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Joined: Jan 14, 2008
Messages: 14

This game has become impossible for the post 50 casual gamer. SMILEY

Sad to have to go loved the game and graphics but cant handle the exp grind to get to 55. SMILEY

Have fun and Good Luck to everyone!



Joined: Jan 14, 2008
Messages: 309

teldar wrote:

This game has become impossible for the post 50 casual gamer.

Sad to have to go loved the game and graphics but cant handle the exp grind to get to 55.

Have fun and Good Luck to everyone!


I appreciate your decision and I am not trying to dissaude you from your course of action. 

I, however, do not understand why casual players are turned off by the new xp curve and content.  They should be able to continue their play style w/o much impact by the changes.

More distinctly said "why the rush to get to 55" if your a casual player?

Anywho best of luck to you also.

Query and best of wishes from the Dark Side!!!

Server: Seradon
Guild: Trinity
Rank: Guild Leader


Joined: May 15, 2007
Messages: 1037
Location: Atlanta, GA

Haceldama wrote:

teldar wrote:

This game has become impossible for the post 50 casual gamer.

Sad to have to go loved the game and graphics but cant handle the exp grind to get to 55.

Have fun and Good Luck to everyone!


I appreciate your decision and I am not trying to dissaude you from your course of action. 

I, however, do not understand why casual players are turned off by the new xp curve and content.  They should be able to continue their play style w/o much impact by the changes.

More distinctly said "why the rush to get to 55" if your a casual player?

Anywho best of luck to you also.

Query and best of wishes from the Dark Side!!!

New content isn't doable at level 50 (speaking of completion of PotA)


Server: Seradon
Guild: Reverence
Rank: Alt


Joined: Sep 5, 2007
Messages: 1040
Location: Auckland, NZ

Raive@Seradon wrote:

New content isn't doable at level 50 (speaking of completion of PotA) 

But it's not doable at 50 regardless of casual or not. It seems people just don't want to spend time to level so they cry and run off.

Server: Seradon
Guild: Trinity
Rank: Guild Leader


Joined: May 15, 2007
Messages: 1037
Location: Atlanta, GA

Khabarakh@Seradon wrote:

Raive@Seradon wrote:

New content isn't doable at level 50 (speaking of completion of PotA) 

But it's not doable at 50 regardless of casual or not. It seems people just don't want to spend time to level so they cry and run off.

I'll cry and run off if 2 things happen

A - God buffs are crap

B - Warrior epic is crap.


Server: Sartok
Guild: Nocturn
Rank: Initiate


Joined: Feb 16, 2008
Messages: 106

Haceldama wrote:

teldar wrote:

This game has become impossible for the post 50 casual gamer.

Sad to have to go loved the game and graphics but cant handle the exp grind to get to 55.

Have fun and Good Luck to everyone!


I appreciate your decision and I am not trying to dissaude you from your course of action. 

I, however, do not understand why casual players are turned off by the new xp curve and content.  They should be able to continue their play style w/o much impact by the changes.

More distinctly said "why the rush to get to 55" if your a casual player?

Anywho best of luck to you also.

Query and best of wishes from the Dark Side!!!

So grind to 55 on absolutley no new content? What else is there for a hardcore player to do, let alone a casual player? There is 0 content post 50 pre 55. Grind elementals for hours on end in the hopes 1 component will drop? How is that casual. This whole update was the death of the casual player. I would say I play quite a bit, I even got into PotA 3rd on my server by the skin of my teeth it was so absurd but, I still cant stand to do any of the new stuff. I'd rather pvp on lowbie alts then trudge through this nonsense they call an update.


Joined: Jan 29, 2009
Messages: 36

Most people dont seem to realize what casual is. Casual is playing for 4-6 hrs a week or even 1-2 hrs a day. That is what I've seen be classified as casual. Now this amount of time will not get you to 55 this year.
First of all you have to think 30min to get a group if your lucky so that cuts down the time the person has to actually level. On top of that the content that is out for that level range requires that you already have decent lvl 50 gear, ie swampish armor.
Now at launch this game didn't target the casual gamer. But with the bugs of launch the player base that would have stuck out this dwindled down to the hand full of upper level guilds that are out there now. To keep the game going SOE had to attract new players and so the IoD and faster leveling. So now we are at the point there new stuff is coming out and its not for casuals. I'm not saying its good or bad, but people who play will not like the post 50 content and the time it takes to do it. Just my thoughts, but to the OP, good luck in whatever game you find.


Joined: Nov 21, 2008
Messages: 33

If someone enjoys the casual progession from 1-50, I don't think it's hard to see how they would be turned off by the 50+ exp wall.


For many, including myself, the game is not fun if there is no perceptible progression of your character.  Classifying yourself as "casual" does not automatically mean you are ok with gaining one level every 6 months.


The exp curve wouldn't even be so bad if there was fun content to get you through it.  Look at the variety of zones and quests for both solo and group on the road to 50.  To get to 55 on the other hand, you have to group in 1 or 2 zones, or solo elementals.  No quests, no exploration, just grinding the same mobs for 100's of hours.  If you're ok with that, that's cool.  But it's almost 180 degree reversal from old VG so it's not surprising that people who play and like 1-50 VG aren't so hot on 50+ VG.



Joined: May 15, 2007
Messages: 478
Location: Columbia, MD

ssoon wrote:

If someone enjoys the casual progession from 1-50, I don't think it's hard to see how they would be turned off by the 50+ exp wall.


For many, including myself, the game is not fun if there is no perceptible progression of your character.  Classifying yourself as "casual" does not automatically mean you are ok with gaining one level every 6 months.


The exp curve wouldn't even be so bad if there was fun content to get you through it.  Look at the variety of zones and quests for both solo and group on the road to 50.  To get to 55 on the other hand, you have to group in 1 or 2 zones, or solo elementals.  No quests, no exploration, just grinding the same mobs for 100's of hours.  If you're ok with that, that's cool.  But it's almost 180 degree reversal from old VG so it's not surprising that people who play and like 1-50 VG aren't so hot on 50+ VG.


Well put.

Personally, I'm staying at the crafting table until Silius and others come to their senses on this whole thing and start throwing the Casual player a REAL bone (and no, a couple 2-dot elementals is not a real bone).

If I get all 6 of my crafters to level 50 before that, then I too may have to take time off until it is fixed ... if ever. I'm sure there is some game company out there who wants my money and will listen.

Server: Seradon
Guild: Safe Haven
Rank: CEO


Joined: Feb 8, 2007
Messages: 3952

Sorry to hear, safe travels to you. Fortunately for me and my guild, we still have a ton of the "old" content to do - most of APW, for starters. SMILEY

Server: Xeth
Guild: Shadowfire
Rank: Imperator


Joined: May 15, 2007
Messages: 2907
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina

Joodah@Seradon wrote:

Sorry to hear, safe travels to you. Fortunately for me and my guild, we still have a ton of the "old" content to do - most of APW, for starters.

Same here.

It sucks, but I think really a lot of the people complaining about the slow leveling and lack of content need to get a healthy dose of patience.  To really fill out a level increase in a game requires an expansion-level infusion of new content.  No matter how cool Pantheon is, it doesn't qualify.  I'm sure that content will come, but we're going to get it piece by piece because it takes the devs time to create it.

In the meantime, the best thing all of us can do is simply forget that experience bar exists, and just go play and have fun.


Joined: May 19, 2007
Messages: 315

I dont get it.. You like casual gameplay.. You can still do the casual stuff you made before PoTA patch but now you gain exp for it. Seems you want to hit 55 asap though but want to do so without having to play the game


Joined: Apr 25, 2007
Messages: 667

markusan wrote:

I dont get it.. You like casual gameplay.. You can still do the casual stuff you made before PoTA patch but now you gain exp for it. Seems you want to hit 55 asap though but want to do so without having to play the game

No, its not that. . .

I am what you would call a casual player, and I've earned a whooping 14% into level 50 in all this time, and that is with several deaths.  None of the new content I've done has been classified as *fun*

THe genesis quest for level 50 crafters made me pretty upset.  The whole questline will get you dam close to level 52, giving 1mil crafting exp at one point and 750k for most of the rest of the stages.  If the curve was like that for level 50-55, sure, I'd have no problems, but you have a huge dispariging gap between crafting and adventuring, and as opposed to adventuring, I can go anywhere in the WORLD and craft.  No specific tables to get *bonus* exp, and no tables that *won't* give you exp.

Fix the 50+ exp curves,. fix the mobs exp tables to give more, fix the mobs to make them less of a grind, and put in quests with lore that appeal to people and you will find a surprising change in people's attitudes.

Server: Seradon
Guild: Blood of Saviours
Rank: Member


Joined: Jun 3, 2009
Messages: 7

The problem is that there is no content be it solo or group to get you to 55. What are my choices atm? SOD or BOD or elementals or MKII's ... So people sit at these places for the next 5 levels mindlessly killing mobs until they level? No thanks. Remeber that up until lvl 50 the game was packed full of content and ways to lvl up. I have a lvl 51 DSC and just going from 50 to 51 was a bore. On top of that the xp falls to about 1/4 of what it was after 51. Anyway I'm lvling an alt now which is something I wanted to do for a long time. The bottom line is the Vanguard player base is made up of mostly older folks who probably have families, jobs, etc ... Hardly the kind of people who are going to sit at SOD all day everyday grinding xp. Anyway for now I'll play an alt and watch to see what goes first ... The players or the xp curve.


Joined: Oct 1, 2008
Messages: 716
Location: oregon

feels the pain, have waved goodbye to too many already, but will add another to the list.  

The casual vs hardcore,  grind vs no grind may all be part of it, but the fact is, POTA was tested with lvl 50's in swamp gear and the typical player LFG will never get past the access quest.  Its pretty clear they don't want casual players in the "new" content.  I completely understand why people are leaving in droves, it isnt whining or crybaby reactions to hard content, its mourning the loss of a game they once enjoyed while watching it turn into something completely different.

Just my opinion

personally, I will stay and play the parts i continue to love


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