Alright, I gotta say this cause for one, I own the machine White hallways Key on Recursion, I haven't used this key in about 4 or 5 months due to the fact that it's old content, however, I love the pills that the Combat Sim drops in there.
However, I'm faced with a small problem, 1 the sim is lvl 70 and 2 it's hard to get a team together to help you farm the ability pills.
First off I like the white hallways areas though they aren't very fun to go to, so I purpose changing the Level of the Combat Sims in the Org areas to 55 or 58, this is due to the fact that personally I believe only those that actually spend the 100 million info should have access to these org pills, also this would enable people to farm more of them and sell stacks of them on the market for other orgs to buy.
Also, if at all possible, Create 3 new Keys that mask org reputation 500 million to be able to go to any of the org areas with no rep requirement so you can get other org pills and not just your own.
If anyone Agrees or Disagrees, pls say so, and I know this has been said in the past but it needs to be looked at because this content is so under used it's almost sad that hardly anyone uses these areas anymore.
Ty for your time reading yet another Skull post kthxbai.
Definetly should not be soloable. Maybe dropped down to a lvl 60 sim but the way it is right now, 3 people can do it fairly easily (1 il, 1 buff/heals, 1 stater.) I'v yet to actually use a melee pill since it got upgraded to 40 dps
One thing i would like to get changed about it, is to make it you can activate the dam computer more than once.
Once people have settled down with the new gear i think i'm gonna need to get start farmin these again. Always funny when slicing someones throat and all you read is 'W*F!!!' lol
The team way is fine as it is. Get 1 person on the team to have recall, after recall, leave team. Sometimes you have to do this on vector to get rid of sneaky mkts etc. But only relised it can get a bit buggy doing this. DO NOT WALK INTO THE BRICK WALL!!! lol
Still want soloable and reusable computer
I very much so like the idea of different lvls, perhaps Rarebit could change the computer to do like the ninja box does or something, only just go from 54-60 each Training sim drops one so if you have a full team farming them everyone on the team will get at least one.
I really really think that what they have been doing lately with the items npcs drop, they are consumables so you can use them but at the same time you can trade them in if you get enough of them. I really think that the org collectors can be updated to trade 100 of your org pills for something nice, something that is org only and would really make people want to farm the items. I know FM-1500s are out of the question so, for machines, how about a gun that is simular, like Machine FM 1400, and make it a all shiney silver color. Zion could get a nice all black shot gun and mervs could get a golden or red color smg, all with the same damage and a accuracy boost on all of them.
Or instead of that, why not just make a perma pill, someone that farms 100 or so of their own pills could get a perma one that never runs out and has a reuse timer on it about the same as Mobius.
This I really think would add more life back into the hallways and org areas, it would also keep people busy so they aren't just standing around... lol, idk what do you all think?