I was wondering a while back if you could even get an Agent spawn while doing a box/having a corruptor spawned on you.I agree, the level 100 agents just seem like a huge annoyance. Shouldn't be there, scares off low-level players who just started playing MxO.
*Waits for a Machine player to give some BS excuse to keep Agents*
It did NOT time out, cause the purple/black haze was still on the ground and the box was still there, it had only been open 2 minutes before the spawns disappeared. The Agent did NOT spawn on me, he spawned and shot my faction mate, and as he spawned all the commando's disappeared. (Just stating those now so no one can try claim it later in the thread).Thanks to the amazing RP value of the Agent spawns we have to repeat the PB missions. Please fix it, lord knows the spawns are annoying and pointless enough as they are.
Me: Didn't open PB.Faction Mate: Opened PB, got agent spawn, all commando's disappeared, PB ruined.