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The Matrix Online
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Development Discussion Development Roundtable The Matrix Offline Re:The Matrix Offline Ogham 0 06/05/2009 10:18

Spill the beans

Community General Discussion Servers shutting down in 14mins Re:Servers shutting down in 14mins Ogham 0 06/04/2009 16:08

lvl 50 back... skills that were loaded when you last logged off are all unloaded (nothing a /loadlo can't fix, if you have them setup).

Also still some lvl 51 RSI's running around on Vector.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Where are u going after Mxo? Re:Where are u going after Mxo? Ogham 0 06/04/2009 14:56

Lego online is fun... NOT ... Eve-online is probably not for someone liking MXO... Closest I've found to MXO is "City of Heroes" (and there are already some MXO peeps on there who like it), but then again it's not MXO.

But probably I'm going to stop MMO's for a while... it really is a waste of your life .

Development Discussion Development Roundtable The Matrix Offline Re:The Matrix Offline Ogham 0 06/04/2009 02:31

Well, if SOE makes more money out of selling it then they have to spend developing it (and get some goodwill from the mxo community)... Somewhere at the top of the thread is a ROI thingie. Basically it could be running around, do some missions, ... contrary to all the whining the last years of the community, it's something people will come to miss.... sunset while hyperjumping e.g.

Doesn't need to be the latest high-tech engine, no big commercials... just reuse what's available now in MXO and put some cello-tape on it to be to able to run it stand-alone. There was even an open source project to make something like it (replacing the server by a stand-alone server), but they got stuck on the encryption MXO uses.

And what the hell, SOE wants to make the investment to make something like "kungfu hustle"... jeeesus . SOE could even hold a "community poll" or a pre-order item on amazon... "we get this many requests, we'll invest a resource to make it stand-alone, else not".



Development Discussion Development Roundtable suggestions for last event Re:suggestions for last event Ogham 0 06/03/2009 01:50


Go out in style like TRL

Red skies for a couple of weeks, and slowly replace all NPCs in the game by mean lvl 255 agents.

Community General Discussion Walrus! Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Walrus! Ogham 0 06/03/2009 01:32

Ogham wrote:

From what I heard at least 1 big lawsuit is in preparation for when the agency comes online for copyright infringement. And on another note... FPS with some add-ons... com'on, at least they won't have lag . It's clear to me... but apparently SOE must have some very "smart" marketing people .... I'm willing predict the future... they will do a closed beta, eventually see that it fails to "click" with people... nerve the whole thing, and cancel it within maximum 1 year (maximum peak population between 10.000 and 20.000 right after beta). And probably after that , they can all of their remaining MMO's.

And off-topic but I remember again which game I was  thinking of when I read the descriptions of the agency... "Tabula Rasa. Everyone wants to play such a thing, it's a no-brainer".... FPS... guns, snipers, heavy artillery, support toons... vehicles... good AI, vast spaces, smart missions, crafting, ... and TR did have a very responsive development team, but look where it got them.

Community General Discussion Walrus! Re:Re:Re:Re:Walrus! Ogham 0 06/02/2009 16:08

MetaLogic wrote:

Fen wrote:

Ogham wrote:

Remember, as fun as MXO is it still remains a timesink... maybe we should be glad SOE removes one of our timesinks. I would still love this thing as dumbed down single player game, but that's just me dreaming.

For the future... next one to go down is Planetside (lack of customers), followed by SWG (lack of customers after SWTOR goes live).... and from what I heard SOE is going to get the shock of a lifetime whenever the agency goes live , I'm kind of looking forward to it... the shock, not the agency

From what I've heard, Vanguard is actually the next one on the chopping block.  I have no idea why SOE continues to keep Planetside around, but whatever.  And SOE will definitely get a shock with the Agency, and I look forward to it as well.


What suprises?

From what I heard at least 1 big lawsuit is in preparation for when the agency comes online for copyright infringement. And on another note... FPS with some add-ons... com'on, at least they won't have lag . It's clear to me... but apparently SOE must have some very "smart" marketing people .... I'm willing predict the future... they will do a closed beta, eventually see that it fails to "click" with people... nerve the whole thing, and cancel it within maximum 1 year (maximum peak population between 10.000 and 20.000 right after beta). And probably after that , they can all of their remaining MMO's.

Community General Discussion Walrus! Re:Walrus! Ogham 0 06/02/2009 15:05

Remember, as fun as MXO is it still remains a timesink... maybe we should be glad SOE removes one of our timesinks. I would still love this thing as dumbed down single player game, but that's just me dreaming.

For the future... next one to go down is Planetside (lack of customers), followed by SWG (lack of customers after SWTOR goes live).... and from what I heard SOE is going to get the shock of a lifetime whenever the agency goes live , I'm kind of looking forward to it... the shock, not the agency

Community General Discussion In regards to June 1... Re:In regards to June 1... Ogham 0 06/02/2009 11:59


I still find it kind of strange... rarebit leaves, the whole community goes away or goes to a dormant state... they pull the plug partially because of that and dang everyone who's ever subbed to MXO wants to get back in ... it's a CRAZY world.

Are there numbers on the people subscribed in let's say march compared to now.... I see lots of old folks again, and I see a massive amount of < lvl 10 running around


Community General Discussion It won't end here. Re:Re:Re:Re:It won't end here. Ogham 0 06/02/2009 11:55

Griffo wrote:

MetaLogic wrote:

Phrack wrote:

Alternate Reality Game != Live Action Roleplaying.


So we will be out in the woods screaming "Lightning bolts!" 

I'd imagine something like "PISTON KICKS!" "1243 DAMAGE!"

"PUNT"... cool animation in MXO... doable in real life SMILEY

Community General Discussion What will you take away from your experience with MxO? Re:What will you take away from your experience with MxO? Ogham 0 06/02/2009 11:51

Use "/play" on each of your toons... count up the time and you will see how much of your life you "wasted" away . Not that that's exclusive to MXO... But think about it before starting your next MMO.




Development Discussion Development Roundtable The Matrix Offline Re:The Matrix Offline Ogham 0 06/02/2009 04:23

So it may be a bit harder . What I do know is:

- If the server gets disconnected and the client doesn't realize this you get to walk around in the environment, but you can't interact with anything

Most of the development time of a game is spent in the game mechanics and graphics... both of which already exists for MXO, so it's just a conversion project from client-server to "client-client". Rip out the network stuff from the server, make into a single player thing.

Let's do the math... Suppose SOE doesn't want to outsource it and do it inhouse.... let 1 of the last MXO developers work on a conversion for a year full-time (making some small extra stuff: more rapid leveling, more info, clothes shop, ...)... don't advertise the game, just make a pre-order button on amazon and send all old-subscribers an e-mail when the game is ready (no Steam, no copy protection, send the DVD in a plain white box). Suppose 10.000 people would buy the game as lower limit, I would expect all people in the game the last 2 months to buy a copy. Treat it as a high end-game... 40euro a piece... 400K euro income as lower limit.

That's a no-brainer... pretty easy ROI... and instead of 10.000 customers use the number of active people in the last 2 months of MXO. Ongoing franchise without a lot of cost, more positive people on SOE...




Community General Discussion Would it be THEORETICALLY possible to create a single player version of MxO? Re:Would it be THEORETICALLY possible to create a single player version of MxO? Ogham 0 06/02/2009 03:08

SOE doesn't gain anything by letting the matrix franchise lie in their cupboards . Out of sight, out of mind... and for the application itself... code rots (for real).

I doubt SOE would let big new matrix games be made right now: 1) fear of another company doing it better 2) Fear on the part of the other companies looking at the past track record of matrix games.

But conversion is to SOE I think still an acceptable thing as long as it doesn't cost them. Why not make a pre-order item on e.g. and measure how much interest there is... heck, I preorded Spores and Black&White long before the games were finished.


By the way... anyone still have hopes there will be a "real" restart of MXO with the current subscription base.


And off topic... may be it's not nice towards SOE, but I expect the Agency is going to blow up right in their faces, which serves them right for killing off MXO . Right after the Agency goes life they will get sued by at least 1 firm of which I'm aware off. And looking at their previews I see at least 1 other claim for infringement. Maybe some of the SOE lawyers should be involved in beta-testing the game

Community General Discussion Would it be THEORETICALLY possible to create a single player version of MxO? Re:Would it be THEORETICALLY possible to create a single player version of MxO? Ogham 0 06/02/2009 02:31


Didn't see this thread before making this one

If SOE makes (or outsources) the creation of a single player version it's theoretically quite possible. As in the thread above, lower profit margins estimates for SOE/other company could easily be calculated.

Development Discussion Development Roundtable The Matrix Offline The Matrix Offline Ogham 0 06/02/2009 01:54

As development idea...

Make the matrix online into a single player offline game. Keep the graphics, keep the engine, make the archived missions into a single player long game. Make a toon levable to 50 in 2 a 4 weeks (increase XP), and increase info drops. Make the constructs accessible at any level.

Most of the stuff is already there. The "only" thing that would need to be done is to convert the server part into a local server. I don't think the server is doing that much... keeping track off inventory and the non-fixed things in your region.

SOE can hand it to a small company at fixed price and they can already guess their profit-margins... take the active people of the last 2 months and multiply that by the price of a game (make a it high priced game for all I care), subtract the price for the conversion and you've got your profit margin. SOE doesn't need big advertisements for it, just send e-mails to the old subscribers. They get money now, and if successful they could make money with extensions, new windows versions... and possibly reopen their Matrix online version





Development Discussion Development Roundtable suggestions for last event Re:suggestions for last event Ogham 0 06/01/2009 14:37


My hunch... we'll all lag out before we get to see the end... Seeing all of the people returning SOE may have to upgrade the servers before shutting them down

If SOE would have been smart, they would have prepared a "matrix online" single player version by now, and released it right after the shutdown. It would have been a massive hit because of nostalgia.

Community General Discussion What after MXO? What after MXO? Ogham 0 05/30/2009 04:17

What are people going to do after the MXO... nothing, WOW, SGW, ...?

Personally I'm going to check out City of Heroes, a lot of MXO peeps seem to have moved on to that one, and it seems to feel a little bit related to MXO.


Development Discussion Development Roundtable Improving solo playability Improving solo playability Ogham 0 11/15/2008 02:50

"Problem" I have with some of the new stuff is that they're not vey soloable as a lvl 50 and is even annoying when with a group. I would like to have this changed , at least taken into account in next stuff.

Problem cases:

- the GM ninja box in Sati's playground... at lvl 50 the last ninja is level 70 (ranging from 60 to 70). Last night we did such a box with 7 lvl 50's and in the end it became plain annoying.

- Captain Raeder in the SSR quest... also level 70. Normally you can never solo this.

- Elite commando's

I can understand that for some stuff you need to do some grinding, but I think it should still be possible to do all content solo as lvl 50. Also the new stuff feels different qua experience than the old group-based things. E.g. a pandora box 4 end box you can't do on your own, but get 7 lvl 50's together and it doesn't feel like doing a GM ninja box.


- Don't overdo the level on the bosses... do it as in the original constructs ... lvl 60 e.g. as maximum (for a lvl 50) but with a lower drop rate. If you're with many you can do them more quickly, but you can still solo them.

- Allow for more ways to get the "good" gear. E.g. in the SSR Quest you have to have 10 earpieces of the boss to get the SSR glasses... what about uptrading things (as in the pandora boxes). You could do the 10 captain Raeders, or when soloing e.g. you could do 10 lower guys, uptrade those 10 for 1 captain Raeder earpiece, ... This would make a bit more grinding for single lvl 50's but it would be doable solo.

The second option would even be easily implementable I think in the current game without disturbing balance.

Exception on the above are e.g. the 11.3.x missions which are very well playable solo as lvl 50, the hell boots for the merv organization takes some grinding, but it doesn't feel like you need to fight superman for it. This I do like.

Vector - Hostile Crew and Faction Recruiting - Vector Take the black pill - Dark Evolution Re:Take the black pill - Dark Evolution Ogham 0 11/14/2008 05:06


Take the black pill and evolve !!!


Development Discussion Development Roundtable Temporary reduction of level Re:Temporary reduction of level Ogham 0 07/07/2008 08:50
  Vinia wrote:
Farming these archives for the sought after items and selling them to higher levels is a decent source of income for genuine low levellers, allowing high levels to temporarily lower their level to do it themselves would remove that fairly safe source of income.

Funny SMILEY , the only people I ever encountered in the constructs where alts of existing level 50's, never any "first character" players (and I spent weeks farming in some of the constructs).
Development Discussion Development Roundtable Temporary reduction of level Re:Temporary reduction of level Ogham 0 07/05/2008 17:46
  Cadsuane wrote:
Ogham wrote:
I still fail to see why construct loot would become useless. You'd need to pay 1 million (every time) and you'd still need to kill the boss a number of times to get good loot. The only difference would be that you don't need to grind an alt to a certain level. But I forgot, we're in the game to grind
The unending silver bullets should also be banned then, they also make it that some people get a lot of construct loot while other don't have the special bullets.
Silver bullets of this type are very rare and therefore expensive. 
Imagine a large group of 50s takes the pill and spends the day killing Tengu.  Even with low drop rates, the kill rate would be enough to produce a lot of Bandanas for everyone involved.  No matter how much your pills costs it couldn't make up for the sudden glut. 

I'd ban the silver bullets as being a bit too advantageous, and just in use to farm quickly. In Widow's moore I've seen people coming in at the lowest level for the construct and kill gargoyle in 3 shots. I've never seen the bullets used in pvp, probably because they would be massively ccr'ed. Only too bad Tengu and Gargoyle can't ccr people SMILEY

If large groups would go in to farming (from lvl 50 to some lower level) the constructs you'd probably get some more fighting between zions/mech/mervs... it could spice up life a bit.

Originally the idea came from the fact that a lot of people never go the leveled constructs. When you play the first time around you don't have the resources (pills/boosters/...) to go a lot to the constructs.

If you're afraid of some construct loot becoming more common (who these days doesn't have widow's moore lenses, yuki bandana's, ...) a respawn timer on the construct bosses would happily solve that (as is done on the exile hideout bosses). It would fix most of the sploits/semi-sploits I'm aware of in the constructs.... and kill a few cash cows.

Development Discussion Development Roundtable Temporary reduction of level Re:Temporary reduction of level Ogham 0 07/05/2008 16:47
I still fail to see why construct loot would become useless. You'd need to pay 1 million (every time) and you'd still need to kill the boss a number of times to get good loot. The only difference would be that you don't need to grind an alt to a certain level. But I forgot, we're in the game to grind SMILEY<img mce_tsrc=

The unending silver bullets should also be banned then, they also make it that some people get a lot of construct loot while other don't have the special bullets.

For the "typo post", qua changes it would be a lot less than those required for for e.g. the Sati playground, essentially reusing part of the stat-hack, nothing even needs to be persisted. Don't abandon all hope in the development team.
Development Discussion Development Roundtable Temporary reduction of level Re:Temporary reduction of level Ogham 0 07/05/2008 08:20
Problem being?

It could even act as "counter inflation"/money sink SMILEY<img mce_tsrc=... if you farm them for own use it doesn't matter I think. It would "hurt" a bit if you currently are farming and selling them at high prices.  I have about 20 widow's moore lenses but I wouldn't mind the change SMILEY

And as above it would still require work on the part of the farmer.

Suppose the price is 1 million... if you farm every day of 1 month you blow at least 30 million away on pills, if the prices of loots would drop (if a lot of people would do it), a lot less people may take up farming "for profit"

Development Discussion Development Roundtable Organized group pvp Organized group pvp Ogham 0 07/05/2008 08:15
It must have been mentioned before (but I don't find it in this forum):

Something like the battle-field in "Ender's game" (it's a non-matrix SF book)... a new construct in which 2 groups go in and 1 groups leaves, last man standing. Instanced per pair of groups (and probably with a limit of number if instances so you may be queued for a while).

There would be a time limit (10 minutes or so), you can only leave via the exit which only opens when 1 group is completely killed or by dieing (and reconstructing, instead of ressurection by a team mate). Winning is by killing the other group and at least 1 person leaving via an exit (in the middle of the construct e.g. ... think of a hardline appearing when 1 side is killed). When the time limit is reached without definitive kill, the construct collapses killing all.

The construct could be something as the datamine construct with 2 groups appearing at opposite sides. No normal hardlines, E-mail would be disabled. So you can only use the stuff originally brought in and you can't change loadouts while in the construct.

What would also be required is some kind of public score keeping by the game, preferably individually... each individual in the group gets the same points for a 'kill", ...

Development Discussion Development Roundtable Temporary reduction of level Re:Temporary reduction of level Ogham 0 07/05/2008 04:17
Don't think it would reduce the value of the construct loots if the price of the pills would be high enough... you still need to beat the boss, and be lucky to get a good drop. Every time you die or logout you have to pay for a new pill.

What I did for example on Syntax is make an alt character, bring him up to the lowest level for a construct and then do nothing but kill the boss with him (using the lvl 50 to farm/make pills and boosters).

If you would want the loot to be more valuable it would probably best to complain about the sploits like the unending/unbreakable silver bullets... haven't seen them used in the last 6 months but I've seen people before get 100's of widow moore lenses using them.

Right now most of the level based constructs are also empty most of the time as you only have limited time to play.
Development Discussion Development Roundtable Temporary reduction of level Temporary reduction of level Ogham 0 07/05/2008 03:04
What about a voluntary/temporary reduction of level... e.g. by (rejuvenation) pills being sold at 1 million or so.

You'd take the pill, be asked the lower level and then asked to reset your attributes (to the possible points at your chosen level). Apparel which doesn't match your level anymore would be unequipped, and your loadout would also be unloaded (memory cap would also be in place). You stay that level until you log out our die.

- It would make some content back available to level 50's: llke exile hide-outs boss drops, some constructs like yuki and widow's moore. It would be easier than grinding an alt character back to visit widow's moore e.g.
- More interesting duelling, now you can only duel (if you want it be fair) with same level players.  So if you're not level 50 it's very hard sometimes to find someone to duel with at your own level, this way you could really duel "at level" any time.
- It would allow for some new tournaments... e.g. MA lvl 30 tournaments in which all people pop a pill to become level 30

Development Discussion Development Roundtable Reset of the Matrix Re:Reset of the Matrix Ogham 0 07/03/2008 10:17
I know you can do archive missions, but it's not the same. I would really have them go though each chapter again as crits (maybe with lesser live events and smaller events), in a faster tempo and here and there inserting some new stuff.

For reusing old content, I think the current storyline is becoming very soapish. Going back would give development some breathing space. Btw I think some people would not even realize there's a "rerun" going on.
Development Discussion Development Roundtable Reset of the Matrix Reset of the Matrix Ogham 0 07/03/2008 09:47
Resetting of the matrix: I don't mean to reset all people to level 1 or removing money or items, but just a replay of the chapters instead of the current storyline (maybe in a faster cycle than normally is the case). Like a rerun of a soap story SMILEY.

Most people don't know anymore what happened in any of the chapters, I don't even remember what happened in the last chapter. I think this is the case for most players.

- It would give development some breathing space, maybe afterwards 1 bigger chapter or a new construct or so.
- Also if the old chapters would just be "spit-polished" (assuming that takes much less than making a full chapter) it would make for a better experience for first time players (less bugs/inconsistencies).
- Maybe inserting here and there some new missions or so (it's a reset after all)
- Replay some of the live events, like the hunting of the "insect guy"
- Recapture the good old feelings.
- It could marketed as "Matrix Online: new beginnings"

- Some people complaining about it probably... but I think most of the people would "buy into it". Quality over quantity qua storyline

The Matrix Online
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