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[9.1.1] They shouldn't be messing with that glowing guy - Vector - 11/19/07
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Cyph Controller

Joined: Feb 10, 2006
Messages: 51

You know, dears, if I didn't have those nosey Zionites around for exercise, I might be a little miffed over this whole thing. There we were with the alarm clocks finally on the run, and then this big man-thing shows up and causes super-colossal traffic jams and dandruff. Sheesh!










































Jacked Out

Joined: May 9, 2006
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Location: Ontario, Canada

Meh...this seemed pretty routine for Veil.


Joined: Oct 25, 2006
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Did you find out something about this glowing man?
I guess not

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 24, 2005
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Location: Megacity, USA

Nah, this was just Veil being stuck on repeat as usual.

((She has got to be the least interesting character in this game.))

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 23, 2005
Messages: 2697

Archangel wrote:

Nah, this was just Veil being stuck on repeat as usual.

((She has got to be the least interesting character in this game.))

((What about Shimada? At least Veil has a personality - pscyhotic is way more interesting than bland, as far as I'm concerned.))

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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kou_urake wrote:
Archangel wrote:

Nah, this was just Veil being stuck on repeat as usual.

((She has got to be the least interesting character in this game.))

((What about Shimada? At least Veil has a personality - pscyhotic is way more interesting than bland, as far as I'm concerned.))

((Shimada's supose to have a more metephorical speach (according to her details) to her that doesn't get shown that often. Like a mini, more spiritual, Ghost I'd say. There is the untold story between her and Kid that can spark some kinda curiosity. Veil also has the mystery of why she is a Cypherite. So its not that they are unintersiting characters. Its just that they ahven't lived up to their potential.))


Joined: Aug 20, 2005
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That's a lot of XP for fighting!


Alarm Clocks. I like that.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Sep 2, 2005
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This shows Cryptos has more of a head on him than the white-witch, at least he found the wierd-wirey-unsociable net-type-man..  

((Great events with this new twists, i'm finding it very interesting. :)  ))


Joined: Apr 21, 2006
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Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

I missed the event but it sounds like Salesman found a disk.  Did we learn anything from it or any more info about The Intruder?


Joined: Oct 9, 2007
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Location: Norway (Europe)

For those who have watch the newest chinematic where you can see "The Intruder" comes out from the monument in westview, And 6 maybe more agents comes out and confronts "The Intruder" then you see him takes his hand up and you see a flash of light and the agents are on the ground nocked out of order.

But in the newest critical missions you meet the intruder and for me he doesnt seem to have any thoughs of destroying anyone... looks more to me that he wants to learn about the matrix more since he lacks knowledge about the matrix so its seems he is a really old program...

Who knows what can happen if he still is here.

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