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Server: Seradon
Guild: Trinity
Rank: Initiate


Joined: Mar 19, 2009
Messages: 24

"I just wanted to let the Clerics know that the clerics web site is currently down and I have notified the Admin however I as a moderator have no control of the admin features of the website and do appoligize for it being down. I have recently quit the game, the admin no longer plays a cleric also so perhaps once the website is up and running another cleric(s) could take over as moderator and keep the cleric community up to date with class issues. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Server: Halgar
Guild: Xanadu
Rank: Leader


Joined: Aug 26, 2007
Messages: 226
Location: Austria

ah thx.

already wondered whats up. a shame :/

Server: Xeth
Guild: The Old Timers Guild
Rank: Initiate


Joined: Jul 25, 2007
Messages: 95

true, that was a good site


Server: Seradon
Guild: Trinity
Rank: Initiate


Joined: Mar 19, 2009
Messages: 24


"I spoke with the clerics website admin today and he looked at the problem and saw that the server was hacked, a malicious code was put on all our php pages and is now making the site not function at all. The only way he knows to fix it would be to wipe it all and reinstall phpbb. Since that would delete all the information we would want the site for anyway he's decided to leave the site as is and anyone who wants to use the domain name they can contact Jemand at [email protected]

Personally to me this is very disappointing, its sad that people out there do this to others who put so much of their time into something they care about. I really hope that some of the other clerics in the community can come together and help out the newer clerics who need advice and information. Cleric is a class that is easy to play but hard to master and hopefully losing our website won't hurt our class too much and the information lost can be put together again.


Server: Seradon
Guild: Safe Haven
Rank: Recruit


Joined: Jun 9, 2009
Messages: 7

Really sorry about your site guys. To date this has been one of my favorites being a new Player/Cleric. Really makes you wonder why people do what they do sometimes.

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