From PS10N's Brethren training manual: -------------------------------- Macros with lowercase names can be called with a slash command, but if there is even one upper case letter in the macro name, the slash command won't start it. It can still be called by clicking, pressing the right hotbutton key or with the /use command. (If the macro is on button 5, hotbar 16, then "/use 5 16" )
Example: /macro hi /talkexcited; /say Hello there, %T!; /wave
Can be used by typing any of the following slash commands: /hi /HI /Hi /hI
/macro Hi /talkexcited; /say Hello there, %T!; /wave
Can not be called with a slash command, even by typing /Hi -------------------------------- To stop a looping macro, type /cancel -------------------------------- All variable names start with % and must be in capital letters. %NH is valid but %nh is not. -------------------------------- Here's a handy macro to waypoint all team members and your Target but not yourself:
/macro tag /addwaypoint %T; /addwaypoint %G1; /addwaypoint %G2; /addwaypoint %G3; /addwaypoint %G4; /addwaypoint %G5; /addwaypoint %G6; /removewaypoint %H -------------------------------- The magic for targeting yourself is the %H variable, standing for Handle. Put the following in a self-heal macro before invoking the heal ability or consumable.
/target %H -------------------------------- To save spaces in very long macros (255 maximum characters in any MxO chat entry) leave out the spaces after the semicolons. They are not needed but make it easier to read the macro. -------------------------------- Loadout/self-buff macro example:
Explained: /macro doc The macro is to load out and self-buff as Physician, so it's called "doc"
/loadlo 0; Loads an empty memory loadout. This is needed to keep the macro from turning off toggled abilities instead of turning them on as intended. Before running the macro for the first time, you must once empty out all Abilities and while near a hardline type /savelo 0
/pause 10; Pauses long enough for the /loadlo to complete. If there is bad lag, the /loadlo may fail and the macro will not execute properly. Increase the /pause value to troubleshoot.
/loadlo Doc; Loads the Physician loadout previously saved with /savelo Doc
/use 2 7; Activates Zion Hardware Requisition, located on button 2 of bar 7
/use 2 1; Changes to Power Tactic (heals are more effective on Power,) located on button 2 of bar 1
/target %H; Target Self
/use 1 8; Activates Efficiency, located on button 1 of bar 8
/pause 20; Pauses 2 seconds for Efficiency to finish
/use 6 1; Activates Evade Combat, located on button 6 of bar 1
/pause 20; Pauses 2 seconds for Evade Combat to finish
/use 7 1; Activates Gaussian Blur, located on button 7 of bar 1
/pause 20; Pauses 2 seconds for Gaussian Blur to finish
/use 10 8; Activates Determination, located on button 10 of bar 8
/pause 20; Pauses 2 seconds for Determination to finish
/use 4 8; Activates Hyperdodge, located on button 4 of bar 8
/use 9 1; Activates Hyperspeed, located on button 9 of bar 1
/use 1 20; Activates Doctor Upgrade, located on button 1 of bar 20
/use 6 3; Activates Combat Enhancement 1.0, located on button 6 of bar 3
/pause 20; Pauses 2 seconds for Combat Enhancement 1.0 to finish
/use 8 3; Activates Fast Healing 2.0, located on button 8 of bar 3
/pause 20; Pauses 2 seconds for Fast Healing 2.0 to finish
/use 10 3; Activates Bolster Health 3.0, located on button 10 of bar 3
/fc Help is on the way. A text message to faction chat so others will know what's happening. -------------------------------- Of course, any of the Abilities can be called with /invoke, as an example, "/invoke EvadeCombat" instead of "/use 6 1" but I recommend using the /invoke command for Abilities which you don't have on any hotbar, because using it too liberally will soon have you running in to the 255 character limit. -------------------------------- The Brethren hope that this helps and if anyone has any questions or comments, please post them. There's always more macro magic just a little farther down the Rabbit Hole.
Joined: Feb 15, 2009
Messages: 11
Location: Syntax
ok i have a good question -- i think...
is there any way to change the image displayed for the macro in the hotbar? for example, i set up a macro to /invoke CheapShot then have it do some other stuff. the macro on the hotbar is just a box with the macro name but i want it to have the cheap shot image -- and do the thing where it turns grey/color and counts down to the next time it can be used.
am i asking too much? there's not a lot of room in the hotbars, so having my macro and cheap shot takes up two slots when it could just be one. (edit) let me be clear -- there's not a lot of room in the VISIBLE hotbars. i do not like switching between hotbars. there isn't a way to have more than two visible at a time afaik.
There isn't any way to change the macro icon that we know of. Remember to use all lower case letters in a macro name and it's better to keep them short so they are readable on the hotbar and quick to execute with a slash. Example: "/isr" for a macro to change to all your IS Regen Rate Bonus Apparel.
If you don't like switching away from visible hotbars, you can use the /use command (not as part of a macro) to activate any hotbutton from chat. Example: the Efficiency Ability is on button 1 of hotbar 15. Type "/use 1 15" in chat and Efficiency executes, without having to see bar 15 on the screen.
Remember that Shift-1 thru Shift-0 changes the first visible hotbar to bars 1 thru 10, and Ctrl-Shift-0 thru Ctrl-Shift-0 changes the second visible hotbar to bars 1 thru 10.
Joined: Feb 15, 2009
Messages: 11
Location: Syntax
i didn't think it was possible -- guess i'm just a bit spoiled from the robust nature of wow. thanks for the info. oh and i don't use caps for anything unless i have to -- if you couldn't tell.
(too bad you can't add the polish of wow with the badass-ness of mxo)