Combat StuffI happen to prefer tweaking little combat things here and there. Here's a few examples (I'm working on memory, the two may be flip flopped):ShowAllHealthInCombat = 1 # This will show both your and your opponent's health bar in interlock combat (floating above your names). Useful so you don't forget how much health you have, and don't have to glance at the top right of the screen.AlwaysShowHealth = 1 # This will show everybody's health bars above their heads without having to mouse over them. Useful for 6v6 tourneys and teamwork in general, or just picking targets. Ctrl + T will turn off both of these options.I've come to terms with that I'm probably going to never have the time or the drive to make a movie or graphic novel. Thus, any little effects I was playing with exclusively... well it doesn't make any sense to hide them anymore, does it? I don't think I'll see this in every screen shot from now on like ScreenFilter stuff, but hey, whatever floats your boat " width="15" height="15" />
Bayamos - Your the brilliant man of tweekage. Can you maybe help with this little problem that is really debilitating. NOT the lag thing ... the blinding clothing bug. Blank-out screen blocks thing. I'm ignorant to such mechanics ... BUT I think that it has something to do with texture reflections being all futz-puckered ... it has been like this since SOMEONE made everything super reflective and shiney.
Is there some options I can put in my useropts.cfg that I can turn off the extra clothing texture reflections? Highlights, crap like that? It is also a theory that I have about where some of the futz puckery might be coming from.
See my video to see just how bad it really is - I am blind on mission teams when ppl have certain coats or dresses on. It blows and I can't do anything.
Oh, and did you mean something like this?
I should point out though that your AntiAlias_Level = 1 cancels out the FS AA = 16 ones. If you want high quality you need to either comment out, i.e. # AAL = 1, or set AAL = 8.