009 06:42:58.

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