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Status of Asaya's Scorn
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Joined: Apr 24, 2008
Messages: 96

The question relating to Asaya's Scorn on the Ask a Dev May Poll has many votes.  Let's discuss what actually happens when this spell is used. 

The tooltip description (which has undergone at least one major change in its history) claims that it damages an enemy when they "attack."  It does not specify whether this involves spells or what.  The icon that appears when cast on the enemy says that it damages the oppponent when they cast a spell.  Based on these statements, the impression is that it deals damage each time the mob casts a spell.  This meshes with how the spell was described prior to its implementation.  Whether it has a dot component remains to be answered. 

I tried using the spell on the scarabs in Afrit and it typically deals in the lower 400s whenever it goes off.  Sometimes in the 300s or 500s but the 400s most often.  This damage occurs in fairly rapid internvals while Asaya's Scorn is affecting the mob.  Without doubt this spell deals damage even when the enemy does not cast spells.  Whether this has something to do with the npc attacking or with a dot effect is something that needs to be known.  It did not seem to do any special amount of damage when the scarab would cast spells.  I also tried it on some deep grays in Kojan and sometimes saw actual damage.  However, on many npc types no clear cut damage is shown at all.  This happened with many other mobs in Afrit and seemed to be the case with many APW bosses (will need to check that again to make sure).  I have not seen evidence of npcs being healed by Asaya's Scorn but it is hard to be sure since it does not seem to work probably against enemies healed by the fire element.  The effect almost always disappears before two minutes likely originates from the effect being removed when the enemy casts a spell. 

The spell has enough unknowns that it will be would be well worth seeing a developer response on the ask a dev thread about how it has been changed since the topic first came to their attention. 

Message edited by SphereofLight on 06/05/2009 07:20:48.


Joined: Oct 1, 2008
Messages: 716
Location: oregon

a week or so ago when it was posted that asaya's scorn was fixed by silius i checked it out.  At first I could only see tiny amounts of dot like damage, but then reread silius' post about turning on the cast by others in the combat log, at that point i was able to see asayas damage on some lvl 46 mobs at about 766 per , adding up to almost 10k before the mob died.  I can't find that thread to link it anymore.

However, in the last several days I haven't seen Asaya's doing any damage, but I have been doing lvl 49 and up mobs and am going full out to kill them,  not just casting asaya's and standing there like a test dummy to see what happens.  So I am befuddled again about how it actually works and under what conditions.  I, too, would appreciate a clearer explanation of what it is supposed to be doing.



Joined: Feb 11, 2007
Messages: 582

i did some tetsing on test server today and it does nothing. Combat log says nothing, see no damage on mobs either.No dot no damage when they cast.

I do rememeber though many weeks ago that it had a 2min recast timer if i am not mistaken. Now on test it is 30 sec with a 2 min duration. Spell description says nothing about a dot but only that it damages the mob when it casts.

It also does not clarify whether it will damage the mob ON ANY SPELL it will cast, meaning whether the spell is a buff for the mob or an offensive spell towards a player or BOTH.

If the spell is only what the current description says then it is not really of any good use for lvl 50+. It would be of some use though on mobs that still chain cast, especially if it stops them from buffing up. Will it work on 2 dot bod mobs or on those mobs in the new kojani island?

I see yet another Sorceror ability being changed again. Our chromatic halo has been changed quite some, our wards changed several times, now this.

I would gladly change this long forgotten bugged spell with another free hit counter from our shield. And would even welcome this to finally work in pvp as well (like druids and clerics) and not just pve...... That is of course if they can't implement asaya's.


for those who are on the "ask a dev a question" wishful thinking Sorceror fix list, you should also add more to it.


Joined: Oct 1, 2008
Messages: 716
Location: oregon

you wont see any damage from asayas in the combat log unless you have the option that reads something like 'other successful damage"  or maybe NPC successful damage.  The damage is only shown as a mob cast , not a cast by you.  not in game so cant look at the specific one you need to check to see it, but hopefully that gives an idea.   It works on the magmites in afrit btw, but then, sometimes they cast. 

Server: Seradon
Guild: Formidable
Rank: Initiate


Joined: Dec 15, 2008
Messages: 1

Tested this yesterday,

Turn on Others Damage Success in Chat and then casted it on some 3 dot light blue mobs. Looks like it does damage each time the mob attacks. If the mob cant attack you then it does nothing. 

First mob I pulled i cast Asaya's on it then proceeded to kite it and nuke it down. Asaya's did nothing.

Second mob i pulled with Asaya's like before then let it take a few swings at me. I noticed it was taking damage from Asaya's on each swing. Message akin to (Mob Name)'s  Asaya's Scorn hits (Mob Name) for XXX damage. 



Joined: Apr 24, 2008
Messages: 96

That might be why it does not seem to display damage against raid targets. 

The tooltip's vagueness leads to much confusion since the spell was originally claimed to be an anti-caster tool which dealt damage whenever an npc cast spells.  The spell does not lend itself very well to testing. 

A clarification for Asaya's Scorn would be useful because there are still too many unanswered questions about its effectiveness and purpose.  Considering that many sorc spells have significant bugs it would be good to cut through the opaqueness on this spell and find out it if it is really working properly. 


Joined: Feb 11, 2007
Messages: 582

well i tried it again on many differnt mobs in afrit and tehatamani......


On some mobs after the next spell is crit buff was on it would do 1200 damage every time the mob tried to hit me.


It would not damage the mob when it was casting a self buff, eg fireshield. If it stops the mob from casting offensive spells is another issue as that cannot be seen.


It remains to be seen how they intend to implement it.


I am not sweating for this spell as it is right now..... i would find it extremely useful if the spell STOPPED the mob from casting any other spell.... aka silence it. I would find it extremly useful if the usage of the spell did not stop at lvl 50 mobs and below..... or on small named.

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