and post their own ideas for the game.Pylat didn't once say that any of the Dev's sit on their arses. He put an idea forward that if they decide to look at additional moves, like the Shadow moves then there shouldn't be a reason why they can't have a look at some of the more popular old moves and see if they can adjust them to fit into the requiredments for CR2.He was providing feedback on what some players would like to see, there was no demanding them to be included at all. We are perfectly aware of the work the dev's are doing, but just because they are churning out new content, does that mean we should stop discussing what we'd like to see and the possibility of their inclusion and what would need to be done? Perhaps Darminian should try to gain the context of the conversation before flaming someone.
It was sarcasm.
Look I'm not going to get into an arguement over a phrasing which just happened to suggest that Rarebit sits on his arse all day, I'll admit it's probably an accident but the way it's phrased just gives that impression. Thats all I have to say.
But I don't see a reason why Rarebit can't toy with the more reasonable animations to add some more diversity.
Perhaps the focus should return to the idea of lost moves or even moves that would be cool to see in the game, or a discussion of a means to allow players to edit and submit moves - that's a concept semi-foreign but still interesting to me, a world where players can submit and theoretically add their own content - i don't mean all willy nilly so we have giant dancing bannas and ants with top hats, but like everyone can submit textures or animations and if they are liked they can get added, i mean if we do the busy work behind the new 'old' stuff, they could just copy the code.