Hi, just got a quetion that maybe someone could help me with.
We have 2 captains in Rank 1 in the faction. The one captains leaves Mxo and his crew is still there, but you can boot it from the faction. That means, you have to start a new faction and to get rid of the inactive crew in Rank 1.
Is there another way around to get this problem fixed?
There's always a Brewko.. erm, way.
Mhhhmm.....i wil have to look into that "brewko" way..
hiya Q
No, all in the crew is gone. As I remember it, only a captain can promote another crewmate to captain.
Due to the limitations of the MxO Faction Rank system, it is always recommended, best and absolutely imperative that the Faction Leader be the ONLY Rank 1 Crew in the Faction and that s/he have a First Mate trusted with never promoting any other Crew to Rank 1. If this rule is not followed, eventually the Faction will have to go through a re-form (disband and create again) to get the quitters out of the roster and restore order. The Faction and Crew Rank systems need some debugging and additions, including a Faction Leader Panel where all Crews can be viewed and adjusted. Maybe for Update 100 " width="15" height="15" />
meh..i know....i made a mistake it was only to be temporary...who though he would leave right after. Thanks anyway for your advise Psion.
Brewko couldn't help...
There should be no ranks, there should be no leaders, there should be no pedastools, everyone should be equal and quit trying to outshine those who aren't as high up in this popularity contest we call MxO
If you can get all of your "inner circle" on-line at once, disband and re-form the faction and use each other's alts as secondary crew members to make sure you have enough RSIs to safeguard all the Captains' Crews against being disbanded by a "mutiny." It's a good idea to send an email to everyone else in the faction to let them know that they haven't been kicked out and just need to contact their Captain to be invited back.
My thoughts to. I was thinking of calling for a faction meeting to find away to deal with it. It's just so.....annyoing that we don't have any other options then to disband the faction and start it up again. Thanks anyway for the advise, i'll see if I can catch them all online.
There should be no ranks, there should be no leaders, there should be no pedastools, everyone should be equal and quit trying to outshine those who aren't as high up in this popularity contest we call MxO\m/><\m/
Then we wouldn't have any factions....That is after all what keeps many us still in here. The problem is, we dont got any options at all for the factions or crews besides faction chat, faction bank and a nice name over our head. If we actully could use our faction more in the game - like declare another faction war (faction vs faction pvp only) then we had something to use it for.
It has nothing to do with popularity.
Faction Verses Faction and perma hostilities between factions would be a very, very nice addition...