Example: You click Dual Pistol Execution in interlock in a pvp moment. Zionist A is shooting at you from outside, and hits you twice before the round ends. The next round starts, and the ability flashes but doesn't fail or succeed, and takes IS. From speculation: It's either server lag not recognizing you pressed the ability, or it's the damage turning it off.
Roukan wrote:Example: You click Dual Pistol Execution in interlock in a pvp moment. Zionist A is shooting at you from outside, and hits you twice before the round ends. The next round starts, and the ability flashes but doesn't fail or succeed, and takes IS. From speculation: It's either server lag not recognizing you pressed the ability, or it's the damage turning it off. if you mean where you hit an ability it shows that it's gonna take up IS in the IS bar, but doesn't attack so you have this little orange bit in yer IS bar then I wouldn't have thought it's due to damage interuption. I don't think it affects abilities that you have lined up so I would think it's either server lag or a bug with the UI
I had the same problem with Tomo Nage. The special went all green, I did the animation, but no damage was done and that round of interlock didn't even show up in the system window. I tried to get it to happen again, but couldn't reproduce the problem.