I'm posting a lot and some of these are big but it's the end of the world anyway so I don't care.
My first screenshot evar!!z From the old Proxy server
Back when you could get in, I used to hang out at Club Hel a lot, despite my low level
The second faction I joined
Gosh this feels so old now
Ahh, where IS this?? I totally forget this hardline but I used to hang out there
I always thought this broken road was cool.
I think I blame MxO for making want to relocate to a big city. (Which I now have.)
I will miss this gorgeous shiny city.
I found the urban details of this game amazing.
MORRELL! I like, lived in Morrell.
The world was so gritty and beautiful in red.
Good RP times in Club Sphinx. Gami, Pyraci, and Zampano here.
I even got Staticzero to take a break from his busy PVP life and roleplay with me
Dibol made for a pretty good bodyguard. I remember Stack describing him as 'trigger-happy,' I'd say that's about right. :P
Speaking of.. here I am having a secret Lesig meeting with Stack in game. SECRET SECRET SECRET.
My Lesig scout character on Syntax, used to scout out possible event locations and see who was around. Here she's being questioned by the suspicious Dephect.
I used to enjoy making my screenshots artsy.
This is a good one for the state of things now!
With former crewmate, Deathkladius
Factionmate Rikhu
And finally I'll end with some funny ones
My cat would occasionally come and ruin my rp by invoking macros/moods/erratic movement/hyperjumping/messing with the camera/contributing to my factionchat
This, I don't know what this is... I found this in my uploads. I must have taken some dumb email I got and made it look like it was from Pyraci just for lulz.