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[8.3.3] Choose, man! - Vector - 10/24/07
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Joined: Mar 9, 2007
Messages: 1824
Location: Eshean West

((I think there is a lot more to both the Morpheus sim and Cryptos than we can see. I could almost expect them to plan something together))

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Joined: Sep 15, 2007
Messages: 19

Illyria22 wrote:

Morpheus the man was strong because his beliefs drifted into fanaticism.  He was not easily swayed or manipulated by facts or reason.  In the end, his fixation on the return of a corpse (not peace, or freedom for humanity) led not only to his own death, but to the deaths of many bluepills through his codebombs. 

Morpheus the program doesn't seem to have these faults, at least not yet.  He is trying to learn -- he knows he doesn't know everything, unlike the fanatic who believed there was nothing left to learn. 



PS: I did predict that Zion/EPN would want the sim deleted if he didn't help them, no matter what the reasoning was behind it.

Morpheus was strong because he followed the truth.  When confronted with the fact that the prophecy was a system of control that the Machines placed on humanity, he didn't want to believe it.  He eventually did come around to face the truth about the situation.  The One returning to the Source did not end the war.  It perilously came close to destroying humanity.  Only Neo's actions saved us all, Machine and Human alike.  You look down on people who base their actions on emotion and so dismiss them.  These people have their time and place that let them fit within society.  Without these people, who would drive us and keep pushing us to test ourselves?  Their passion is what has kept Zion going, fighting against all odds.  To keep fighting even when faced with certain death.

If Neo's body was considered as just a corpse by the Machines, why had they not even recycled it like they do with the other corpses of the dead?  Following the logic that is implied by your viewpoint, even the Machines were "fixated" on this, by their own standards.  You look at everything through a very jaded lens, and tend to think very one-sidedly.  You refuse to look at situations from the other side of the fence, and that thinking is what perpetuates this constant violence between blood and data.  Of course, I am not naive enough to think that there aren't people on this side who do the exact same thing, but certainly you have been one of the most vocal about it.

This simulation is not Morpheus, and can never be Morpheus.  It has proven that before, but now it is beyond a doubt since it has given up these RSI codes of our veterans.  He may yet grow into a fine creature, but the fact is that his place is not meant with Zion or with the Machines.  As someone else said before he is of a Machine with the mind of a Man, not fitting in with either.  I would be content with him living on his own aiding neither side, but unfortunately he has made his choice of aiding those who wish to kill us.  If he so chooses another life for himself, I would leave him alone.  Until then, he is a sworn enemy.  We shall see what his future holds.


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Joined: Jan 3, 2006
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Location: Bay Area, CA Server: Vector-Hostile Faction: Morpheus Legacy HvCFT: Digital Pimps Organization: Zion

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