[My original post was formatted in justified variable width text, which makes it appear that there are extra spaces in the yellow /macro code. To correct this, I've reposted the original message in unjustified, fixed width,sized text.]
Macros are an incredible way to put an edge on both your combat and role-playing. There are several more advanced macro techniques which haven’t been posted about yet. Some of them can be inferred by studying the following examples, others will have to wait until PS10N is ready to give up his secrets. Here are some example macros:
Apparel Changing Macros:
(Obviously the apparel for each load-out would be stored on the hotbar buttons called in each macro, Doc clothing on hotbar 15, MA clothing on hotbar 16, etc. Weapons can also be auto-selected by the macro invoking the hotbutton where the weapon is positioned.)
(Note: you can omit the comma between hotbutton and hotbar numbers in the /use command. “/use 4 15” is the same as “/use 4, 15” and saves characters for very long macros to meet the 255 character limit.)
/macro A-Uni /use 4 14; /use 5 14; /use 6 14; /use 7 14; /use 8 14; /use 9 14; /use 10 14; They'll never know what hit them...

/macro A-Doc /use 4 15; /use 5 15; /use 6 15; /use 7 15; /use 8 15; /use 9 15; /use 10 15; Help is on the way...

/macro A-MA /use 4 16; /use 5 16; /use 6 16; /use 7 16; /use 8 16; /use 9 16; /use 10 16; Time for the rough stuff...

/macro A-Gun /use 4 17; /use 5 17; /use 6 17; /use 7 17; /use 8 17; /use 9 17; /use 10 17; Say hello to my little friend...

/macro A-Code /use 4 18; /use 5 18; /use 6 18; /use 7 18; /use 8 18; /use 9 18; /use 10 18; Time to take a byte out of my bits...
Auto loadout, upgrade, style and tactic macros:
(In these cases, the “Class Upgrade” is stored in button 1, the Tactic is stored in button 2 and the Style in button 3. See the above hotbar graphics. Invoking the macro changes your loadout, upgrade, style and tactic in one click. You must have previously saved the named loadout with /savelo and be close to a hardline to change the loadout, but you can run off before the macro finishes and the Upgrades, etc. will still load. You can experiment with shorter /pause times to cut down on the wait, but if you use too small a pause, the ability may not load.)
/macro L-Doc /loadlo Doc; /pause 120; /use 1 15; /pause 80; /use 2 15; /pause 30; /use 3 15; Yes, there is a Doctor in the house...
/macro L-MA /loadlo MA; /pause 130; /use 1 16; /pause 80; /use 2 16; /pause 40; /use 3 16; I know Kung Fu...
/macro L-Gun /loadlo Gun; /pause 120; /use 1 17; /pause 80; /use 3 14; /use 2 17; /pause 30; /use 3 17; Guns, lots of guns...
Combining all the Loadout and Apparel macros on two hotbars means you’re always ready to change your attributes at any moment:

Macros for fun and ASCI art:
(Using colors and ASCII art, little cartoons can be sent via chat. The spacing will have to be edited until you get it right – use a fixed-width font like Courier New when typing them up in Notepad. Note: to preserve the line-breaks, you MUST type or copy these into Notepad or another basic text editor, highlight the entire macro, press Ctrl-C or click Edit, Copy. Then return to MXO, click in the chat input box, press Ctrl-Insert to paste the macro in. You can’t type line-breaks in chat in MxO.)
/macro WR1 {c:FFFFFF}Follow the White Rabbit.
/\ /|
\ V/
| "")
/ |
/ \\
/macro WR2 {c:FFFFFF}Follow the Other White Rabbit.
/\ /\
( V |
\ | /
(r r)
( " )
/ \
(_m m_)
/ \
__\ _ /__

A timed macro to start a race or tournament fight:
(This macro counts down from 5 to 1 to Go! With a one second delay between each.)
/macro GO 5; /pause 10; 4; /pause 10; 3; /pause 10; 2; /pause 10; 1; /pause 10; GO!
Eat Peanuts!
(This macro was developed right after the new emotes came out and uses the /takepill, /examine and /pickup commands to act out a comical scene.)
/macro Peanuts /takepill; /pause 40; /takepill; mmm peanuts; /pause 40; /takepill; /pause 40; /takepill; oops dropped one; /examine; where did it go?; /pause 38; there it is!; /pickup; /pause 18; /takepill; 5 second rule; /pause 40; /takepill
Martial Arts Pose macro:
(Using the various Martial Arts Pose emotes and the proper timing with /pause, a “kata” can be invoked with one click.)
/macro Ace /bow; /pause 30; /cool; /pause 35; /powerpose; /pause 25; /kungfuspeed3; /pause 35; /bow
(This macro has your RSI perform the first half of a back-flop then come up flipping the bird.)
/macro RudeFlop /backflop2; /pause 10; /rude
Colors have been well documented elsewhere. They can be used in gradients to change the color every few letters. This example sends a message in multiple colors after invoking the Restore RSI Ability stored on another hotbutton. (4,2)
/macro Rise! /use 4 2; T{c:8AFB17}he P{/c}{c:8AFB17}ower of N{/c}{c:8AFB17}eo C{/c}{c:8AFB17}ompels Y{/c}{c:8AFB17}ou! R{/c}{c:8AFB17}ise F{/c}{c:8AFB17}rom the D{/c}{c:8AFB17}ead!{/c}
Variables are an amazing feature which allow you to report information which can change at any time. Whenever a macro or normal chat includes a variable name (always the % symbol followed by one or two specific CAPITAL letters) the chat or macro substitutes the value of the variable, displaying the requested information. For example, if I have Niobe targeted and type Hello, %T! It says “Hello, Niobe!” If I switch targets to Ghost and type the exact same thing, it says “Hello, Ghost!” If I am in Mara and type I’m in %NH. it says “I’m in Mara.” but if I head south into that neighborhood, the same text would report “I’m in Moriah.” These are extremely useful for reporting information that can change at any time, especially your Location, Health and Inner Strength to teammates. Variables also work as part of other commands! If a command needs a parameter, like /friend, you can use the variable instead and it will work for whoever you have targeted.
(This macro reports your current status of Health and Inner Strength. You can add a /fc or /tc after the word Status if you want the report to appear in a specific chat instead of the default one.)
/macro Status My health is at %HP% (%HC/%HT) and my Inner Strength is at %IP% (%IC/%IT)
(This macro sends a simple greeting in the current chat to your target.)
/macro Greet Greetz to my friend %T!
(This macro adds your target to your Buddy List. Very handy for people with Handles with zeros or ones, the lowercase letters I L, etc. If you can’t figure out how they spelled their Handle, Target them and use the macro and they will be added to your list.)
/macro Add /friend %T
(Note how the next macro sends a private tell to the person you added, using the %T variable! Any time you have someone targeted, you can type /tell %T “message”. And not have to worry about typing their name or doing any clicking to initiate the /tell)
/macro Friend /friend %T; /tell %T I added you to my friends’ list, %T.
(This macro gives a greeting to another RSI, using their Handle, your Names, Handle, Level, Loadout and Location)
/macro Intro Hello %T, my name is %F %N, but call me %H. I’m level %L and loaded out as %D right now. We are in the %NH neighborhood right now.
(This macro privately reports the Handle, Level, Loadout and Faction of a target to Faction Chat. Hitting G and this macro repeatedly will report to your faction all the RSIs near you.)
/macro PriScan /fc Scanning %T, the level %TL %TD of %TF.
(This macro is an amazing way to tell others what Mission you are doing at the time.)
/macro Mish Hello, %T. We are on the %MO mission “%MN,” working for %MS. The team is: %G1, %G2, %G3, %G4, %G5, %G6, %G7, %G8.
Combining colors, variables and linebreaks:
(This macro scans a target and reports their Handle, Level, Loadout and Faction, in a gradient color scheme. Note that it has linebreaks, so copy it into MxO from Notepad or your browser. I didn't try to include the actual colors in the post.)
/macro Scan {c:347335}Scan initiated.{/c}
{c:437E17}Scanning %T{/c}
{c:6CC617}the level %TL{/c} {c:7FE817}%TD{/c}
{c:8AFB17}of %TF.{/c}
{c:5EFB6E}Neural Activity:{/c} {c:00FF00}Elevated.{/c}
{c:5EFF6E}Scan terminated.{/c}
See the next message for the full list of Macro Variables.
If you have any questions, additions, corrections or new ideas for macros, please post! I have not been in game lately, so contact me privately at [email protected]