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[9.1.2] A dangerous individual is at large - Vector - 11/26/07
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Ascendent Logic

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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Location: The Shadow of The Code Stream

Pyraci wrote:
...but how are we sure he aims to destroy this lie? Machine thought is too quick to shout terrorist or exile and attempt to terminate what it doesn't understand. Maybe we need to spend more time understanding what this entity really is and what he wants before we start(in vain) trying to terminate him.

Good forbid the machines try to talk to it and find out whats its real motives are....   I only saw one machine try to talk to it without initiating agressions.  They know who they are SMILEY

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
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Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

Pyraci wrote:
...but how are we sure he aims to destroy this lie? Machine thought is too quick to shout terrorist or exile and attempt to terminate what it doesn't understand. Maybe we need to spend more time understanding what this entity really is and what he wants before we start(in vain) trying to terminate him.
Well.... it did show hostile intentions toward system Agents although it could have been acting in self defence. In fact in all cases we've seen it could be said that it acted in self defence. I agree that finding out it's intentions would be more beneficial than just jumping in to fight it, albeit ineffectually.....


Joined: Apr 21, 2006
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The question is, what do all men made out of wires want?  ELECTRICITY

Jacked Out

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Avalod wrote:
Tenshi wrote:
(( LOL OooRoyooO, Fine! join the intruder! =P ))

While the messages were very subtle, it seems we're slowly learning more and more about this Intruder...maybe a meeting more on our own terms should be arranged...

With who? Sorry but im knee deep now in discovering if Pace had her Period... or she was just biding time and decided what it is really why females use these so called restrooms.. XD

Um...ok. Err?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 21, 2005
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Avalod wrote:
Tenshi wrote:
(( LOL OooRoyooO, Fine! join the intruder! =P ))

While the messages were very subtle, it seems we're slowly learning more and more about this Intruder...maybe a meeting more on our own terms should be arranged...

With who? Sorry but im knee deep now in discovering if Pace had her Period... or she was just biding time and decided what it is really why females use these so called restrooms.. XD

(actually wasnt pace supposed to be for the studie and interaction of human operatives male and female alike? At least until she got lodged with a kill code that is.. So what better way than to studie what operatives go through than to feel it first hnd.. XD but for females that is.. ITS GOTA BE A PERIOD.. XD )

i swear im dumber for having to read that.

Message edited by jl10899 on 11/28/2007 21:04:55.

Veteran Operative

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Perceptive Mind

Joined: Jun 19, 2006
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Oi FFS.. Get the image look at it but not with so much godamn seriousness. honestly then put concepts of the characters (or LE Character for that matter) Functions into place.

What was pace's main objective all to start off with *BEFORE* getting hit with the kill code. And now what is it *AFTER* it seems when reconstructed? doesn't take much brain work mind you and a comic sense for eff sakes

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Nov 23, 2005
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Location: Vector-Virginia

i dont need no stinking gun !!! was for my lil colllection...

however  that would make my motto fall too pieces

smoked with the best of them and shot at the rest of them...


Joined: Oct 29, 2007
Messages: 30

Whatever the wire-man is, it's scary-powerful and doesn't seem to care one iota about any form of opposition, since it tends to run them right over...


Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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This Intruder is proving to be a problem. However we managed to disable several of his strange programs or devices, whatever they were. As for him, well...

Veteran Hacker

Joined: May 12, 2007
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The Intruder pwns.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Sep 15, 2005
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It would seem that coordinates attacks from hacker and Knife throwers might slow him down.


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What really bothers me about this guy is his humanity. 

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