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[8.3.4] It's a dark day for you, dearies - Recursion - 10/30/07
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Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 3113
Location: The Saltpillar

Procurator wrote:
Pyraci wrote:
...I see no reason to respect theirs.
It's that same train of thought that got so many senior Zionite operatives killed this past week. You might consider respecting the threat, even if you won't back away from it.

That would never stop anything. They declared us to have broken the Truce - they destroyed Zion, and now they're doing all they can to kill as many of our operatives as possible. You really think staying out of the Matrix would solve this problem? Maybe it'll help our vets stay alive until they get their jacks reconfigured, but other than that, I fail to see any sign of the Machines halting attacks of any sort simply because Zion has withdrawn from the Matrix.

They started a war which they intend to end in only one way - the eradication of Zion.

In the mean time, I'll not stand by and let them keep the truth from being told, freedom granted to those who seek it. In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., "An unjust law is no law at all," and I've no problem with defying laws determined to perpetuate the injustice done to the human power plant, denying them their birthright to life, liberty, and the pursuit of true happiness.

We'll keep the vets out for now. Not because we're respecting the law of the Machine. *CENSORED* the Machine. But because we're doing what we've always set out to do - save lives. And I can guarantee you that those vets'll be back out there as soon as they can to continue that job, to satisfy not only their duty as a soldier of Zion, but their duty as a human being.

In the mean time, it seems as though I might as well start giving the Machinists a taste of the Cypherite routine, too. Maybe it's not too late for them to realize what they're becoming if we jump far ahead enough that they'll snap back.


Joined: Jan 30, 2007
Messages: 1457

Croesus wrote:
...even with the knowledge that it was against the truce.

And your argument dies, right there.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4217
Location: HvCFT Aggregator, The Glitch Society, Syntax

Cykosis wrote:

So far, Zion has acted weak, and pacifistic compared to the ways that it really could.  I say we unleash the dogs of war and teach you the horrors that are really possible.  Make no mistake, we can stress your precious system and burn it down around you.  An example may have to be made so that the Machines are forced to come back to true negotiations to realize that you need us to play nice.

You'll excuse me if I laugh quietly to myself for a few minutes.

Cykosis wrote:

I want peace.  I hate war and truly wish that Machines and Humans can put aside their differences to start tackling the truly important problems we face.  I want to be able to see the real Sun sometime throughout my life.  Unfortunately, with attitudes such as yours, that may never happen.

You obviously haven't been paying much attention to Machinist history. We've been striving for peace from Day 1, supporting the Truce. Some of us still believe that New Zion wasn't sufficient to break the Truce. However, the Truce was built on terms, not vague notions; so if the Machines say you broke it, you broke it.

So some of us have given Zion up as a lost cause. But there's still hope! We shut you lot up, and then take your place. And we know how to co-exist with the Machines, so peace will reign.

Neoteny wrote:

their duty as a human being.

Would you care to define this, please?

Neoteny wrote:

In the mean time, it seems as though I might as well start giving the Machinists a taste of the Cypherite routine, too. Maybe it's not too late for them to realize what they're becoming if we jump far ahead enough that they'll snap back.

You're still comparing us to Cypherites, eh? Painting us with one brush doesn't do either of us any justice. I'm not twisted, and I'm sure the Cypherites don't want their achievements - if they can be called that - diminished by equating them to us.


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4565
Location: The Real

And so the wheel continues to turn powered by presumptions, distrust and paranoia.  This isn't getting us anywhere.

Keep in mind that the lives you attempt to save are already safe.  It is because you enter and try to remove them that their lives become endangered.  It is unnecessary to risk yours and theirs.  They will not come to harm.  Let them be while things are as chaotic as they are.  Once peace, or some form of it, returns then you can retrieve them.

There is nothing more permanent than death.  There is no truth or liberty that can bring you back to us. 

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
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Location: In a San Diego (german translation)

(( I like how the first and the final screenshot are almost the exact same, thats cool SMILEY . RP post to come later  :p fun event! ))


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4565
Location: The Real

Ebola wrote:
((...RP post to come later ...))
((Oh noes!  Everyone run for your lives!!!>>

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

Merrit wrote:
Croesus wrote:
...even with the knowledge that it was against the truce.

And your argument dies, right there.

My argument doesn't die there at all. The truce was agreed to by both parties. We as operatives may not have knowledge of the exact details of the truce, but our leaderships knew. If the building of New Zion was due to 'population growth' only, As I had pointed out already, tensions were quite high throughout so why did Zion not approach the Machines and at the very least let them know what their intentions were?

It was built in secret, the only reason for this is because it was being built with specific intentions which contravened the conditions of the truce and there were some in the council or military who knew it, if not, all of the leaders did. Or are you trying to say that no one knew what the truce entailed?

So don't give me a short answer with no explanation to back it up, you are supposed to be a liaison yet some of your own operatives field more convincing arguments.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
Messages: 3613

Garu wrote:

And so the wheel continues to turn powered by presumptions, distrust and paranoia.  This isn't getting us anywhere.

Keep in mind that the lives you attempt to save are already safe.  It is because you enter and try to remove them that their lives become endangered.  It is unnecessary to risk yours and theirs.  They will not come to harm.  Let them be while things are as chaotic as they are.  Once peace, or some form of it, returns then you can retrieve them.

There is nothing more permanent than death.  There is no truth or liberty that can bring you back to us. 

This is a noble argument, but there is a hole here I'm afraid. For one, there isn't necessarily a time frame for things for there to be some form of peace. It sounds good and logical I agree, though it might take things that may or may not even be possible at this point in time and may never be, unfortunately. Also, there is no promise that the minds that want out will be given the chance to openly be able to get out, even once we have relative peace again. That in itself contributes to the "escalating probability of disaster" like Colonel Sanders said.

It's good that some Machinists think this is possible, but it's up to the Machine, which doesn't necessarily see things this way.

Croesus wrote:

There was never any evidence that the Machines wanted to attack and wipe out Zion whatsoever. The Machines were watching, possibly out of interest in the species, probably to try to make sure that their own interests weren't being threatened.

Speaking of distrust and paranoia, this same argument could be used against the Machine. There is not a shred of evidence that the new city was or is any kind of offensive base to use for attacks against them. Not one shred, only speculations of what might be there that the Machine can't see or control. Assumptions are nothing more or less than that, assumptions. But then again, we already know what happens when a governing body goes to war with a smaller governing body under the justification of fighting terrorism, with assumptions and exaggerated intelligence, don't we?

It might also be feasible to consider the concept that the Machine has reasons for watching and doing things that it might not want it's human helpers knowing. After all, it has happened before. So explanations as to why would be assumptions as well. Again, the logic of a Machinist isn't necessarily the logic of the Machine.

Procurator wrote:
Pyraci wrote:
...I see no reason to respect theirs.
It's that same train of thought that got so many senior Zionite operatives killed this past week. You might consider respecting the threat, even if you won't back away from it.
Then go tell the fed to consider respecting our threat. But it's alright either way. Karma will complete it's cycle as it always does. Those officers didn't die in vain.

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

Cykosis wrote:
Oh yes, the whole lay down our arms and be welcomed in open arms by the Machines' argument.  I've heard it before and I believe not a single word of it.  Let's look at some facts here.  The Machines' have control over most of the planet and are generally the organization with the most power.  The Matrix is their own creation and they are the ones maintaining it, which means they hold most of the power in that respect.  In the Real, it is the swarms of sentinels that our hovercraft must avoid in order to travel.  If the Machines truly wanted peace, they would have to be the ones who extended their arms for it.  I do not call telling your enemy to lay down their weapons and comply, a gesture of peace.  Zion cannot communicate with the "ultimatums" it receives.  There is no verbal exchange in this.  It is either do it this way, or die.

Yes, we are at war.  I have already said this, but I do not know if you truly realize what it means to be in war.  So far, Zion has acted weak, and pacifistic compared to the ways that it really could.  I say we unleash the dogs of war and teach you the horrors that are really possible.  Make no mistake, we can stress your precious system and burn it down around you.  An example may have to be made so that the Machines are forced to come back to true negotiations to realize that you need us to play nice.

I want peace.  I hate war and truly wish that Machines and Humans can put aside their differences to start tackling the truly important problems we face.  I want to be able to see the real Sun sometime throughout my life.  Unfortunately, with attitudes such as yours, that may never happen.

Yes, stress the system, burn it down to the ground, kill all of the bluepills still integrated into it. Your own statement suggests the violent and aggressive attitude that Mankind has always sported and is exactly why the Machines won't welcome you into their arms. As I have said before both side would have to call for peace, the Machines gave you ample possibilities to call for it, yet you didn't.

I have seen my fair share of this war so I have a very good idea about what it means to fight it. Now that you are suffering you point fingers at the Machines yet you are the architects of your own situation. With all the power you mentioned the Machines have, any attempts to disrupt the Simulation will only be met with increased actions against you, how is it that you do not see that? You say you want peace, but your suggestions and actions only cause more violence.

There are always possibilities of verbal exchanges in war, how else could Neo have engineered the truce? You have only to put the effort in, but it seems that Zion has not and will not make this effort. If you did make the effort then perhaps the Machines may look upon Zion under a different light seeing that Humankind aren't always driven by their aggressive tendencies. Many of us Machinists would see it like that and would try to convince the Machines to take up the truce once more.

Message edited by Croesis on 11/01/2007 11:49:26.


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4565
Location: The Real

Pyraci wrote:
Speaking of distrust and paranoia, this same argument could be used against the Machine.
Indeed, Ez.  Both sides exhibit the same tendencies.  Sadly it only takes communication to remedy and yet neither side seems to be interested in it.  This will not go well.


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 3113
Location: The Saltpillar

Procurator wrote:
Neoteny wrote:

their duty as a human being.

Would you care to define this, please?

Neoteny wrote:

In the mean time, it seems as though I might as well start giving the Machinists a taste of the Cypherite routine, too. Maybe it's not too late for them to realize what they're becoming if we jump far ahead enough that they'll snap back.

You're still comparing us to Cypherites, eh? Painting us with one brush doesn't do either of us any justice. I'm not twisted, and I'm sure the Cypherites don't want their achievements - if they can be called that - diminished by equating them to us.

You're killing our operatives, are you not? Spare your justification, which, according to my previous statement is no justification at all, since it bares with it no justice, there is no difference between the two now. You both get the same orders from the same people, you're both soldiers on the same side of the war. Until now, the only thing deliminating the two was that Machinists hesitated to kill Zion operatives, but that seems to have changed all too easily.

You're slipping, and if you haven't noticed that, you've already hit the bottom. The inability to recognize the human duty to protect and care for the rest of the human race in security, liberty, and right is a sign of this as well. That is how they do things. They neglect them their right to make their own choices, and in doing so, deny them their humanity.

I remember the initial confusion among Machinists at the onset of the war. I am disgusted at how many who were concerned with the overbearing and offending Machine policies and ideals no longer even question their own orders. They kill on command. It's a shame, really. I believe that many would have revolted, had the Machines destroyed Zion toward the beginning of the war. They would have seen it for the calamity and devestation that it was. However, as the war has waged on, so have minds given in and slipped away.

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

Neoteny wrote:
You're killing our operatives, are you not? Spare your justification, which, according to my previous statement is no justification at all, since it bares with it no justice, there is no difference between the two now. You both get the same orders from the same people, you're both soldiers on the same side of the war. Until now, the only thing deliminating the two was that Machinists hesitated to kill Zion operatives, but that seems to have changed all too easily.

You're slipping, and if you haven't noticed that, you've already hit the bottom. The inability to recognize the human duty to protect and care for the rest of the human race in security, liberty, and right is a sign of this as well. That is how they do things. They neglect them their right to make their own choices, and in doing so, deny them their humanity.

I remember the initial confusion among Machinists at the onset of the war. I am disgusted at how many who were concerned with the overbearing and offending Machine policies and ideals no longer even question their own orders. They kill on command. It's a shame, really. I believe that many would have revolted, had the Machines destroyed Zion toward the beginning of the war. They would have seen it for the calamity and devestation that it was. However, as the war has waged on, so have minds given in and slipped away.

The difference, that so seem completely oblivious to, between Cyphs and Machinists are the fact that Cyphs enjoy the killing and want to do it at any opportunity. Machinists would rather try to use a non violent way to achieve the goal, if possible. The war is between us and you, so when our orders are to terminate Zion operatives we do so because you would reciprocate the intent without question. Our duty to protect the Human race is still functioning and still being attained, we are protecting the Human minds in the system against disruption that you are causing.

Message edited by Croesis on 11/01/2007 11:57:54.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4217
Location: HvCFT Aggregator, The Glitch Society, Syntax

Pyraci wrote:
Then go tell the fed to consider respecting our threat. But it's alright either way. Karma will complete it's cycle as it always does. Those officers didn't die in vain.
What threat? The only parallel threat that the Pestilence could issue would be: 'Stay out of Zion or we'll kill you.' I respect that threat - I have no intention of going anywhere near New Zion. I'm sure the Machines respect the threat as well, but they don't consider the loss of a few Sentinels that big a deal, so they're gonna go ahead and attack anyway. The Pestilence stands to lose far more by entering the Matrix than the Machines stand by entering New Zion.

And those officers did die in vain, I'm afraid. At least one of them was only in the Simulation trying to extract Bluepills, but we caught them in the act. Said Bluepills now remain safe in the Matrix.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4217
Location: HvCFT Aggregator, The Glitch Society, Syntax

Neoteny wrote:

You're killing our operatives, are you not? Spare your justification, which, according to my previous statement is no justification at all, since it bares with it no justice, there is no difference between the two now. You both get the same orders from the same people, you're both soldiers on the same side of the war. Until now, the only thing deliminating the two was that Machinists hesitated to kill Zion operatives, but that seems to have changed all too easily.

You're slipping, and if you haven't noticed that, you've already hit the bottom. The inability to recognize the human duty to protect and care for the rest of the human race in security, liberty, and right is a sign of this as well. That is how they do things. They neglect them their right to make their own choices, and in doing so, deny them their humanity.

I remember the initial confusion among Machinists at the onset of the war. I am disgusted at how many who were concerned with the overbearing and offending Machine policies and ideals no longer even question their own orders. They kill on command. It's a shame, really. I believe that many would have revolted, had the Machines destroyed Zion toward the beginning of the war. They would have seen it for the calamity and devestation that it was. However, as the war has waged on, so have minds given in and slipped away.

What Vinia said. Just as well she said it, too, 'cos I'm getting pretty tired of having to point out the obvious differences between Machinists and Cypherites again and again.

Seriously, how can you even suggest that we're stooping to their level? 'Cos we've started killing people instead of jacking them out temporarily? We're responding to an (admittedly minimal) threat, whereas the Cypherites just went ahead and killed whoever they want. They don't act under orders: they have a general idea of what the Machines want, and execute these wishes in the most horrific, violent and gruesome way possible, enjoying every moment of it. I know I make fun of the Pestilence every now and then, but to compare us to Cypherites is downright insulting.

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Cykosis wrote:
If the Machines truly wanted peace, they would have to be the ones who extended their arms for it. 

They did.  They did it before the original war, multiple times, and humans refused to live in peace with them.  And they did it when Neo brokered the truce, when they could have easily let their sentinels destroy Zion once the threat from Smith was over. 


 Cykosis wrote:

Yes, we are at war.  I have already said this, but I do not know if you truly realize what it means to be in war.  So far, Zion has acted weak, and pacifistic compared to the ways that it really could.  I say we unleash the dogs of war and teach you the horrors that are really possible.  Make no mistake, we can stress your precious system and burn it down around you.  An example may have to be made so that the Machines are forced to come back to true negotiations to realize that you need us to play nice.

Oh, we realize what it means.  It means we are killing you inside the Matrix and outside it, when our biggest hope was that Zion would continue to abide by the truce so that a true and lasting peace would evolve.  We were so disappointed when we found out about New Zion -- the construction of that city was like Zion announcing "we will never trust the Machines, we don't want peace unless we can do whatever we want and not have to face the consequences".  So tell me, what dogs of war do you want to unleash, now that you're all in your bunker?  Thinking you can destroy the system is utterly laughable...but we do know it's possible for you to disrupt it, killing large numbers of bluepills in the process.  *That* is why New Zion was seen as a threat by the Machines, and why Zionite activities are now prohibited in the Matrix.  Don't think we're going to let that that threat go unchecked.


Cykosis wrote:

I want peace.  I hate war and truly wish that Machines and Humans can put aside their differences to start tackling the truly important problems we face.  I want to be able to see the real Sun sometime throughout my life.  Unfortunately, with attitudes such as yours, that may never happen.

Perhaps people with attitudes like these -- who would attempt to blackmail the Machines by threatening the system and the lives of all their bluepill brothers and sisters -- don't deserve to see the real sun.




Message edited by Illyria22 on 11/01/2007 12:56:09.

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