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Death of the Destroyer: Feedback Thread
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Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1164
Location: Dunno. Does the world really exist?

You know what... I think we are....

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 5205
Location: Vector

There wasnt enough RP in this event. Some of the most fun i've had in
this game was RPing with the LET characters. This event had no RPing at
all, everything was just figure this out and run here.  Although I
did have fun during this event, I enjoy interacting with others and
Roleplaying above all. This event just made me feel like I was under a
time crunch, that I had to get so much done in X amount of
hours/minutes or i'd miss everything.  Spread it out more and add
more organization contacts whom you can talk to.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4016
Location: Texas

The Good

1. We got a Live event and there were actual LET and not just npc's thrown in.

2. Being able to track the assassin through the event again brought back good memories of the Hunt for Morpheus event.

3.  Fighting corrupt and piecing together the puzzle was fun even with the leak.

4. Lag was not as bad as past events.

5. One of the better live events to date.

6. Merv Cake

7. The Sky was really cool.

The Bad

1. No way of knowing if LET was on at any time because we couldnt add to Vector.

2. Couldnt send tells and interact with org leaders or the Assassin.

3. Would have liked to see LET ingame more than for about 30 min at a time.

The Ugly

1. The way the reward system was handled - It was more a game of luck

2. The Decayed codes didnt stack

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1295

This event was very bad im afraid. I have partisapated in the last two in way way or another on a ground floor bases.

FIrst the info leaking was not acceptable. I know people make mistakes but the event was ruined at that point because people knew where to go.

Secondly being unable to send LET characters privet messages kills the aspect of involving yourself with the story and on a small scale changing the matrix.

Three the assassin mask think should have been planned out better. I Know its not SOE's fault MOnolith has prepared so much infomation and such for future events.


Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 312

I'll keep my reply short, since i'm sure none of this will be read anyways.


On syntax, my faction and I were staked out at the church of the deciples, one of the 5 places the assassin was supposed to appear. However, he didnt show up... So there we were, among many other players waiting for hours for the assassin to show up, and he doesnt come. Thats enough to really get you steamed. Since he never came to our location, i cant say much else. From what it sounds like, that mask basically makes whoever wears it invincible. And there was no proper distribution. The flit gun is useless now, and we have received nothing for participating in the event except for those 5 very lucky people, who i'm sure will have glorious things to say about this event..... My rant ends.

Message Edited by Beachhead on 10-02-2005 10:26 PM
Message edited by Beachhead on 10/02/2005 21:26:56.

MC Photographer

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2226
Location: Syntax

Well, I wrote my little rant in another topic, but I'll respond to this one as well...


- Nice to see another Live Event

- Pacing did feel a little slow, but it was great to see the new sky and an increase in the corrupted spawn rates... it really did feel like The Matrix was heading to hell in a handbasket.

- Even without a ton of variety and some questionable balance, the constantly spawning corrupted made the world more dangerous and fighting them off was something else to do

- Private LET interaction with selected people/factions... even if my faction wasn't chosen, it was great to at least know they are still doing it



- The time of the conclusion was too early.  I'm not the only one who feels that things should have happened at least an hour or two later, and things shoud have been controlled such that it didn't end in 20 minutes.

- Suckage for lower level players.  I don't think a level 12 should be able to take out the Assassin or anything  (unless they get REALLY lucky) but lower level players couldn't even run missions without a higher level escort because of the high level corrupted left roaming the streets and rooftops.



- I'd say the server stability and lag issues, but I missed the conclusion entirely so I can't speak on them. 

- Annoying problems... Gray seemed to dislike spam in the new machine criticals, but then he started using it himself.  Implement in-game email, send everyone the appropriate email containing the alert message once.  Problem solved.



- Me... finally an event where Seraph, my favorite character, plays a decent role and I miss every single time he's on or around.


A few suggestions:

- Even more LET interaction. Sure the LET shouldn't be out and about contacting everyone, as that would just water down their effect, but the chance should be there to experience communication with them at all times, whether there's an event going on or not.  And I mean real communication, not someone reading a script and then disappearing.

- If there is not going to be a scheduled "event time" or even a scheduled "hot window" then there should be another way of letting people from numerous time zones and with varying schedules actually experience the critical parts of the LEs.

- We need to be able to know when something is going on.  I don't listen to Awakened Radio but, even if I did, I find it odd that I would have to rely on a 3rd party outside source to fill me in on what's happening.  I don't have a TON of contacts and I don't have a huge faction, so I can't just spam /t's until I find someone who knows something.  At least having the LET on our buddy lists gave us an idea when something was going to happen, but now we can't even do that. 


In conclusion, this LE was far from terrible, but there is major room for improvement.  Get that LESIG going, and make sure that their suggestions (and demands) actually get listened to and implemented.

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 382

Overall I rate it just okay.  There was a lot of potential and possibly it was a great event on the other servers, but on Vector, it was a bit of a let down.

It was a great to have 5 Assassins to try and spread out the lag issue and let more people be involved. Maybe 10 would have been better though.  It was an awesome idea though and I hope future events are like that.  Unfortunatly, he was way too easy to kill on Vector.  10 minutes and they were all dead?  I have had longer and more engaging battles in Mara.  An entire weekend of build up and anticipation for an ending that lasted10 minutes.  If I had gotten up to get a drink, I would have missed it.  I am sure everyone is complaining about that, so this is more of a /sign.

I agree that It was very difficult to target or see him because his name was red and so many other red names were mixed with his, but thats just part of making it more difficult to kill him.  But I think his abilty to slow down your movement when you are already dealing with lag was a personal kick to the face.

The server crashed when everyone ran to jacob's ladder and after everyone was able to get back on, why not resume with the planned meeting?

There seemed to be a lot of leaks, so I didn't even try to figure anything out on my own.  It felt pointless when you know everyone else already knows.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 95
Location: Australia

Spread the events out, so its not only in Richland (and therefore crashing the server)

Some sort of warning of something needs to be put in, as well as Flash traffic be used (remeber that thing you devs worked so hard to get going for an evert ?)

Event timing - need to let everyone enjoy the event (as opposed to corrupted shooting up everyone everywhere). Time events to happen in peak time for non-us players as well as other timezones, not just PST.

Other than that, nothing else to add other than I really didn't enjoy this event. The storyline is going way off the rails as far as I'm concerened, and personally, am not willing to renew based on the last month or so...

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1174

Spread the events out, so its not only in Richland (and therefore crashing the server)


The event was overall enjoyable for me, it was kind of the same as every other event but any event was better then no event in my opinion.

I'm not complaining about the mask's as I simply don't care about what the buffs are, if the people complaining about the mask had it....5 bucks says they wouldn't complain about the buffs.


As for 'only in Richland' I do believe the LET does that so even the Lower Level characters have a chance to participate(Sorry, it isnt strictly level 20+'s that take place in LETS) and Richland is generally a fair and equal place for the events to happen so players of all levels can enjoy it without worrying about Agents or purple mobs ruining it.

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1240

The event was great, except for the crashing at meetings.

One thing I really loved was the critical missions placed during
certain parts of the events. Makes all players feel more involved. I
hope to see more of those type of criticals in future events.

Edit: One thing though I would love to see is in criticals released
over the period of the event (such as the two we got in this event) is
some kind of hostiles to fight. An example would be in the mission for
the Fly in Amber, it would have been nice to fight off a couple more
Corrupted... So it's kind of like an aftermath clean up to the event.

Message Edited by Romav on 10-03-2005 01:24 AM

Message Edited by Romav on 10-03-2005 01:25 AM
Message edited by iRomav on 10/03/2005 00:25:03.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 83

Basically most of the events to date have followed the same
formula.  This has produced every time insane lag, crashes and
frustration.   Methinks the future of the events reside in
more player vs. player interaction combined with the format of the
regular missions such as :

1) donĀ“t let X die / lead X to point Y (where X is a storyline character)

2) bring to Y collector X drops (which drops are informed at the
starting time of the event and need to be farmed in a haste) ... etc

Avoid the lagfest by having the possibility to achieve the objectives
at multiple locations simultaneously and inform properly in system chat
when the task is achieved and by whom.

There should be 1 general reward for all that participate (that is
complete the criticals prior to the event) and a special one for the
team (the whole team) that achieves the goal.

My 2 cents.

Joined: Aug 28, 2005
Messages: 2

Basicly it breaks down to this:

If you guys are reading through this and picking out the most mentioned
problems with the event (I'm holding out hope that SOMEONE from SOE
is), your list should look something like this:






Don't focus on improving the EVENTS themselves.  Just improve the
conditions under which they occur and you'll get a much better

I had a great time doing this event.  The Assassin was seen
several times by me the rest of the Awakened Radio staff and it was
awesome to be able to fight him.  Sharing this experience with
everyone was awesome.  Me personally ... I have no other qualms
other than the one present in almost every post from a player on
recursion:  THE LAG AND CRASHES. 

The bottom line:

Spending a little bit of cash on improving the server conditions ISN'T
A BAD THING.  It'll help increase POSITIVE response to the events
and filter out a lot of the people just flat out belly aching because
they didn't see the assassin due to lag/crashes/etc.  I mean,
hell, it might even get them to stop telling people new to the game
(like myself) or NOT in the game, that it's not worth playing. 
Coming into this experience with that kind of misnomer is never a good
thing and it was experienced just weeks before I joined and still
happens to this day. 

You guys rock, I love this game, I'm officially dubbing it Matrack, I
had a BLAST during parts of the event, I had even MORE fun reporting it
PLEASE get some NEW servers.  Reporting something live to 550+
people is never easy when you can't make it to the thing you're trying
to report! :p


-DJ Predasus

The side note:

I know one of the LET that was in control of the Assassin at the
Uriah Wharfs on Recursion knows my name well as their attempts to hyper
jump away from me on the final day only gained them a brief glimpse of
freedom before I landed
right next to them ... twice.  I was hot on your *CENSORED* man! 
Awesome stuff ... too bad I died or I woulda had you! SMILEY

Message Edited by Predasus on 10-03-2005 02:35 AM
Message edited by Predasus on 10/03/2005 01:35:11.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 95
Location: Australia

Shouki wrote:

Richland is generally a fair and equal place for the events to happen so players of all levels can enjoy it without worrying about Agents or purple mobs ruining it.

And so the entire population is running around on the Richland/Westview server(s) ?

Just read about the chasing the Assassin that happened, and most mention the lag of having large crowds around... And the Assassin never went to International & Richland.

And you really think a level 20 or below had a chance to hit the Assassin really ? or that only low levels are involved in the LE ?

I'm just really sick of people defending this bearly there effort of an event when we know that much better HAS been run before.

Joined: Aug 28, 2005
Messages: 2

one more thing:

i can gurantee there is a lot of "told ya so"'s about to be thrown
around at the SOE MxO offices ... even if left unspoken.  SMILEY

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4278

if the people complaining about the mask had it....5 bucks says they wouldn't complain about the buffs.

That may be true for a lot of people, but certainly not in my case. If I had that mask, I'd still be complaining about how it's unbalanced. About how it contains buffs that should not be on that type of item. It's pretty much the principle of the matter. But these really are things best discussed before the event takes place, hence once again, I have to mention the need for LESIG. That really must be in place and helping plan and discuss the aspects of events before the next one, and it really should be up and running while the memories of this event are still fresh.
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