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Ideas to improve the matrix
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Jacked Out

Joined: Nov 16, 2007
Messages: 164

Some of them were legit ideas, like the one about the white halls connectiong to constructs... But... yeah the Zion getting attacked in richland and then being on infinite PvP... **** no XD.

Perceptive Mind

Joined: Sep 1, 2005
Messages: 589

Far as I'm concerned Zion is a threat to the system, and should be attacked everywhere in the simulation, why should they be imune to attack in richland? Why?! Why does zion get to freely walk around richland when they aren't even supposed to be in the simulation, according to the machines, zion is a threat, in the missions we kill zion now so why aren't Agents chasing them around richland aswell? Why do they get to sit at mara and talk like they own shizzle?

As for outside of Richland, those areas should flag zion operatives so incase the agents cannot get them, we operatives can, and I personally would love to hunt some foolish little zions down and tell em they are not authorized in the area, and pop em one in the head. Brings more to the actual story and idc about the complaining that they would all do, you think Morpheus or Trinity would sit around mara talkin like they own the place? NOPE! They were runnin for their lives from Agents and so should the operatives now, Kill em all kthxbai.

Message edited by Skull101 on 08/06/2008 07:48:01.


Joined: Oct 22, 2005
Messages: 8296
Location: Ye Olde Hole Ine The Tree

Skull101 wrote:
*great big list of things edited for space*

And cars. We need cars.

Oh, and six feet tall anthropomorphic squirrels.

Message edited by ZippyTheSquirrel on 08/06/2008 09:18:05.

Enlightened Mind

Joined: Dec 14, 2007
Messages: 85

I want a big stovepipe hat like Abe Lincoln that lets me meatwad people and change the color of the sky like Sati.  I can even upload my own images and textures into the sky, like my own pics, or pron.    I want my own garden to raise tomatoes.   I want unicorns and light sabers and big mecha suits and Hamburglar.  Please get on that and have it ready for me no later than Update 63.  Kthx!

Oh and also.  I want cheats; especially /godmode, /invisibility, and /noclip.

I want the Real to be fully accessible.  With my own Hovercraft, and a fully developed tunnel system, a complete Old Zion, New Zion, and the Machine City.  Also I want to be able to visit the outpost from Matriculated, and say hi to the poor stranded robot guy who's probably still there.

I want to be able to rescue (or kill) Neo in Machine City.  I want to be able to fight and kill Deus Ex Machina.  And have /godmode in the Real too if I don't feel like doing the actual work for it.

Okay?  Chop chop, quit slacking, let's go!

Message edited by Sorter on 08/07/2008 03:50:32.

Perceptive Mind

Joined: Sep 1, 2005
Messages: 589

I lol'd for over an hour and 15 mins after reading above post, you sir are a genious!

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 3, 2006
Messages: 1

I lawl'd


Joined: Aug 11, 2008
Messages: 2

ok here are some things that will make mxo little more different.


1.Let the game be more matrix like. You know running on walls and jumping outta windows and in free attack press the space bar and use the arrow keys to dodge.

2.When you ingage in combat each person has to make a combo with you arrow keys and to knock them down you need to hold the final arrow key in your combo bar. When they do a combo you can block their attacks or dodge them.

3.You should be able to jump in the air and when your opponent is on the ground you can kick them or punch them. when you both are in the air you have 10 seconds to make a good combo before you go on the ground and that would just be a waste not to make a combo with the arrow keys in time.

4.When you dodge bullets, sometimes if you jump in the air you can shoot them. and if you're about to die and they aren't you can shoot them before you die. And also please let us be able to hyperJump in buildings.


Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2955
Location: HvCft Nuria

This thread reminds me of this, i dunno why.


Joined: Aug 11, 2008
Messages: 2

And take off the hotbar with speed and power thats wack. Keep the choices of free attack and close combat

Fansite Operator

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 89
Location: Manchester UK

I dunno if this one has been suggested.

If you reach 50, you're always flagged for PvP? Effectivly making the server hostile for all level 50s?


Joined: Sep 1, 2005
Messages: 2466

For additional levels, the memory cap being drastically altered would make certain loads possible that really just shouldn't exist. Could we perhaps get one memory point per 5 levels in theory and maybe an additional maximum of 1 point of resistance per level?

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 1, 2006
Messages: 3312
Location: Los Angeles, CA

odj wrote:
Skull101 wrote:

Nah but seriously, more ideas for joo all to lol at. =P

That thur are my ideas, hope ja enjoyed em.

I loled. A lot.

Agreed. But not with him. Maybe I'm not seeing it, but perhaps someone can explain this to me?

Skull101 wrote:
3. Make Agents Spawn on Zion in Richland.

4. If a Zion operative leaves Richland they should instantly flag. Due to the war times, these operatives are agenst the system and should be delt with by operatives aswell as agents.

19. Create another really awsome threat to the matrix, I agree the whole at war with zion thing is fine, but zion is boring and is only a minimal threat. We need something stronger to fight and more killable.

Skull101 wrote:

Far as I'm concerned Zion is a threat to the system, and should be attacked everywhere in the simulation, why should they be imune to attack in richland? Why?! Why does zion get to freely walk around richland when they aren't even supposed to be in the simulation, according to the machines, zion is a threat, in the missions we kill zion now so why aren't Agents chasing them around richland aswell? Why do they get to sit at mara and talk like they own shizzle?

As for outside of Richland, those areas should flag zion operatives so incase the agents cannot get them, we operatives can, and I personally would love to hunt some foolish little zions down and tell em they are not authorized in the area, and pop em one in the head. Brings more to the actual story and idc about the complaining that they would all do, you think Morpheus or Trinity would sit around mara talkin like they own the place? NOPE! They were runnin for their lives from Agents and so should the operatives now, Kill em all kthxbai.

You say that, yet you say this:

Skull101 wrote:

19. Create another really awsome threat to the matrix, I agree the whole at war with zion thing is fine, but zion is boring and is only a minimal threat. We need something stronger to fight and more killable.

If Zion is such a minimal threat, why force flag and force spawn Agents on us?

Message edited by Mave on 09/22/2008 11:59:10.

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