Prop items:
books, files, doccuments - It's been suggested countless times but it would be a lot better if we could modify the prop items so that they could actually come to mean something or have some kind of data to them, have it readable only in the details and one doesn't even have to make them luggable, the problems that could ensue would be having them flood the game en-masse but if they aren't luggable problem solved, moreover it could be neat to have some random books filled in by the dev's with maybe some hints, tips pointers ect. - also would be a cool means of having literal in game tutorials or pseudo treasure hunts whatever strange ideas come to mind for the sake of entertainment or RP, it would just be nicer because the data could be more then just 'playing house' per say. Just allow the players to edit the text via 'details'. Can't be any harder then editing the text of your own background.
Cell phones - It would be very cool if you could use the cell phones to place anonymous calls, not easily done, but if we can build player bots to serve as network sources of intel and data updates, it would be fairly easy to have an anonymous call relay that would simply re-route calls to their desired location but keep them secret, and for the sake of harassment - the dev's could easily check to see who said what as to avoid drama of harassment anonymously. Could also be a cool thing for the LEC's to do, because if rarebit were to do it, you'd never know if it was part of an event or just some player based RP. And we all know that what we don't know is always more interesting then what were sure of. Payphones could work the same way i suppose.
tape recorders - could generate an in game log that would be indesputeable, this isn't something i necessarily want to see, but it would be neat all the same, we already have an in-game log option, but it would be cool to generate an in-game file that recorded area chat and could be handed around.
A means to generate copies of these items would also be impressive.
Masks/Disguises - in an untraditional sense, allow the user to change both their name and appearance to say that of a random charachter (blue pill, exile, agent ect. ect) they wouldn't be used to affect combat, level could stay the same it would just be a means to allow players to RP different roles for events, lord knows it would make things a lot easier and give us a chance to fight 50's without having to roll a new char who has to be killed off for an event. If necessary give it some kind of icon to notify people that it was a player as to stop LEC impersonation. Heck even if the names didn't change it would still be workable - lord knows rarebit can give players disguises till they log out or reconstruct, why not give the ability to the players for the sake of RP.
a hacking system - as things don't tend to really change up around here, it becomes clear events that require computers or terminals or mainframes hacked are going to happen again from time to time, as such it would be nice if some kind of system were to be generated to represent the actualy hacking. Whether as a series of questions or riddles or math problems or even (though it won't ever happen) some kind of visual mini-game esque ordeal, i just think its a bit redudant and stupid to keep doing them when really all it is, is someone loading coder and standing by a terminal cause it looks like he's typing.
katanas - albeit requireing a huge change to the system, it would be nice if perhaps they were consumeable like the exile codes (silver bullet, holy water, stake) - just as a means for extra stylish dmg or better still if there was a way to have it as a finishing move. I thought having a perp katana would make me happy but now my desire to cut people is on overload.
fedoras - a certain facial type - (the same as mandarin the contact) causes a texture glitch in the fedora where a piece of the head is exposed, i'd like this fixed, i can't wear fedoras because of it, call me OCD but i play on high detail to avoid that BS.
change in the shape and style in the world around us - i get its supposed to be 1999 for a year but things are sort of getting old, same buildings, same people, same useless npc's that do nothing like the guy in tabor and the gal in the abandoned subway, the bluepills all look like crack heads and the vehicles all just keep doing what they are doing, westview is left to rot but never actually gets worse or better and things just start to feel stale.
different types of clothing that didn't require group work or hours of farming to get.
Some more emotes for other situations, i'd still love to see a /robot, maybe it's not matrixy but the hell if it isn't funny. I wouldn't mind a /takebooster or what not, some new moods would be nice too, also if they could change some of the struts behind certain moods things would be better, it's really hard to find a mood where you look good standing still and don't look like a *CENSORED* walking.
Never going to happen, but amusing all the same:
vehicles- not even driveable - but say for example - retexturing the benches - wrap a car around them and let people sit in them, or even feature them on a track to move around, i've always appreciated the concept of a small meeting in the back of a limo. It would also be nice to even be able to jump on vehicles and sit on them or as stupid as it may sound imagine a chase and shooting match on the roof of cars while running - difficulty is cars are different for every individual as for bluepills.
constructs - the means to create our own constructs, to prevent a flood of them leave them to people with the insane amounts of money, purchase buidlings, textures, ect. ect., and posistion them as we see fit in a pre-rendered amount of blank space, the problem really just becomes implementation aswell as the overall set up of the 'world' - though it would give us a means to fill up the constructs hardline section.
a means to edit clothing colors, textures and buffs like was promised ages ago.
Random collectors- npc's put in for a limited amount of time, or even just put in silently and offer the players unique items for a variety of different objects and items forcing them to go across mega city and prove they've got a knowledge of the world around them for special gifts and rewards. It would encourage exploration aswell as give players something to do. High end gear asking for box stuff and high level npc creston drops, or low trade stuff like the chopper key souvenir that to my knowledge doesn't do anything. Make them have a quanity of trades, so that only a set amount of stuff can eb given out - either way just a really neat way of distributing unique items and giving people a chance - while still keeping it rare. It's the mystery of hunting as opposed to how long will it take to farm.
The return of global events, an events team, or implementation of more competent LESIG with more power.
That's about all i've got that hasn't been beaten to death or flogged post mortem, save for the katana bit - if you agree or dissagree by all means say so, and if you have some keep 'em comming, eventually they'll pick one at random and do it half-assedly.