This event was very bad im afraid. I have partisapated in the last two in way way or another on a ground floor bases.
FIrst the info leaking was not acceptable. I know people make mistakes but the event was ruined at that point because people knew where to go.
Secondly being unable to send LET characters privet messages kills the aspect of involving yourself with the story and on a small scale changing the matrix.
Three the assassin mask think should have been planned out better. I Know its not SOE's fault MOnolith has prepared so much infomation and such for future events.
Message Edited by Beachhead on 10-02-2005 10:26 PM
Well, I wrote my little rant in another topic, but I'll respond to this one as well...
Overall I rate it just okay. There was a lot of potential and possibly it was a great event on the other servers, but on Vector, it was a bit of a let down.
It was a great to have 5 Assassins to try and spread out the lag issue and let more people be involved. Maybe 10 would have been better though. It was an awesome idea though and I hope future events are like that. Unfortunatly, he was way too easy to kill on Vector. 10 minutes and they were all dead? I have had longer and more engaging battles in Mara. An entire weekend of build up and anticipation for an ending that lasted10 minutes. If I had gotten up to get a drink, I would have missed it. I am sure everyone is complaining about that, so this is more of a /sign.
I agree that It was very difficult to target or see him because his name was red and so many other red names were mixed with his, but thats just part of making it more difficult to kill him. But I think his abilty to slow down your movement when you are already dealing with lag was a personal kick to the face.
The server crashed when everyone ran to jacob's ladder and after everyone was able to get back on, why not resume with the planned meeting?
There seemed to be a lot of leaks, so I didn't even try to figure anything out on my own. It felt pointless when you know everyone else already knows.
Message Edited by Romav on 10-03-2005 01:24 AM
Message Edited by Romav on 10-03-2005 01:25 AM
Message Edited by Predasus on 10-03-2005 02:35 AM
Shouki wrote:Richland is generally a fair and equal place for the events to happen so players of all levels can enjoy it without worrying about Agents or purple mobs ruining it.And so the entire population is running around on the Richland/Westview server(s) ?Just read about the chasing the Assassin that happened, and most mention the lag of having large crowds around... And the Assassin never went to International & Richland.And you really think a level 20 or below had a chance to hit the Assassin really ? or that only low levels are involved in the LE ?I'm just really sick of people defending this bearly there effort of an event when we know that much better HAS been run before.