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[9.1.3] Enough information to get a message through - Syntax - 11/29/07
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Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

GamiSB wrote:
Vinia wrote:
So you're saying that bluepills are able to see and know exactly what those things are within the Simulation? Last I heard there were only ghost stories made up about them. Just because we can see them for what they are doesn't mean that they do or that it can't be explained away to them. As for Mara... see many bluepills pass through there? As far as they know it's just a gangland hotspot. Whereas out in the real, there's the realisation of no more human society, at least none that they recognise as normal, completely different way of living and as mentioned before not enough space for everyone, and that's just the tip of humans, what no one seems to recognise is the fact that most bluepills are dependant on the simulation, removal alone would most likely kill them.

To those dependant on the system the option for the truth alone would give them strong hints at the veil, if not show them that the world is a farce altogether and if they didn't reject the system there and then and subsequently die, it would probably be likely that they'd end up going crazy. By giving them the option you would most likely end up seriously affecting their lives... and not for the best either.

Please don't even try and make them out to be comepltly ignorant of us. Infact it puts them more at risk because then they don't know whats out there and waiting in the shadows. Ghost stories is the way your system accounts for them and keeps the act going even with all the hitches. Read the paper and you see these stories throughout it dipiciting the fights they carry out in every district. No they can very much see them and even if they couldn't the feeling is still there. Also might I remind you that Anome and the Intruder were very real to some bluepills and not just urban legends.

Mara was just an example and a fragment of what the city is full of. Your trying to make this city out to be some deserted wasteland to bluepills when in fact you can still find the same people throught the stores and churchs liveing their lives in the middle of this caos. Its the same everywhere. Tabor Park, Manseen, Murasaki, Creston Heights. All filled if with if not redpills then gang members all looking for something to shoot. How they interprit what is going on doesn't nullify the danger they are still in because those bullets may not be real to us but to them its quiet a diffrent story.

And I take it you forgot what the bluepill was for in all this. Makes you forget. The option to know the truth isn't some all powerful thing that once you know you can't forget about. How many blues out there have been aprotched and took the bluepill and are still liveing happily ever after? In fact I wonder if you have ever given thought to the idea of exactly what teh truth really is and why "No one can be told what the Matrix is". Our truth is so unbelieveable that the only people that could possibly give the idea any potintial to being true are either mind jobs are those that subconciously know it. Why is it safe to give everyone the option, because no one would take anyone up on it unless they are apart of that 1%.

I didn't say they were completely ignorant, but for them anything that we can see plainly can be attempted to be explained away by their own mind.... I mean ghosts, vampires... stuff of stories isn't it... to them.... Anome and The intruder are different cases, the blues may not have known about Anome's powers or their origins, but they saw the man and the results of his actions. And the Intruder is a threat because his true nature just rips through the thin veil of 'reality' for the blues. I never said they weren't in danger but their own explanations would prevent their revealing the nature of the city to them. Gangland culture is as present to them as it was to our ancestors....

The bluepill makes you forget the encounter sure... but does it erase the splinter of the mind that what is around you isn't real? If one of the 1% takes the bluepill... would all of their doubts simply disappear? completely? for the rest of their lives? Same with the other 99%, granted it probably won't be that common, but telling them about a big dark secret could cause doubts to appear in their minds before the chance to take the pill and the same questions stand then.

If you were going to free the Human race en mass, doing it one person at a time with a choice of two pills would take a long long time, you'd have to present it by media or to crowds and then... you can never be sure to get the correct pills to the right people.....

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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Location: Syntax Server Organization: EPN Faction: E Pluribus Neo HvCFT: Anderson's Heart

Vinia wrote:
I didn't say they were completely ignorant, but for them anything that we can see plainly can be attempted to be explained away by their own mind.... I mean ghosts, vampires... stuff of stories isn't it... to them.... Anome and The intruder are different cases, the blues may not have known about Anome's powers or their origins, but they saw the man and the results of his actions. And the Intruder is a threat because his true nature just rips through the thin veil of 'reality' for the blues. I never said they weren't in danger but their own explanations would prevent their revealing the nature of the city to them. Gangland culture is as present to them as it was to our ancestors....

The bluepill makes you forget the encounter sure... but does it erase the splinter of the mind that what is around you isn't real? If one of the 1% takes the bluepill... would all of their doubts simply disappear? completely? for the rest of their lives? Same with the other 99%, granted it probably won't be that common, but telling them about a big dark secret could cause doubts to appear in their minds before the chance to take the pill and the same questions stand then.

If you were going to free the Human race en mass, doing it one person at a time with a choice of two pills would take a long long time, you'd have to present it by media or to crowds and then... you can never be sure to get the correct pills to the right people.....

My point is the Matrix is just as dangerous as the real and you can't say they are safer in the Matrix than in the real. The only security the Matrix offers is the security of mind for those with no idea what threatens them outside their pod and even that is dwindling these days.

The bluepill for the 1% is a difficult thing judge what will happen and its results are cruel at best. The system isn't perfect but they take it upon themselves haveing their mind tell them one thing but not being willing to listen. Do they deserve such a fate, who does, but every systems has its problems and not everything can go the way we want it. For the 99% however its diffrent. Telling someone there is a big dark secret sure would cause some questions but the bigger and more elebrate the secret the less likely you are to believe it unless you have something telling you "okay this could be real". The 99% are completly cut off from this idea. They made up in there mind at conception that they are going to accept what the system tells them is real and thats that. They are so nerd so dependent on the system that there dogma to believe it blinds them from whatever you might say to them other wise.

As people have pointed out many times Zion doesn't have room for a mass Exodus of awakenings. One at a time is all we need or should want because it is the safest way to ensure that the right pills do end up with the right people. The faster you do a job the more room for error, same with the size. Again they arn't looking to free everyone, only tell them that they have an option to be freed. Something that has been denied recently.

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