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Update 37 (Pre-update) Discussion
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Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 82
Location: Philadelphia, PA, USA

Since I can't sign into the game yet, a rare non-story post from Yr most Hmbl & Ob'dt Srvnt.

* The Precise Blow job and Hyperspeed animation: Eh. I was always neutral on that, though I kinda liked the effects. Frankly I'd suggest something innovative-- yes, I know this is now a Sony product, but bear with me-- a regular in-game vote as to such effects. I mean, they've been tweaked about three times already. Go into a polling place, cast your vote for which animations you want for the next season, and if you feel strongly about one or the other, campaign for it.


* I too will miss George, having remembered the story (Poul Anderson?) The Dragon And The George. On the other hand I suspect the Some Person gang will continue to infiltrate others willy-nilly.


* The Archaeologist does make more sense in a Downtown district, as his quests require higher levels than you'd get in Mara C. So goody goody gumdrops, Clarisse.


* The biggest fix I've been looking forward to is the Consumable Tool value fix. I noticed early on that we weren't getting any money from these things, and dutifully reported it in a CCR; while I'm certain that that was just put into the bit-bucket as per SOE policy, I'm glad that an admin noticed it was wrong.


Now for the bQitchfest.


* Oh goody. Permenant darkness. All that could be done to improve it is for this to become another Black Helicopter: something that sticks around forever since whoever implemented it forgot to take it out. Sigh. At least we're only missing those four hours of daylight per day that we used to get! I do wish someone had sat the devs down with one of those "learn to tell time" kits. Or that some clever soul comes up with light amplification glasses. I've always wondered why, since it's dark 83.3% of the time, everyone wears sunglasses.

He gave a courtly bow toward The Architect. "For some time I 'ave want to talk with you about these lighting in le Matrix. The torchiere lamp, it does not do so well the job; rooms are tres dark, and--"

"Try taking off your sunglasses."

lePetomaine did. "Sacre bleu!" he exclaimed.

The whole Halloween costume thing smacks of EverQuest and I can't believe people are getting excited over it! It's just a matter of time until we have Elves in the game, you mark my words.


* Someday our browsers will be able to log us into this site automatically. The "Remember my password" checkbox will someday work. Nothing new here, as this has been dysfunctional since my EQOA days, but it'd still be nice. Yes, it's off topic, but it's one of the biggest pains in the neck for those of us whose main activity is posting in Next Renaissance.

Message Edited by ClemSnide on 10-28-2005 08:40 AM
Message edited by ClemSnide on 10/28/2005 03:40:03.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 197

Walrus, any chance of permanent thunderstorms and rain over the weekend?


Perceptive Mind

Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Messages: 537
Location: Recursion (formally Method) - ITR Washington, DC

Miggesch wrote - -
We never talked about Punishing Blows. We always talked about Precise Blow and Energized Attacks. And if yoiu read my last post - in there I am saying that I am 100% sure that Cakm Mind/Calm Body is NOT bugged

If you noticed what I wrote I was just telling you that you can still use Punishing Blows which

is the higher version of Percise Blows and still get the special states.  I said that because

many people assume that if Percise Blows won't work then Punishing won't work.  As to the

Calm Mind, I was answering a bunch of questions in that one place and it got combined.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4016
Location: Texas

So far a great patch!  New Sentinel, hyper speed is sweet, and the
JoL's are fun.  I was kinda hoping the clubs would be a little
more decorated, but i cant complain.

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 315

We now need a post update discussion. :smileywink:

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4278

The new hyper speed would be far better if they dropped the yellow code and if it didn't just stop the animation after 9 seconds or so (but that seems to be a client side problem). The new fists are okay but not that impressive. But at least we now get the info for undead weapons - I forget how many months ago I /ccr'd that before it was patched to the live game.

Joined: Sep 1, 2005
Messages: 16

So, yeah. For this we waited a month.

The new hyperspeed animation causes more lag, and it screws up the textures on characters. Pointless, unecessary change.

The permadark is ridiculously dark and isn't working all the time. I
have several nice shots of me in my Gargoyle suit, with the sun

Oh, and the costumes. While neat, they decactivate Tuesday. Hours of
farming to get an item that deactivates in a few days is sick and

Typical SOE garbage. Next time put it clearly in the patch notes that I
can get a special halloween mask, that will die right after, so I don't
waste my time.

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 315

My biggest gripe is that after going to 6 different locations and
farming pumpkins for hours, I've still yet to get a gargoyle mask.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 920
Location: Stuttgart, Germany

Max%2BOverload wrote:
So, yeah. For this we waited a month.

The new hyperspeed animation causes more lag, and it screws up the textures on characters. Pointless, unecessary change.

The permadark is ridiculously dark and isn't working all the time. I have several nice shots of me in my Gargoyle suit, with the sun overhead.

Oh, and the costumes. While neat, they decactivate Tuesday. Hours of farming to get an item that deactivates in a few days is sick and wrong.

Typical SOE garbage. Next time put it clearly in the patch notes that I can get a special halloween mask, that will die right after, so I don't waste my time.

Wow - I guess some people are just never happy

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 127
Location: Recursion (HvCft Juliet)

One thing that leads to another:

The new Hyperspeed animation is awful folks. You need to get rid of
that in the next patch. I'm sorry but it's just no good. And I DO have
a valid reason (other than the obvious lag issues) for it:

I'm a Hacker... (let the flames begin. LOL) and even I have to say that
I am just very disappointed with the animations in this Matrix. Truth
is, the colors yellow and red and blue were NEVER (let me repeat that)
NEVER found in ANY of the films guys. Well, not never... there was once
instance when the truce was lifted... everything seemed more
colorful... but in every other film... all green, all the time.

In fact, the brothers specifically used a green tinted film to shoot
on. What's with all the wacky colors, Devs?? The idea was to create a
"coded" environment similar to the old monochrome screens of yore.

Bring back the green. And you can't fool me guys, I'm a dev as well in
other areas. Changing colors is a simple two step process (if you're
using a class based authoring tool that is) - You just change the hex
values for the colors to green shades.

You guys do a wonderful job in most areas, so I'm really not
complaining. But I would love to see more of the film style design in
this game. That is something that needs to be addressed.

Otherwise, I love the Halloween event. Very fun to integrate the real calendar... good call.

Joined: Oct 5, 2005
Messages: 112

Miggesch wrote:

Wow - I guess some people are just never happy

Look around Broadcast Depth - the guy has an obvious agenda.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 920
Location: Stuttgart, Germany

IdesofMarch(S) wrote:

Miggesch wrote:

Wow - I guess some people are just never happy

Look around Broadcast Depth - the guy has an obvious agenda.

Well personally I like the animation - and every1 I know in the game does too. And it doesn't cause any lag for me whatsoever


Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4278

I like the movement of the speed animation, but the yellow code is tacky and as far as I am concerned actually detracts from the whole effect rather than adding to it. The lag is most likely to everyone jacking in during this "event" when it finishes, the player base will go dormant again and the lag will go.

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 3027

Hyperspeed is pretty cool, but I think it's a novelty that will wear
off. IMHO Hyperspeed should just make me run faster and that's it. If I
want to see whether its running or not there's a handy little icon
under the hotbar that tells you.

Sometimes my game glitches the animation off but not the ability. I like it a lot more that way.

Flaming Fists of Fury have been removed, but replaced with Laser Fists of Fury.

The whole problem - in my view - with the FFoF was that when you
fought, you ended up with bright red (or blue) trails everywhere.

We still have them, and they need to go. Having little red or blue
circles around your limbs is fine, just PLEASE get rid of the trails.

The pumpkins were GREAT fun. I got all the masks (got Gargoyle last
night, I was stoked SMILEY) and along with the critical missions made about
10.5 million $info. I've been the perennial pauper for as long as I can
remember, now I actually have some cash SMILEY

I also got loads of stuff to decompile for bits and also a lot of handy code frags.

I think that you guys need to look at developing this sort of thing on
a more permenant scale. Currently it is a massive, massive bore to
obtain ... anything. Info, code bits, items, frags, it's very boring
because mobs drop hardly anything, and so you have to spend a LONG time
doing the same thing.

Killing lupines is the same thing, and without the masks it would get
boring, but they dropped more stuff, meaning you have to do it for
shorter stretches of time.

The sky - touch of genius.

I got used to the visibility very quickly and it made running around
the Matrix *feel* like I was running around the Matrix (although I was
a succubus for a lot of the time SMILEY)

PvPing in that dark was very cool too.

I would definately suggest implementing the night in this way on a longterm basis, with a few changes.

- smaller moon (duh)

- more ambient light from streetlamps, cars, building lights, etc. This
would make it more normal, but would still allow for pockets of
darkness in less populated areas.

Critical missions were, as always, great. I can't wait to see where the
next live event goes, though I hope it focuses on the Effectuator
himself and not running around killing more **bleep** Dire Lupines.


Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 5444
Location: In Exilium

Actually, I feel just the opposite way about the "laser fists of fury".
I like the trails, but I don't like the constant-encircling effects.
If the trails would hit and fade smoothly, without those circles around your hands and feet, I think it would look pretty cool.
That said, I still don't think they need an animation at all, but I never really use them much anyway because they're still bugged so as to not cause combat states.

- Void

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