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[5.3.4] WARNING: carrier anomaly - 9/18/06
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Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4367
Location: Syntax Server Organization: EPN Faction: E Pluribus Neo HvCFT: Anderson's Heart

yourbuddy wrote:
GamiSB wrote:
He may have never lead, but that does not mean he never taught does it? Neo isn't here to lead anyway thats why we use his words and actions to anwser the question "What would Neo do" You don't need to be a leader to start something and make a change. Only need an idea and a guide. Which Neo had and which we have.

Correct, you do have words and actions to guide you on your path.  But I think you took a wrong turn somewhere, where as these NPC's are correct in their non-aggressive stance.  Neo wanted to save the human race, he realized the only way to do that, was not by destroying the machines, or by corrupting parts of the matrix.  He had to give himself up to save everyone, machines and humans alike.  And now EPN sets off code bombs and forcefully awakens bluepills, in turn they most likely die.  How is that considered saving or even freeing?  'A forceful action taken on another person in order for a personal gain.'  I didn't know the dictionary had that as the definition of "free."  What it comes down to, the organization EPN has some translation problems.  Neo wanted Peace, EPN wants War...  The passive aggressive stance by these NPC's were possibly the first thing done correctly by EPN, honoring their savior, without including death to others.

Ah I see. Well as Neo said there is some truth in your fiction and some fiction in your truth. Not to disrespect your words but there a few things that you may be confused on or do not know. As you said EPN should do just as those NPCs did and they do. However thanks to people confusing us with a group wanting what Morpheus wanted alot of things have happend to take away from this image. As you said code bombs. Michael, Shimada, and all lLOs of sound mind know that Neo would not approve of the use of code bombs. Many times Michael has said this, here and here being the best to look at. Neo wanted peace and he gave us peace but he also wanted everyone to be given the right to choose to live in the matrix or the real. EPN only wishes to offer these people that choice.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Messages: 1973

Subject: Re:[5.3.4] WARNING: carrier anomaly - 9/18/06

is that so Rarebit?

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Messages: 369
Location: Emerging from a liquor bottle near you.

GamiSB wrote:
yourbuddy wrote:
GamiSB wrote:
He may have never lead, but that does not mean he never taught does it? Neo isn't here to lead anyway thats why we use his words and actions to anwser the question "What would Neo do" You don't need to be a leader to start something and make a change. Only need an idea and a guide. Which Neo had and which we have.

Correct, you do have words and actions to guide you on your path.  But I think you took a wrong turn somewhere, where as these NPC's are correct in their non-aggressive stance.  Neo wanted to save the human race, he realized the only way to do that, was not by destroying the machines, or by corrupting parts of the matrix.  He had to give himself up to save everyone, machines and humans alike.  And now EPN sets off code bombs and forcefully awakens bluepills, in turn they most likely die.  How is that considered saving or even freeing?  'A forceful action taken on another person in order for a personal gain.'  I didn't know the dictionary had that as the definition of "free."  What it comes down to, the organization EPN has some translation problems.  Neo wanted Peace, EPN wants War...  The passive aggressive stance by these NPC's were possibly the first thing done correctly by EPN, honoring their savior, without including death to others.

Ah I see. Well as Neo said there is some truth in your fiction and some fiction in your truth. Not to disrespect your words but there a few things that you may be confused on or do not know. As you said EPN should do just as those NPCs did and they do. However thanks to people confusing us with a group wanting what Morpheus wanted alot of things have happend to take away from this image. As you said code bombs. Michael, Shimada, and all lLOs of sound mind know that Neo would not approve of the use of code bombs. Many times Michael has said this, here and here being the best to look at. Neo wanted peace and he gave us peace but he also wanted everyone to be given the right to choose to live in the matrix or the real. EPN only wishes to offer these people that choice.

I apologize for stereotyping all EPN to do this.  There are bad eggs in all division of people, as u stated, of sound mind.  But sterotypes are made because of actions taken, and I wish they wouldn't of had to be made.  Another stereotype that has formed is the one of redpills allying with machines, meaning me.  I beleive the original creation of EPN, with some minor edits, wants the same thing as the machines, basically, we both want peace and longevity.  The agents of the system only act forcefully when redpills act outside the safe-system softwares.  As the architect's "job" in the matrix, is to balance the equation, a new variable is added, so he derives something to remove the variable.  If EPN thinks of machines being the "illness" of the humans, then you are not living the way Neo would want.  Neo gave his life so the machines could keep the matrix running, so the human race could live on.  Neo realized the matrix was neccessary, and until everyone realizes that, no strides toward anything good will be done.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4367
Location: Syntax Server Organization: EPN Faction: E Pluribus Neo HvCFT: Anderson's Heart

yourbuddy wrote:
I apologize for stereotyping all EPN to do this.  There are bad eggs in all division of people, as u stated, of sound mind.  But sterotypes are made because of actions taken, and I wish they wouldn't of had to be made.  Another stereotype that has formed is the one of redpills allying with machines, meaning me.  I beleive the original creation of EPN, with some minor edits, wants the same thing as the machines, basically, we both want peace and longevity.  The agents of the system only act forcefully when redpills act outside the safe-system softwares.  As the architect's "job" in the matrix, is to balance the equation, a new variable is added, so he derives something to remove the variable.  If EPN thinks of machines being the "illness" of the humans, then you are not living the way Neo would want.  Neo gave his life so the the human race could live on.  Neo realized the matrix was neccessary, and until everyone realizes that, no strides toward anything good will be done.

We are used to it and most of us do wish that those incidents had never happend. The large majorities on both Syntax and Vector as well as Opus Neo on Recursion are strongly against those that even play with the idea ofcode bombs and wont stand for it but as you said *poop* happens and well you just have to explain to people the truth behind it and go on with life. You also may find that most of EPN holds no hostility towards the machines other then those that seek out continuly play the "you set of code bombs" card. My own faction has been told that unless they get in your way you are not to attack them and i think most do this on there own without need of being told. Just as Neo did most of EPN does recognize that the Matrix is needed. Michael himself has told me that we dont want to destory the matrix if only for the soul protection of those not ready and not wanting to be freed from it as well as the dieing off of an intire race if it ever did fail. The Blue pill is still a choice even if it isn't the one we like to see being swallowed and we all know that deep down even if we do reach out to all 6 billion humans only less then 10% would take the red pill.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
Messages: 5866

Yahweh wrote:
Sykin wrote:
(How many times am I going to say this... Morpheus is not a Prophet. Morpheus was the Mentor. A Prophet is someone who is blind and is tasked to bring a message from God/the Gods to the people. If anyone, Neo was the Prophet.)

Wrong.  The very definition of the word agrees with the second highlighted portion, but also includes others:

proph‧et  /ˈprɒfɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[prof-it] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
-noun 1.a person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration. 2.(in the Old Testament) a.a person chosen to speak for God and to guide the people of Israel: Moses was the greatest of Old Testament prophets. b.(often initial capital letter) one of the Major or Minor Prophets. of a band of ecstatic visionaries claiming divine inspiration and, according to popular belief, possessing magical powers. d.a person who practices divination. of a class of persons in the early church, next in order after the apostles, recognized as inspired to utter special revelations and predictions. 1 Cor. 12:28. 4.the Prophet, Muhammad, the founder of Islam. 5.a person regarded as, or claiming to be, an inspired teacher or leader. 6.a person who foretells or predicts what is to come: a weather prophet; prophets of doom. 7.a spokesperson of some doctrine, cause, or movement.

5 and 7 describe Morpheus, I would say.

(Not anymore... And the rest before 5 and 7 support Neo as a Prophet--I fact, 7 can support Neo for he was the spokesperson for Peace. He was the diplomat for the human race. Or maybe the voice of reason so that everyone makes it out alive. I seriously disapprove of seeing Neo as a Messiah or Christ-figure... But he could be anything. He could be everything. The cross of light at the end of the movie will tend to scream 'crucifix' but I see it as a literal crossing. A hybrid. We have Neo as the hybrid of many beliefs. The more we argue over it then the less chance we have for peace and unity... Much like what happens in today's world.

"My belief is greater than your belief. My God is bigger than your God."

And so on and so forth.)

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
Messages: 5866

(...In* fact, 7 can support Neo for he was the...)

Jacked Out

Joined: Feb 14, 2006
Messages: 2407

"We are used to it and most of us do wish that those incidents had never happend."

The very idea that people can be inspired to violence by an organization acting in Neo's name is enough to bring the entire organization into serious doubt.  Until such time as the Kid reins in his idiot followers and EPN stops attracting lunatics and zealots, it will always be an organization of violence.  Sure, he took a step in the right direction, trying to ban people like Dezreki - but did he accomplish a thing?  Did he manage to compensate the families of the bluepills who died in any way after the bombings?

Or did he promote someone unstable and foolish to be his liaison, only to have it blow up in his face?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4367
Location: Syntax Server Organization: EPN Faction: E Pluribus Neo HvCFT: Anderson's Heart

Fatmop wrote:
"We are used to it and most of us do wish that those incidents had never happend."

The very idea that people can be inspired to violence by an organization acting in Neo's name is enough to bring the entire organization into serious doubt.  Until such time as the Kid reins in his idiot followers and EPN stops attracting lunatics and zealots, it will always be an organization of violence.  Sure, he took a step in the right direction, trying to ban people like Dezreki - but did he accomplish a thing?  Did he manage to compensate the families of the bluepills who died in any way after the bombings?

Or did he promote someone unstable and foolish to be his liaison, only to have it blow up in his face?

If you must know kelly on the 18th members of EPN not onyl gatherd around hardlines in memory of Neo but gatherd from all instances in front of Camon church in memory of those that died a month ago that day in TaeCross' bombings. While there is nothing we could do that would be able to bring those back that died or sooth there pain it is the least we could do and most accepted it as an apology.

But as I have said before there are members of all groups that are inspired to violance in the name of there order and EPN is not the only one.
Zion gave Miorpheus the rank of captain and continued to let him have his rank and even suported his zealoty and fantic ideals. Machines daily have rouge elements that leave there serveces to follow there own goals becomeing exiles and likely causeing harm to the system and those that depend on it. The Merovingian had to take control over Ookami and Malphus to keep them from killing innocents when they tried to overthrow him and even still they retain there ranks while deep down loathing the Merovingian and waiting for a moment to attack and least we forget the Sleepwalkers.

 All groups have there own forms of radicals all dealing just as much damamge to bluepills as the next. The only difrence is press coverage.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
Messages: 5866

Fatmop wrote:
Or did he promote someone unstable and foolish to be his liaison, only to have it blow up in his face?

You'd do well to stay such a twist tongue, Cypherite... Or Merovingianist, now, is it? Hrmph. She understands more than you would care to know much less imagine.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
Messages: 5866

Sykin wrote:
Fatmop wrote:
Or did he promote someone unstable and foolish to be his liaison, only to have it blow up in his face?

You'd do well to stay such a twisted* tongue, Cypherite... Or Merovingianist, now, is it? Hrmph. She understands more than you would care to know much less imagine.


Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2218
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

In the darkness a man came to Zion and said ...

"I will find the One, and the One shall save us."

His words were true.

He spoke prophesy. He spoke of the coming of the One.

Some would label Neo the Prophet. But he is not. He is the saviour.

He spoke no prophesies .. for that was not his path.

Some would label the Oracle the Prophet. But she is not.

She is the answerer of questions and the keeper of secrets.

He is known by many names... the Prophet... the Seeker... and many others.

But he is Morpheus.

Look how you fight amongst yourselves over the meaning of words.

How can any of you claim to know the will of Neo?

I say "Find him ... and we will ask him ourselves."

But the Savior is hidden... and the Prophet who spoke of the coming of the One seeks once more.

Neo did not save just humanity. Neo saved everyone. Human. Machine. Program.

We are one ... and yet we are three.

I think ... therefore I am.

- The Neonite

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 24, 2005
Messages: 3181
Location: Megacity, USA

skyscream wrote:

In the darkness a man came to Zion and said ...

"I will find the One, and the One shall save us."

His words were true.

He spoke prophesy. He spoke of the coming of the One.

Some would label Neo the Prophet. But he is not. He is the saviour.

He spoke no prophesies .. for that was not his path.

Some would label the Oracle the Prophet. But she is not.

She is the answerer of questions and the keeper of secrets.

He is known by many names... the Prophet... the Seeker... and many others.

But he is Morpheus.

Look how you fight amongst yourselves over the meaning of words.

How can any of you claim to know the will of Neo?

I say "Find him ... and we will ask him ourselves."

But the Savior is hidden... and the Prophet who spoke of the coming of the One seeks once more.

Neo did not save just humanity. Neo saved everyone. Human. Machine. Program.

We are one ... and yet we are three.

I think ... therefore I am.

- The Neonite

Et nomine Vir, et Pello, et Code Sancti.

Change is coming for EPN.  Things are soon going to make a turn for the better.  The way they should have been before the Morpheus followers joined in.

Jacked Out

Joined: Feb 14, 2006
Messages: 2407

"The only difrence is press coverage."

I've noticed 2 other differences as well.
1) Ease of destruction - far more difficult to root out and kill every bad merv operative and exile than it is to kill all the idiot zealots acting in Neo's name.  Especially when half the zealots tend to run from a fight until they have the numbers.
2) Spelling - most of the machinists I know can properly spell 'rogue.'

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2218
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Yahweh wrote:
skyscream wrote:

In the darkness a man came to Zion and said ...

"I will find the One, and the One shall save us."

His words were true.

He spoke prophesy. He spoke of the coming of the One.

Some would label Neo the Prophet. But he is not. He is the saviour.

He spoke no prophesies .. for that was not his path.

Some would label the Oracle the Prophet. But she is not.

She is the answerer of questions and the keeper of secrets.

He is known by many names... the Prophet... the Seeker... and many others.

But he is Morpheus.

Look how you fight amongst yourselves over the meaning of words.

How can any of you claim to know the will of Neo?

I say "Find him ... and we will ask him ourselves."

But the Savior is hidden... and the Prophet who spoke of the coming of the One seeks once more.

Neo did not save just humanity. Neo saved everyone. Human. Machine. Program.

We are one ... and yet we are three.

I think ... therefore I am.

- The Neonite

Et nomine Vir, et Pello, et Code Sancti.

Change is coming for EPN.  Things are soon going to make a turn for the better.  The way they should have been before the Morpheus followers joined in.

I remember when EPN was formed.

I remember who it was that fought at the side of Morpheus and searched for Neo in the early days after the Truce. I have seen the Echo of Neo.

Michael Popper was not there.

The followers of Morpheus are more than the few who speak vocally in public like I do. They are more than one person, one fleet, one group. We are many.

We remember who brought us Neo. We remember who had faith when no other but the Heart of Neo did. Not even Neo himself.

It is not followers of Morpheus you should cast blame on for the state of your group Yahweh. Most of us have let you follow your path in silence. We aid you when we can. We fight shoulder to shoulder with you.

And then you reject us. Those who fought at the side of Morpheus.

Not all of the Kids followers think as you do Yahweh.

Neo was willing to risk everything and do the impossible to save his friend ... Morpheus ... and through that selfless act he learned to believe in himself. The hard way. Neo may have been reborn ... but he did not know this would happen. He gave his life for Morpheus.

We are willing to do the same. We will keep struggling and searching not only for Neo but Morpheus as well. That is the message I bring. The goal we ALL should be striving for. Whether you are EPN or Zionite.

Only Morpheus survived of those who found Neo.

Trinity, Apoc, Switch, Mouse, Cypher, Tank, Dozer. All dead.

Now some say Morpheus as well. Some say even Neo.

The truely wise are not afraid to say "I do not know. Teach me."

May Trinity, the Heart of Neo, watch over you.

Sapientia, Vires, Veneratio.

-The Neonite

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 28, 2005
Messages: 117

Funny how there are those who always believe their interpretation of events is the ONLY correct interpretation. The Kid and EPN do nothing to defend or uphold the Truce. If anything, they jeopardize it and all that Neo sacrificed for. Shame on you for furthering your recklesness in the name of Neo.
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