Personally, since its in the area of scaling resistances, and bazillion times harder to get than any of its brethern, shouldn't it too have no decay?
Is there ANY cloth with no decay?
Caini wrote:
it's for looks like most gear in mxo..if you want gear that makes sense come to WOW please..
Agreed, The insane amount of farming should warrant it to be a non-decaying item, After all it doesnt offer any major boost in pvp its just a all type resistance item like the holiday wear!
from me!
The fact that it is insanely hard to get, one could argue, is the reason that it should not be a non-decaying item. That way, the need to farm it may come back when a few people's break. If they never break, most of the people who already have one would not be inclined to do it again.
Better for business if they break... >_>
LtCmdr_Tsusai wrote:
I'm all down with helping others I like get it, like during Farm-inian events, but since its level scaling, and all other level scaling are non decay, this should be too.
Yes but none of them are quite this hard to get. I think we can add some nuance.
I gotta say no, and my reason is because you can always go to farm for one, unlike Security or A Piece of Blue Sky gear.
Personally a Pink Gi doesn't interest me, however on the topic of it non-decaying I'm on the fence. On one side you have it only having scalable resistances like the anniversary and some winter items which don't decay, are far easier to get and are generally used a lot more day to day than the Gi.
On the other hand you 'can' get a Pink Gi anytime, all year round unlike the anniversary and winter items, plus the resistances don't lend it to being used in PvP or PvE except for those who do it for a bit of a laugh but even then not all the time. So unless someone is planning a Pink Gi MA tournament, even though it can decay, in most cases it's not likely to. If it does though it means that Sati's PG and the box get the replayability factor, if you really honestly want to go through all that again.
So in essence I can agree that it could be brought in line with other scalable resistance clothing but is it really necessary?