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Community General Discussion Zen Master Please :) Re:Zen Master Please :) BakuraRyou 0 06/05/2009 14:35

Bring back double-tap roll and hostile 2 person emotes, stat!

Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector The Vets (Not Vector) But Heuristic/Enumerator and that Euro server no one knows Re:The Vets (Not Vector) But Heuristic/Enumerator and that Euro server no one knows BakuraRyou 0 06/04/2009 12:41

"That Euro server no one knows", never a truer term spoken on these boards. My home! Vector was, still is a disgrace to its memory (a diminishing one given that we're now in single figures).

Everyone can go on ad nauseum about how their server was the best, but in true Matrix fashion no one can be told why I/E/H was the best, you had to play it for yourself. Ah well.

Community General Discussion Is this a bad joke ? New SOE Kung Fu Hustle Game Re:Re:Is this a bad joke ? New SOE Kung Fu Hustle Game BakuraRyou 0 06/04/2009 11:58

MetaLogic wrote:

Apparently, like your neighborhood peodphiles, SOE is gong after children.

At least pedophiles have the decency not to charge $15 a month.

Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector The "Look who's back!" thread - End of MxO edition Re:The "Look who's back!" thread - End of MxO edition BakuraRyou 0 05/30/2009 10:58

None of you know who I am so I shall declare INPUT FOR LIFE and leave it at that.

Community General Discussion This is what MxO is being presented as to potentials... Re:This is what MxO is being presented as to potentials... BakuraRyou 0 12/22/2006 17:49
  MalakAlhaq wrote:
Generalization. Funny, but it was a generalization.

And like most generalisations, it has a basis in fact.

I find it hilarious that within the first few posts of this thread, the "haters" were proven absolutely right. "*CENSORED* what a load of *CENSORED* *poop*" Wow, yes, applause. What a great way to show potentials that this game isn't inhabited by some of the lowest denizens on the food chain, who, instead of coming up with an argument to counter the points (regardless how stupid and ill-informed) made, decide to throw a collective tantrum. It says a lot about the game and the people running/playing it when immature forum posters elsewhere can generate more buzz about the game than all the PR in the last year and a half.

Everything said about the game is true. It has nothing to do with the Matrix anymore, so why do people still play? CQs? Right. The community has gone from a vibrant, interesting and engaging bunch of people to a few sad egotists trying desperately to become king of the garbage pile. Well, keep fighting the good fight. SMILEY I'll be elsewhere, enjoying something with this interesting feature most of you will be unaware of, called "gameplay". Stop taking yourselves so seriously, no one else does.

Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector Bye bye :) Re:Bye bye :) BakuraRyou 0 07/21/2006 11:17

Ciao, abbia divertimento il mio amico! And you'd better come back! /shakefist

Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector What left of Input - Hostile players. Re:What left of Input - Hostile players. BakuraRyou 0 07/20/2006 08:27

You know mentioning Tedd's name without His prior approval is punishable by deletion, you're lucky He approves of the thread...

The last ever Mara naked train *sniffle*

News and Announcements Broadcast Depth New forums, eh? Re:New forums, eh? BakuraRyou 0 07/20/2006 08:13
  An option to change our timezone please. Once again, this game isn't only played in the US.
Development Discussion Update Discussion Update 45 Discussion Thread Re:Update 45 Discussion Thread BakuraRyou 0 07/20/2006 06:04

Woah great work with the hotfix guys! I had 120 Machine rep, did an assassination for Gray, and now have 117!


Community General Discussion 5.2 Cinimatics re-done in MS Paint (Sense of Humor Required) Re: 5.2 Cinimatics re-done in MS Paint (Sense of Humor Required) BakuraRyou 0 07/17/2006 10:44
I laughed, then cried in realisation that it was of a better quality than the dev sanctioned bilge that's been pumped out.
Community General Discussion The Positive Thread. Re: The Positive Thread. BakuraRyou 0 07/17/2006 10:24
Why, I'm so positive I just gave myself HIV! Wonderful.
Development Discussion Update Discussion Update 45 Discussion Thread Re: Update 45 Discussion Thread BakuraRyou 0 07/13/2006 04:34

Sorry to rain on the parade, but ingame e-mail is now bugged.


Every attachment seems to be regarded as a singleton - I've tried with different pieces of clothing, consumables, weapons etc. I was trying outside the Loading Area so I'm not sure if the problem is only when jacked in or not. I was attempting to send an ability from within the Loading Area and the game crashed, so I have to wait a few minutes to get back in and try again. *EDIT* I got back in and after attempting to email some code bits from the LA the game crashed again, so it wasn't just a one off.


A disappointing bug but the rest of the patch is top notch, good work! (especially nice to see all the grammatical errors I reported fixed SMILEY )

Message Edited by BakuraRyou on 07.13.2006 01:39 PM

Feedback Forums Ability Feedback Certain abilities having no effect? Re: Certain abilities having no effect? BakuraRyou 0 06/18/2006 12:55

Left the abilities on and off for an hour each way, and nothing changed so I'm guessing dynamic buffing isn't in effect.

If it was a piece of buffed clothes or something I wouldn't care less, but these are abilities that cost a lot of hard earned $info to level up. Everyone's going around trying out different hybrids, but because of the messed up Bonuses panel and the fact that none of the abilities' buffs may even be being applied renders using more than one tree pointless.

I'd appreciate feedback from anyone (players and devs alike) who knows why buffs aren't being applied or why the Bonuses panel has 2 categories for things that only need one.

Feedback Forums Ability Feedback Certain abilities having no effect? Certain abilities having no effect? BakuraRyou 0 06/15/2006 18:31

Without any abilities loaded (besides Awakened of course) I have 2150 HP and 220 IS. Anyway, I was messing around with different loadouts tonight when I noticed a few things.

Execute Program (to the level I have it) is supposed to give a Max IS bonus of 3%, yet when it's equipped my IS stays at 220. It's also supposed to give an increase of 3% to my IS regen rate, yet that stays at 3.63p/s

Aikido Prowess is supposed to give a Max HP upgrade of 12% and yet my HP also stays at 2150.

Are passive buffs having no effect?


I've also noticed discrepancies in the Bonuses panel. Some screenshots;




At the top of the list we can see I'm getting a 10% IS Regen boost from wearing the Caution boots. It's also giving me a movement speed boost, but we'll come to that later.



When I scrolled down towards the bottom, to my confusion, I found another category; Innerstrength Regen Rate Bonus. This contains the Execute Program buff and Vitality buff.

Now here's the first thing: This is the Bonuses panel. Anything listed here is construed as a bonus, so why the need for a second category when they're both percentages?


The second thing: While I had the Combat panel open, I equipped and dequipped Execute Program, and found that my IS rate didn't change from 3.63, but when I dequipped my Caution boots, it decreased to 3.3!


The third thing: The second IS regen category contains the apparent 10% buff from Vitality. Yet if I dequip Execute Program, this category disappears altogether. So is Vitality not getting used if there isn't another buff running with the same upgrades?





Nearly everything seems to have two categories. Force Combat for example, being raised by 20% thanks to Compel Close Combat.



Yet further down the list, we have Force Combat Bonus, containing Combat Insight. These are both percentages affecting the same thing, so why aren't they under the one category? As I said above, I'm getting a movement speed bonus with Caution, and both that and Hyper Speed are under the one category.

I have a sneaking suspicion that some passive buffs aren't actually working. I disabled Kung Fu Proficiency and my damage stayed within the same threshold, give or take 20 points, and I hit the NPCs just as often.


And call me a pedant but it's sloppy for IS to be called Inner Strength at the top and Innerstrength at the bottom. Actually maybe that's the problem! In my extremely limited programming skills, heh. Perhaps you have one object named Inner Strength and one named Innerstrength, and only have one of them being added to? I dunno.


Has this been brought up or addressed before? I searched the forums and didn't find anything, but any answers would be appreciated SMILEY
Feedback Forums Ability Feedback Is Team Member Recall working? Re: Is Team Member Recall working? BakuraRyou 0 05/26/2006 11:52
Worked fine for me last night. You can't teleport from construct to construct if that's what you were trying to do though. While we're on the subject I was pleasantly surprised that the show stopping bug that stopped it working altogether in International and Downtown was fixed!
Development Discussion Update Discussion Update 44 Discussion Thread Re: Update 44 Discussion Thread BakuraRyou 0 05/26/2006 03:18

Through trying to emulate other pop-culture styles the game becomes even more detached than it already is (if that's even possible) from the movie franchise. The cinematic was really the last link the game has with the movie, and now that's pretty much gone.

How something decidedly so un-cinematic can actually be called a "cinematic" is beyond me. If you don't have enough time to make one, then I'd much rather see a text based storyline update than something else completely out of place in the Matrix universe.

And bug-wise, Hackers only do 1 damage in IL with Speed & Power tactics, and when try to use a gun get an infinite "Target out of range" message as the timer restarts over and over again.

Development Discussion Update Discussion Update 44 Discussion Thread Re: Update 44 Discussion Thread BakuraRyou 0 05/25/2006 11:29
Hackers still only do 1 damage in IL whilst using Power Tactics, what a shame.
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector Who's Leaving now Re: Who's Leaving now BakuraRyou 0 05/25/2006 10:24
Double tap roll is gone. I'm leaving.
Archived Forums External Playtest Discussion Style buff activation Re: Style buff activation BakuraRyou 0 03/01/2006 11:12
Can't say I've had enough experience of CR2.0 to honestly say if it's that much of a bother, but for the small bit I have partaken in, I agree Ty it was very inconvenient. I kept forgetting to activate various buffs and wondering why all my abilities were underperforming. That said, if I spent a while at it, it probably would've become second nature, like activating the usual buffs I have for any of my other abilities at the mo. But one thing I know for sure is that I don't need more stuff clogging up my hotbars. I'm using all 10 at the moment, and I'm still finding abilities I've forgotten or had to leave out due to lack of room. Being able to see 2 bars at once won't rectify this either, as one can just see more, not have more.
Maybe an option from the loading area to opt to have them turned on or off as you jack in would help? Or even (dare I say it) a new section on the HUD altogether, solely for these buffs. Maybe some small icons just under the energy bar, at the side of the screen, somewhere unobtrusive. The icons don't have to be as big as the hotbar ones, as one can tell a duelist buff from a karate buff.
Just some rough and ready ideas, but something does have to be done.
Community General Discussion Enhanced Silver Bullets, Wooden Stakes, and Holy Water??? Re: Enhanced Silver Bullets, Wooden Stakes, and Holy Water??? BakuraRyou 0 01/23/2006 07:12
I'm a Merov and I coded them... :/
Community General Discussion Enhanced Silver Bullets, Wooden Stakes, and Holy Water??? Re: Enhanced Silver Bullets, Wooden Stakes, and Holy Water??? BakuraRyou 0 01/23/2006 06:58
The interesting thing is that they're in colour like the default clothes etc. you can craft at first, unlike the decompiled ones that're green. Anyway, I compiled one and tried to decompile it, but got "This item cannot be Decompiled". I guess they'll be removed in a later patch. I just seriously hope they don't screw it up and delete our code archive altogether, I have an inumerable amount of stuff decompiled!
Oh and as a side note, the Silver Bullet really needs to be slightly remodelled, it looks like erm, something it shouldn't be... Well it's probably just me and my filthy mind. I won't go into details so I don't get banned :>
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector QA Server, N3M3SIZ is Solo... Re: QA Server, N3M3SIZ is Solo... BakuraRyou 0 01/13/2006 04:10
Vector uniting, what a joke.
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector Post your picture Re: Post your picture BakuraRyou 0 01/13/2006 03:49

PBlade wrote:
Me not being a geek

Woah, P.I.M.P.Blade :>
And that's Elbulus and Psudo, correct?
Archived Forums External Playtest Discussion What exactly is 'thrown'? Re: What exactly is 'thrown'? BakuraRyou 0 01/12/2006 02:11
Perhaps thrown is damage done in IL, and melee is damage done in melee free fire? I thought ballistic damage would refer to both guns and knives. We'll find out soon enough I guess.
Community General Discussion Old beta Players?? Re: Old beta Players?? BakuraRyou 0 01/10/2006 03:56
Algorithm for life
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector Coming to a theater near you.......... Vector is about to be pitted against...... Re: Coming to a theater near you.......... Vector is about to be pitted against...... BakuraRyou 0 01/05/2006 02:54

Inguss wrote:

Funny thing is .. he jumps the poles for hours.

Should I do the ubiquitous "He mugs Polish people?!" pun, or... Oh, I did.

Someone needs to unleash the unstoppable Data Miner/Tool Maker loadout on that punk.

Community General Discussion The level 50's always get screwed? Re: The level 50's always get screwed? BakuraRyou 0 01/03/2006 14:31

I understand your frustration Ic3, but I certainly don't want people just signing up to get the Attribute Hack or the Fly in Amber from months ago. In fact, I quite like that there's some items you can and can't get.


Choice. The problem is choice SMILEY
Community General Discussion If MxO Went FPS Re: If MxO Went FPS BakuraRyou 0 12/29/2005 13:27

Reminds me of a reeeeeeally old screenie of Interlock (and indeed the whole HUD) I saw:

Message Edited by BakuraRyou on 12-29-2005 09:28 PM

Community General Discussion Should organisational benefits be implemented? Should organisational benefits be implemented? BakuraRyou 0 12/29/2005 11:27

It would make the game a bit more interesting don't you think? I mean as it is, it doesn't matter what organisation you work for, as all you get are slightly different attitudes from operators (Tyndall's honest and dedicated, Gray's typically indifferent but sometimes thankful, and Flood's just smarmy). Everyone is privy to to basically the same information in critical missions, and one way or another all organisations are always working toward the same goal. If there were some kind of incentive to join a particular organisation as opposed to just making all 3 essentially the same, it'd be a lot better. One of the reasons the servers are so overpopulated with Zion isn't because that many people want to "fight the good fight", it's mainly because you start out as one, and when Gray and Flood contact you, they don't actually offer anything that make their respective organisations worth joining.

I joined the Merovingian as soon as I could way back when, and since then I've seen absolutely nothing besides one party just after Morpheus' death that's been exclusive, let alone beneficial to me. It certainly makes a big difference on a pvp server, but generally I'm just attacked because I have a red nametag, as opposed to Zion hating me for aiding in Morpheus' death (well I'd like to think I did SMILEY). As for other organisations, the killcode did essentially nothing.

One thing that's always puzzled me is why agents attack Machinist redpills. Maybe they could be given certain access node locations when they opted to go Machine or something. If it was worked into the story that Gray can't stop these agents (the level 255s) as they are automated, built into the Matrix's core security system, and would attack any redpill or even unauthorised machines themselves if they tried to go there without sufficient access rights, but giving their redpills knowledge would give them a headstart and they'd only have themselves to blame if they got attacked. Not just "Agents attack here" or whatever generic message is given.

I'm trying to think of organisation based perks that would be subtle enough to not make everyone go "*CENSORED* look what they get I'm going *Org name*", but not so subtle as that they're barely noticeable (e.g. cake, which wasn't even exclusive last time!), but it's pretty difficult. Perhaps Merovingian redpills (as they would be of the money/power orientated ilk) can get extra XP and/or info for doing missions (to prevent abuse, you'd have to be a member of the organisation for 30 days or 50 missions, and the increase would happen every 5 or so missions after that), Machines would be immune to player attacks in Archives thanks to an exclusion program (one with a time limit to prevent major camping and abuse), and Zion could escape the Death Effect thanks to their strong will and battle hardened psyches.

Or even more drastically, there could be an irreversible option to permanently join one organisation, and these abilities wouldn't be available until you did. Though in this case I'd want hostile 2 person emotes to be re-enabled, as there's certain Zionites I can't live without slapping SMILEY Probably wouldn't work, but I know I'd like to see some kind of reward for being dedicated to one particular cause, rather than just a different operator.

Any thoughts or ideas on this?

Vector - Hostile Events - Vector Live USER Event. The Rebirth. Re: Live USER Event. The Rebirth. BakuraRyou 0 10/18/2005 11:06
What-ho Ax old chum, still as proficient at sniping as a fat person is at having dignity? :>
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector Why Are You Here? Re: Why Are You Here? BakuraRyou 0 10/12/2005 13:17
On the rocks!
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector Why Are You Here? Re: Why Are You Here? BakuraRyou 0 10/12/2005 12:18
I started for the franchise, stayed for the community. The idea of me and other Matrix fans changing how the story goes was appealing beyond words, but it became apparent after the hunt for Morpheus that everything was pre-written, and that your actions ingame really didn't have any effect on the storyline. For that reason I would've left, but I met so many great people that I found it impossible to quit SMILEY

But a lot of these people left before and (more notably) after the merge, my faction broke, and there's nothing to do for a lone level 50. $15 a month is a pricy chat room, and there's only a handful of people still playing that I started out with, hence me quitting. Hopefully they can entice me back somehow.

Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector Why Are You Here? Re: Why Are You Here? BakuraRyou 0 10/12/2005 12:18

I started for the franchise, stayed for the community. The idea of me and other Matrix fans changing how the story goes was appealing beyond words, but it became apparent after the hunt for Morpheus that everything was pre-written, and that your actions ingame really didn't have any effect on the storyline. For that reason I would've left, but I met so many great people that I found it impossible to quit SMILEY

But a lot of these people left before and (more notably) after the merge, my faction broke, and there's nothing to do for a lone level 50. $15 a month is a pricy chat room, and there's only a handful of people still playing that I started out with, hence me quitting. Hopefully they can entice me back somehow.

But yeah, great while it lasted.

Message Edited by BakuraRyou on 10-12-2005 09:18 PM

Community General Discussion MAX DAMAGE!!! Re: MAX DAMAGE!!! BakuraRyou 0 10/12/2005 07:02
Sorry, mine's better.

Gameplay Discussion Missions and Storyline Walrus and the dev. team: When are the new orgs coming in? Re: Walrus and the dev. team: When are the new orgs coming in? BakuraRyou 0 10/12/2005 06:46

QforQ wrote:
You really think they would tell you what the story is going to be in the future

They have done before... :robotmad:
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector Goodbye everyone.... Re: Goodbye everyone.... BakuraRyou 0 10/12/2005 06:09
Hoorah for Loki the thunder stealer! :>



I'm also quitting at the end of the month, leaving rYugen as the only person on Input since day 1, sorry bud SMILEY

Met some great people over the last few months, most notably Causality (née Digital Underground), CoZ and SoL (they're pretty nice guys if you stay to chat after they kill you SMILEY ). Well basically all of Input except eVenTine SMILEY

If they ever implement something worth staying for I'll come back, but at this point that looks highly unlikely.

So fanks again and keep on zergin'




Later Loki, I'll miss your aura of love.
Gameplay Discussion Missions and Storyline typical Re: typical BakuraRyou 0 10/01/2005 17:43
At least you'll be awake for it, unlike us Europeans SMILEY
Gameplay Discussion Missions and Storyline Ummmmm... Ummmmm... BakuraRyou 0 09/29/2005 03:46
Why exactly have the storylines for the next few days been put up on DN1?
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector So, school is in session again Re: So, school is in session again BakuraRyou 0 09/06/2005 11:37
The American education system confuses me SMILEY
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector I read the Dev Journal 01 – Lead Designer- 8/24/2005 and cried. Re: I read the Dev Journal 01 – Lead Designer- 8/24/2005 and cried. BakuraRyou 0 08/25/2005 18:13
Maybe a good improvement would be if they made IL Immunity an optional Awakened abiltity. That way it'd take up some memory and they'd be forced to choose whether they want to keep it and sacrifice some hacker abilties, or dump it and face death at the hands of 2 or more MAs.


Either that, or for the 5 seconds after they withdraw, all their abilties are greyed out so they're forced to run, as opposed to just launching stun ad nauseum.
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