Sorry about the coach. But i think that passion that you speak of is what made Ohio win today, for the coach. As far as the random sims... Right on!
Way to completely miss the point. So let me spell it out for you. Why should players that don't like gameplay mechanic X suffer because others want gameplay mechanic Y to be reduced/removed to allow for more work on gameplay mechanic X? Or to make it even more obvious: Just because Mitez doesn't like criticals, why should they be reduced to allow for different content that other players may not want/couldn't care about, to be pushed out faster? It's not as if the whole game is based on a continuing story... Oh... wait...
Why should they be reduced?
For balance thats why, you know we have live events cinematics and critcals happen every month, and for the PvPers of the game we have maybe one content upgrade per year, that there is *CENSORED* pathetic. Some of the best PvPers in the game have quit because there was no improvement to it.
I honestly do think that the combat in the game is fantastic compared to other MMOs, its what stands out compared to the rest, but now i think what was the point because the devs dont untilise it to its massive potential.
Also one more thing to remember, content doesnt always just add to combat, what about quests, i bet if Rarebit had more time he would have pushed a few of these out by now. I may not absolutly love quests but its a change instead of the normal boring update of new crit, new cinematic and some bug fixes.
Its what the game has which keeps me here, not what the games getting.
A lot like the matrix things must balance for every negative there is a postitive, now i stated the negative of the crits being reduced but the positive is that the luggable will be pushed out faster. And I couldn't give a digitized monkey excrement about luggables. I don't PVP, never will, so PVP based content is a waste of time as far as I'm concerned.
But without players W Y and Z this game is nothing.
Very interesting theories Zero, lets hope the devs get those thinking hats on when it comes to luggables