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Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector WTB - Updated Re:Re:Re:WTB - Updated Zenom 0 02/09/2009 15:59


Zenom wrote:

Thanks Omega, I will log in now and send you the info for the Ravensfeather.

Still looking for a kernel.

200 mill.

I'd rather run in their naked over and over in an attempt to kill the lvl 70 solo then pay that price. kthnx.

Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector WTB - Updated Re:WTB - Updated Zenom 0 02/09/2009 04:59
Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector WTB - Updated Re:WTB - Updated Zenom 0 02/09/2009 04:59

Thanks Omega, I will log in now and send you the info for the Ravensfeather.

Still looking for a kernel.

Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector WTB - Updated Re:WTB Zenom 0 02/08/2009 17:29

Someone has already supplied the pants, thanks. I am not sure about current prices on the ravensfeather. I saw the next tier down (forgot the name) on MP for 2mil. How does 5 mil sound Omega?

Also whoever has been putting kernels on the MP for 100mil, please PM or whiper me ingame if you have more. I will buy one off you at that price.

Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector WTB - Updated WTB - Updated Zenom 0 02/08/2009 15:30

1. Female Ravenfeather

2. Male lvl 50 Viral dmg hosh chap pants ( I know they are codeable, I just dont have it decompiled on this server)

3. Kernel - Offering 100 mil

PM me here would be the best bet as I wont be around for a couple days. Otherwise whisper Vandetta.


Thank you

Community Redpill Rescue Defense vs Ballistics/Mêlée question. Re:Defense vs Ballistics/Mêlée question. Zenom 0 02/07/2009 17:48

The defence that counts is determined by what your opponent is using. If the are using guns then ballistic defence.

Community Redpill Rescue A few questions. Re:A few questions. Zenom 0 02/07/2009 07:30

I'm not ingame but there is a window called status that shows your stats. Click on the blue button on the left of the semi circle at the bottom of your screen. then select the Status option, this will open the window. The second tab will show your damage using different tactics with your current loadout and attributes. The third tab shows your point in different stats like damage, accurace, defence etc. You can spend quite a lot of time changing up clothing and abilities and checking your stats here. You can also see your resistances here but I cant remember which page it is on. For me personally this is the stat I check the most in the status window. I have my usual clothing sets for pvp but when I want more resistance I switch up clothes and check the total.

Sorry my information is abit vague but I haven't got the game running to check.

Unfortunately you cant see your combat rolls (the number that determines if you win or lose a roll in interlock). This was a feature of the old combat system that was never implemented in the current one. I for one would love to see combat rolls in the combat/system log above the chat box. Seeing your rolls and switching up clothing/abs to improve it would  be great.

Hope this helps,

Community Redpill Rescue Dual Client Re:Dual Client Zenom 0 02/07/2009 04:18

make sure to have two shortcuts, one original and one with the -clone. run the first shortcut, log in then alt tab and run the second. once you close the first tho you cant reopen it without closing the second.

there is a way to do more then 2, but not many people have more then 2 accounts.

Syntax Crew and Faction Recruiting - Syntax Exploits - Cyph Re:Exploits - Cyph Zenom 0 02/06/2009 22:23

FFS thats the second one you put up without me in it! im quitting QQ

Community Redpill Rescue Patch system error (-15) required file missing Re:Re:Re:Patch system error (-15) required file missing Zenom 0 02/06/2009 19:11

Gerik wrote:

Zenom wrote:

Negative.. if you click the icon next to the name of the last person who posted (on the right) it will take you to the last post.

Doesn't work most of the time.

It works for me sometimes, not always. Even if it doesnt take me to the last page I just click the number of the last page either at the top or bottom of the page anyway.

Community Redpill Rescue Patch system error (-15) required file missing Re:Patch system error (-15) required file missing Zenom 0 02/06/2009 18:54

Negative.. if you click the icon next to the name of the last person who posted (on the right) it will take you to the last post. This makes it easy for people to go straight to the end of a thread and keep up to date. Trust me people would appreciate this more then seeing lots of threads filling up the Redpill Rescue. Although this feature is abit buggy and sometimes takes you to the second or third to last page it still works mostly.

I also doubt a mod will group them for you. Best thing to do is start a new questions thread with a title like "Edvin's questions" (like ive said) and just use that from now on.



Community Redpill Rescue A few questions. Re:A few questions. Zenom 0 02/06/2009 16:27

Talk to people ingame, find a group that are friendly and help with questions and missions. If they are on at a time that suits you and they help you then just ask to join but in most cases they will ask you anyway. Factions are the best way to learn the game, they teach you everything you need to know.

Community Redpill Rescue Patch system error (-15) required file missing Re:Patch system error (-15) required file missing Zenom 0 02/06/2009 16:18

Hey Edvin it might be better to create a single thread called "Edvin's questions" and add to it as you have more questions about the game. Creating a new thread for each quesion just floods the Redpill Rescue.


Community General Discussion Server Restart Server Restart Zenom 0 02/06/2009 05:27

This question is directed at a dev, seeings they have been very active on the forum lately anyway.

Just wanna know why there were two server shutdowns this week, thursday at the regular time and another tonight? Just out of curiousity I aint complaining.


Community Redpill Rescue A few questions. Re:A few questions. Zenom 0 02/06/2009 05:10

Lol the red lightning your describing is most likely a viral attack from the hacker tree.

Community Residual Self-Image Assorted dev screenshots Re:Assorted dev screenshots Zenom 0 02/05/2009 18:10

So ghost can see through clothing, cause it looks like agent pace is missing a skirt... single best ability ever!

Community General Discussion Wonder if- Re:Re:Re:Wonder if- Zenom 0 02/05/2009 16:00

deimoslvov wrote:

Fen wrote:

I doubt there will be a replacement.  Rarebit is not essential to the operation of MxO in the eyes of SOE, therefore he won't be replaced.

This sounds more like a theory than like an actual truth.

Going on the way SOE have operated so far I would have to agree

Community Redpill Rescue new player...login trouble Re:Re:new player...login trouble Zenom 0 02/05/2009 05:59


thanks.....i love all the help for an idiot newb such as myself.

We were all idiot newbs once dude.... and some of us still are SMILEY

Community Redpill Rescue new player...login trouble Re:Re:new player...login trouble Zenom 0 02/05/2009 05:48


once again should i go about requesting the name change? i'm unable to send Virrago a private message and I don't see a particular board where such things are addressed.

Click on the following link and then click "View your service history". It will take you to a login screen, put in your account details. It will take you to the same website that is used for ingame support. Then either send them a support email or wait till the SOE office opens and use the chat support.


Hope it helps

Community Redpill Rescue new player...login trouble Re:new player...login trouble Zenom 0 02/05/2009 05:44

You will see a message in your system log above your chat box. It counts down from 15 mins before the shutdown, you probably didnt notice. Usually downtime is 30 mins to 1 hour but if they are releasing any new content it could take hours. But that aint supposed to happen till next week so it should be up soon.

Community General Discussion "Final Surprises" Speculation Thread Re:Re:"Final Surprises" Speculation Thread Zenom 0 02/05/2009 05:37

Proximisio wrote:

The game unexpectedly shutting down?

That would definitly be a surprise!

Community Player Events Rarebit's Farewell Party - February 12th - Syntax Re:Re:Rarebit's Going Away Party Extravaganza - February 12th - Syntax Zenom 0 02/04/2009 13:11

Phluff wrote:


I might even take the day off from work for this!



Taking a day of work for an online party is kinda sad... Unless you hate your job and look for any excuse to get out of it.

Syntax World Discussion - Syntax Post your Real Life pics 2.0 - Reloaded Re:Re:Post your Real Life pics 2.0 - Reloaded Zenom 0 02/03/2009 05:43

Mindsweep wrote:

I'm getting ready for a party at school too.

OMG Funny

News and Announcements Broadcast Depth Thank you Re:Thank you Zenom 0 02/03/2009 05:09

I saw this coming since I heard you had cut the live events out being the life blood of the game. Although I wasnt happy like many people I knew there had be a reason like this for it happening. I know I for one have been critical of your work from time to time. I have also expressed such things openly on the forum and in game. For this I apologise, I understand that you are doing the best job you can with the budget and resources available to you. The real problem is with the SOE purse holders who have been reducing the mxo budget since day 1.  You have poured your heart and soul into this game and it shows, with the limited resources you have managed to keep a dying game (of no fault of your own) alive. This has been by far the best mmo I have played, and I have played a few. Despite its low numbers and sometimes lack of content I always find myself coming back and I thank you for this Rarebit. What happens now I dont know, I hope Walrus can organise a suitable replacement and allow the game to continue as planned. However your shoes will be big ones to fill and I hope the new person is up to it.

All the best in the future, I hope your path leads to larger and greater things. You should create a normal forum account and come back to talk to us from time to time.



Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector disturbing my relaxation Re:disturbing my relaxation Zenom 0 01/31/2009 20:29

Are you supplying her the health pills too? She just wasted a whole stack in a failed attempt to survive a fight against me then she logged off. Tell her I actually have screenshots and if she wants to see them she needs to supply the ones she supposidly has of killing me over and over.


Development Discussion Development Roundtable Possible Clothing Change Possible Clothing Change Zenom 0 01/31/2009 08:03

Seeing that Rarebit is currently making simple, but still cool, changes to existing clothing lately I have an idea. Why not change the female sakura mask into a bandana. I am yet to know one person with a female char who actually likes the mask. All that I have talked to prefer it be bandana like the male version. If there is an odd few who prefer the mask why not make a trade available somewhere to change it to a bandana for those who chose to.

This is a simple change that can be implemented easily and I believe will be very popular.

Syntax Marketplace - Syntax WTB: SSR Gum Re:WTB: SSR Gum Zenom 0 01/30/2009 03:10

I have some.. cant remember exactly but it aint much. Once i can actually get my syntax main to log in I will check.

Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector So me and 20 of my closest friends have an issue. Re:Re:Re:So me and 20 of my closest friends have an issue. Zenom 0 01/28/2009 14:29

UniToxic wrote:

The_Bruceter wrote:

I wasn't flamming Brom. Just don't like dual clienters is all

No, brom he wasn't flaming he just hasn't cried about anything in a whole 20 minutes and saw his chance so burnt straight to the forums to munch on some nuts.


Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector So me and 20 of my closest friends have an issue. Re:Re:So me and 20 of my closest friends have an issue. Zenom 0 01/28/2009 13:43

Bayamos wrote:

In the future it would be a good idea to have a random ability at level 1 or so loaded. When you level up, level that ability up by one level. It should save you to DB and prevent server crashes from rolling back both your info and XP.

Suprised the server crashed, though. Satis Playground was always very robust. Did it not split into new regionservers every time the load got high?

Yeah I like to level abilities and apply attribute points between spawns but there was so much lag i was clicking on the + button and nothing was happening. lol

Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector So me and 20 of my closest friends have an issue. Re:So me and 20 of my closest friends have an issue. Zenom 0 01/28/2009 00:46
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector So me and 20 of my closest friends have an issue. Re:So me and 20 of my closest friends have an issue. Zenom 0 01/28/2009 00:46

We want a refund! and our xp back!

Community General Discussion New player Re:Re:Re:New player Zenom 0 01/26/2009 15:55

Palathas wrote:

Wickedengineer wrote:

So far I have been playing on syntax, and it seems pretty straight forward, at least I think it is Though I have no clue where to find stuff like tools, (decompiler, repair thingy, etc) since I took the coder proxy route, and for now a bit of programming.

But the way it looks like now, you, in theory, could be everything. As long as you have the money to buy the abillities, and you will have to switch them out due to memory, but if you level up on lets say coder, you can always switch over to hacker. Or am I missing some important aspect here? And therefore doing it completely wrong

Edit: I did just realise that stats would be a problem.

As far as I can tell the stats aren't a huge problem. Later, level 12 -15 ish, you'll come across an Archivist for each faction and can buy a Stat Hack quest off them which, when completed, resets your stats so that you can change them.

I haven't tried this myself yet but as far as I can tell you can be a Patcher/Virologist with the optimum stats for a while and if you want a change of pace, get the stat hack and swap over to an Operative and Kung Fu everything to bits.

From what I can gather the only things you can't change are your Handle, Billpill Name and Gender. You can even change your appearance by going into the Exile strongholds and get pills from the exiles in there that changes your appearance. Some named exiles also have a chance to drop an RSI Capture item which lets you look like them.

I have a Jack the Hack and Menomom (sp? in Tabor Park) RSI Capture items.

The NPC's name is Mammon and actually you can get your blue pill name change if its really necessary. You can send in a ccr ticket and get it changed. I know someone who had this done because they were getting griefed due to their name. Changing a handle however is probably possible but again you would need a really good reason for a CSR to actually edit the database.

Community General Discussion New player Re:Re:New player Zenom 0 01/26/2009 08:31

Croesis wrote:

Most can be done in Int, there are a few though that require a specific setting/area relevant to the story. If your having a problem with NPC gangs in the area where the mission is set your best bet is to get a friend/faction member to help. If you don't wanna wait til lvl 33 that is.

I found atleast 12 tickets at one point or another stopped working in International. I believe i was working through Merv 1 - 8 to get the jackets. There could have been more although I did all my other archives in Richland after 33. I did as much of a ticket as possible then move to the next. Eventually i had an inventory full of some half completed, some completed and some i couldnt start at all. Getting a friend to help is always a good idea this helped me get through some half completed ones.

Community General Discussion New player Re:Re:New player Zenom 0 01/26/2009 08:10

ZarlakQUAM wrote:

due to what you just said mate, is there a guide as to what archive missions can be completed in international? i have it all hacked and hardlined besides downtown, lvl 23, but am annoyed that the missions keep taking me to westview where im having to escort npcs through the slums where the gangs are all level 26 and higher, i tried to do it in int and got "could not start this mission" which ones can be done in international? the gangs there arent a problem

I had this problem with the last 50 I levelled up and I realised that archive missions work differently in terms of where you can start them. Normal missions will work fine in international but i found certain archive tickets will only work in Westview and even Richland. I ended up holding off on archives until 33 and do them all in Richland. Seriously the amount of time you will spend reconning and trying to find ways to avoid gangs especially with the amount of escort missions that are in archives it simply isnt efficient. If you do normal missions on hard and burn through them fast you will get good xp per hour. It might not seem like alot of xp because you are getting less per mission you will be doing more missions overall per hour. Sorry that I forgot to mention this problem with archives in my original post.

Community General Discussion New player Re:New player Zenom 0 01/26/2009 07:59

I've noticed a few new players lately taking the coder tree for leveling. I think this is because they like the idea of having a sim fight for them but realistically a sim isnt as great as it appears. You may find it helpful for the first few levels but sims just simply dont do as much damage as using other trees. The best tree for leveling is by far MA because you can deal decent dmg at a lower level with MA. At the moment you can load a sim and abilities from the operative tree which is helpful but the more you level up coder you will be unable to load up abilities to allow you to fight with your sim.

So I suggest you play with the operative tree and see if you prefer the damage with those abilities. If you need some info to buy some abilities send me a wisper on Zenom199. I would also suggest finding a good faction that actively support lowbies with missions, ability coding and teaching you about the game. I would spend time with a faction before joining and see how helpful they are. Getting in a good faction will make your mxo experience so much better.

The best way to level solo is to do archive missions, they are missions that are from the old story chapters of the game. They are longer to do but give you alot more xp.. usually atleast 50% more. You can also hand in completed archive tickets for special items, I find this a great incentive to mission along with the extra xp. Your faction can explain this further and show you how to get started. If your in a faction with a decent size of regular players you might be lucky to get Sleepwalker box drops done. This is pretty much a box that spawns waves of npcs at high level. When a group drops enough boxes (atleast 10) the xp is phenominal and you will level up in no time. If you cant get a big enough group for this then you will do ok if you can get a 50 to run you missions.

Another important thing to know is that at lvl 16 you wont be able to do missions in Richland (the first district in the game). It will send you to Westview, dont bother going there because the gang npcs will be too high a level in comparison to yours. Get a faction friend to help you go to international instead, the gang npcs are easier to handle and the mission buildings are easier to navigate. A warning tho agents will spawn periodically and kill you. You can either just recon and finish your mission or talk to your faction about hacking nodes to stop the spawns. At 33 you will be able to return to Richland.

This is just a small part of all  you will need to learn but you will get there. Also try reading the forum for questions other new players have posted. The information here is very helpful.

Hope you enjoy the game.

Community General Discussion New player Re:Re:Re:New player Zenom 0 01/25/2009 19:45

Cadsuane wrote:

Mindsweep wrote:

Make an RSI on all 3 servers and see what you find best.


Why do you feel it necessary to constantly quote and change other people's posts Gitano?

Syntax Marketplace - Syntax DONE Re:WTB: Blue Marble Stage 3 Zenom 0 01/25/2009 19:06

All my marbles are on vector, If you wanted some there I could do you a sweet deal. Unfortunately I cant do the same number of box drops on syntax.

You might be able to get marbles in small quantities from different people who did the Box Party '09 thing with TheChainer.

Vector - Hostile Events - Vector ELIMINATION HUNT EVENT - Jord wins (13 kills) Re:ELIMINATION HUNT EVENT - JAN 23 TO FEB 1 Zenom 0 01/24/2009 20:25

Clawing my way back now

I know its abit small but if you squint you can see I killed DrBaltar

" />

Syntax Events - Syntax Box Party '09 Re:Box Party '09 Zenom 0 01/24/2009 18:14

I warned chainer that doing such a large drop with people from different orgs was gonna be hard to control. Sorry it didnt work out for you guys.

Vector - Hostile Events - Vector ELIMINATION HUNT EVENT - Jord wins (13 kills) Re:ELIMINATION HUNT EVENT - JAN 23 TO FEB 1 Zenom 0 01/24/2009 07:24

hasnt been my day it seems. such is life.

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