From what Walrus said it will be /afk!
Thta's so awsome... we get new crits ne cinematic /setdetaisl command and /afk and maybe some more... awsome Walrus!
So a /gankmeplz flag is finally going into the game? That doesn't really excite me at all. And for those who don't think it's the /afk command here's a pointer in true Walrus fashion: "I'm just going to step away from the keyboard and see you on the other side next week." As for the ads. I think it best I don't bother saying a thing, been there. Still doing it /yawn.
Sounds good i guess...
will /afk really be what they are talking about? i mean...why build up such a small command with such secrecy..surely there more to the plot.
I really wish there is something we can do on the billboards, but oh well.
Special feature, I hope its something good!
*Team Duels would make sense if that was indeed added since people cant drop orgs to fight each other in a pvp scenario now, not that im complaning I love the fact people cant just switch orgs now.
Tis /afk i bets ya. Nice subtlety walrus
Unless its all one big ploy!
Team duels would be sweeeeeeet but i aint getting me hopes up.
And as for afk being a gank flag, remember it should be completely optional. Thus you dont have to use it. Oh and a 'build up' to afk? Let us not forget the other coolio stuff in el update, continuing (and ever improving) story missions, editable descriptions, /frags etc etc.
Edit: And aye to Aqua, can the billboards not simply use replacement textures like teh olden days?
Oh and a 'build up' to afk? Let us not forget the other coolio stuff in el update, continuing (and ever improving) story missions, editable descriptions, /frags etc etc.
There hasn't been a build up as such, but in the looking glass he's left us on a cliffhanger so we'll be guessing until thursday...but really, if its just for a simple /afk command theres no need for a cliffhanger is there? what sort of purpose would it have which would be of REAL use, unless it was like an auto response to tells etc.
Im just saying IF it is to be afk, thats cool..but the cliffhanger would make you think its something else, something more.