Current forum setup=EPIC FAIL.
I don't even need to post the Smiley of Doom anymore. I just tap the Enter key TWICE.
*Edit: A little bit like that.
*Edit2: Whoa, editing made all the paragraph lines spread apart even more O_o
Edit3: ROFL, did it again.
Yeah, they've added padding to the paragraphs in addition to the margins they had before. It's showing in the editor and the post, so everything's really spaced out.
Awesome. They don't even know how to use CSS properly.
I swear to Foamy, how hard is it to copy code from a SUCCESSFUL website, paste it here, and claim you did the work yourself? It's not like anyone's gonna call you on it.
Yeah... every time you edit the post it repads and spreads things out even more... :S
Oh... so when I try to test it, it doesn't do what it was doing when I edited my post 5 minutes ago...
Aha! Now it's doing it!
These are all one carriage return apart.
Four edits later, they look like this.
This is just sad, They just need to get a test webserver for this stuff before they just apply it to the forums.
True, but if they were halfway decent programmers they wouldn't have introduced such bugs in the first place.
10011 wrote:
TestNewline#1 Newline#2These are all one carriage return apart.Four edits later, they look like this.
I've passed this along (after my aneurism healed)Also, as a work around, if you shift+enter it won't double space.
Virrago, just to let you know, I'm also seeing the mod's trash threads a lot lately too. Not the contents but links to them on the main list etc...
And after entering the post screen, the back button doesn't work (in Opera at least). I need to select a page at least two steps back before it'll work. This wasn't the case before.
Okay.... knuckled down and installed Mozilla Firefox specifically to use these forums, so now the WYSIWYG box is finally working. Whew....
So then, forum maintenance until a few moments ago. I can't wait to uncover what hideous failures they've released upon us this time! I positively quiver in anticipation.
Well, the last post button still doesn't work properly. I'll wait until I get home to see if the link box works with FireFox now.
I dont see any signatures in any posts at all.
One thing that has been sorted/removed is the box which pops up if you want to Ctrl+V any words into the message body.