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The Other Side of the Looking Glass - Friday, March 3, 2006
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Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 230
Location: UK

well let me think about that... erm would you drive a car without taking lessons?

Jacked Out

Joined: Sep 1, 2005
Messages: 69

knick knack paddy wack, give a dog a bone...

it smells sour to me...why should anyone get excited about a damm baseball cap? they've had the cap the whole time, amongst other items they withhold. the cap prolly aint even buffed or enhanched in any way. and they talk about balance..?? have you looked at the spy tree in the new system? omg... everyone is gonna be a sneaky *CENSORED* assassin now... open some new tree's for MA's. what the hell...???


im not satisfied with the srcaps they throw... i want the meat off the bone, not the dam bone!

and i still say 2.0 sucks *CENSORED*!

Jacked Out

Joined: Sep 27, 2005
Messages: 122
Location: The Sticks

First off, I was in BETA. It does not matter. Since this games lives start (for me) on March 19th, 2005 I have noticed changes for the good and changes for the bad. When I was given my BETA clothing I looked at them, Noticed they had no buffs, and then recycled them. I do not care about clothing unless it has buffs. With this new 2.0 coming, sooner then I expected, clothing means almost nothing. Yeah, you may get a bit of help by wearing some things, but they will not make a huge difference. I have spent a few hours in the EPTS and found it to be a fresh beginning.

My point is this for the above! We were all in BETA. This game has been a BETA game since live. I am just wondering if CR2.0 is going to be the real live game or just another BETA itself.

Now, getting to me complaining. Launching CR2.0 before the anniversary is not smart. If you do not spend hundreds of hours on EPTS or the week prior to the Aniv. Event then you will not be a factor in the event.

I do not agree with people that tell people to "*CENSORED*" or "do your research before posting". Maybe you should *CENSORED*. This forums is for all not just you little bi***e's that think you are above the rest. You are most likely a fat, lazy, piece of sh** that has given nothing to the real world. Therefore you a complete reflection, in game, of your true self. Let people say what they want. If you do not like it then go play your 10 or 20 other games that posses your life.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 25, 2005
Messages: 188

To be honest, I like this new cr 2.0

In the beginning it was weird, I couldn't get this but now I jacked in a few more times at the qa server and I really like it. (I still trying to understand it anyway). SMILEY

I like what SOE is doing to the game, and for us. I see that they are working to make this game to last long. (but I still don't get the idea to make the beta clothing tradeble) SMILEY


Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4278

Be truthful here, how many Pre-order players actually even bother wearing their Beta clothing for more than 5 mins every other month give or take one item? Why get so upset over allowing people the choice of trading an item that is, pretty much, pointless any how? It doesn't even indicate you were a beta player, all it indicates is that you pre-ordered the game. They are not special items for people who played in beta. There you go. The cold hard truth.

You don't want people selling them for lots of info? Then play the market game and reduce their worth down to 1 info. It's all too easy to do that anyhow =D Really, mountains out of mole hills here.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 1461
Location: Vector (E)

I think Walrus made an error in his speech when he said tradeable.  According to what I've read... somewhere... they were supposed to be sellable to vendors for a nice price.  I can see creating a character just to make money by selling your beta clothes would be an exploit if you did it too many times.  But that's something they could detect very easily.
If they did allow trades to non-beta players, the items would become worthless.
So tradeable is not the same as player-tradeable.
I like the cap.  =)
Too bad I won't be around to see either one of the events; CR2.0 and the Anniversary.  I'd really love to, but my life isn't taking me in that direction.
Good luck with the Matrix everyone!  =`(
PS.  You really should fix sneak.  The noise-level modifier is like at 2 or 0.  IOW, it's /bug -ged

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Sep 27, 2005
Messages: 820
Location: Between the Worlds

Closed Beta (invite only) launched June 1, 2004.  Public Beta began October 29, 2004 and ended March 15, 2005.  No one played Beta for a year, no one even played for five full months unless they were one of the lucky few to be invited at the beginning, in which case it was less than ten months.

I recently celebrated my one year anniversary in MxO.  Since the launch of Live, my main RSI PS10N has over 85 days of /play time.  Do the math: I’ve spent 85/380 days Jacked In.  That’s 22.37% of the whole year, not just waking time or free time.  (Contrary to popular belief, I DO NOT eat, sleep or work, but you can find me at Recursion’s Tabor Park West Hardline instead.)

The Beta clothes do mean something.  They mean you were in Beta.  When they become tradable, they loose their meaning altogether.  When there are big parties hosted by the radio stations, the Beta players don their colors and line up for screen shots because it’s a way of saying “I was there, and I’m still here.”  As things are now, when I see someone in Beta clothing, I can know with certainty that the player really was really in Beta and it’s a conversation starter.  “Do you remember when Sigh kissed the numbered Agent under the Hypersphere Monument when Seraph was there?”  When a Beta coat/jacket is worn it shows clearly that the player had something to do with the refinement of the game and I want to know what was special about their Beta experience.  “What did YOU do to get the coat?”

I didn’t get a Beta Jacket.  Why?  Because I didn’t do what was necessary to earn one and so I don’t deserve one.  Having millions of $info to buy a copy of one does not mean I deserve one.  And if you didn’t do what was necessary to earn the rest of the outfit (i.e. play the game before March 16, 2005) then you don’t deserve them either, regardless of how many millions of $info you can pay an unscrupulous player to make and delete an alt long enough to sell them to you. 

I can imagine the future, when everyone and their toon has Beta clothing and there is no way to know who was really there and who is just a poser.  Having a Beta player at an event will become meaningless, striking up a conversation about shared experiences will be pointless because the answer might just as well be, “oh, I wasn’t really in Beta, I just paid a few million $info for this.”  Following that logic, just go ahead and make the Assassin’s Masks abled to be copied too, since this change is showing that it doesn’t really matter what you earned for doing something someone else didn’t do.  “Hey, everyone should have everything regardless of what they did or didn’t do,” is the unfortunate message this decision states.

More times than I can count or remember I’ve been talking with a player who wants to know how I know all the tips, tricks and secrets which I’m happy to share.  They want to know how old the faction is and if we have ties to the Legendary characters.  The Beta clothing is a good, if not perfect, way to prove the legacy.  Truth is already hard to come by in The Matrix, with so many false fronts and deceptive appearances.  Why take away the ability to show, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that someone was part of that piece of Matrix history?

There is a solution which should please everyone and it has precedent.  Beta clothing was given to those who played before first Live and it shows that they actually did.  Zion Hardware Requisition or Merovingian's Boon or Glimmer of the Source were given to those who turned in fragments of Neo’s RSI during the Race to Find the One event and shows they did in fact do that.  (Some may still have a piece of Neo in their inventory.)  Attribute Reconfiguration Hack and Awakening Glasses/Jacket were given to those who made the transition from Monolith to SOE and shows that they really did.  Having Corrupt Code or a Flit Gun in your inventory shows that you were there for the Death of the Destroyer; likewise a PDA still lingering shows you were there to confront the Red Eye Agents.  Halloween masks show you were there for the Masquerade, Party Hats or Orgasm Cake show you were there for the 2005/2006 holiday season, etc.

So, the proposal…

1) Keep the baseball hat idea, give them to everyone who spent time in the QA Test Server (as planned,) and make them non-tradable so that they become a token of having actually beta-tested CR2.0.  Even better, change the logo to read “CR2 Beta” or “QA Test Server”

2) Do NOT make existing Beta clothing tradable, instead introduce a new line of  non-tradable “CR2.0” or “One Year Anniversary” clothing for everyone who’s account was opened before March 31, 2006. (I suggest a coat since even Beta players don’t all have a coat and the hat is covered already.)  This will uphold the tradition of specific token gear to denote participation in a specific event only if you were really there for it.  You can almost hear the conversation months from now.  “Hey, where did you get that CR2.0 coat?  Where can I get one?”; “Sorry man,  you had to actually be there to get one, but don’t worry, there will be another event soon and if you’re still here, you’ll get something cool for that.”

When something means something to people, especially when those people are your paying customers, don’t make it meaningless for them.  Instead, introduce something that is equally meaningful for all those who participated.  My investment in MxO so far is $235 and 85 days of mind-numbing fun and interaction with this great community and if that buys me just one request over the 380 days, it’s this: don’t make the original Beta clothing tradable; let it stand for what it was always meant to stand for “I was there and I’m still here” and maybe we can add “See my CR2.0 / First Anniversary Trench?  I was there for that, and I’m still here, too!”


PS10N, leader of  The Brethren, one of Recursion’s few remaining Beta Factions still operating under their original name and charter. 

P.S. The Beta clothing do have an enhancement of sorts.  I remember being one of the few people who didn't have to run around naked to prevent the Fly Virus from decaying their outfits... because I was wearing my incorruptible Beta clothes.

P.P.S  If this whole thread has been a giant misunderstanding and the Beta Clothes are simply going to become Vendor Tradable, then in the immortal words of Gilda Radner, "Never mind..."

Message Edited by PS10N on 03-06-200603:16 PM

Message edited by PS10N on 03/06/2006 12:16:13.

Jacked Out

Joined: Nov 26, 2005
Messages: 230

I was in beta also, and I am in no way delimiting the accomplishments of those who did decent work in the beta game (reporting bugs, helping to shape up the game), but I think this whole debate is like trying to fight water. Anyone can take a hit at it, but will you really damage it in any way?

Personally, I think the clothing aspect is just an outside, superficial display of the experience that beta players have gained. Sure, people can lie and say all this junk about their "l33tness," but as long as they are lying, does it really matter? I don't care if people say they were in beta when they really weren't: lying is lying. In the same respect, I think this whole issue over clothing has no real ground for either side of the argument.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Sep 7, 2005
Messages: 1959

       Ive been playin mxo for a lil over a year now. i know almost every beta player and almost every beta player knows me. so saying that. *CENSORED* IS BETA CLOTHES, LOL. i have never heard of or seen these dang clothes that everyone seems to care so much for. Youd think the way these people are talking they got xbox360's or something. sheesh, lol. anyways. i dun care about them. if they look cool il get some if i remember.

        Another thing i dont understand is this respect issue. i like alot of beta players but i certainly dont respect anyone who was a beta player because he was a beta player. its a friggen video game. cure cancer and ill respect you without knowing you. otherwise just be a good player and you have my respect i dont care how long youve been here.

       CR2 sucks. plain and simple. i hate typical mmo's and the only reason i play matrix is because its not supposed to be a typical mmo. now its going to be just that. i dont want to have to try 30 times to break some ones bubble before i can interlock when my stats are set up for interlock and im getting blasted cuz i dont have the stats to survive freefire. whats the point of interlock now. heck. just take out the rsi's, make it first  person and call it doom.

       i hope mxo will survive CRscrew and ill stick around for a bit to see. but somehow i think the entire community will have to be replaced for it to work. Thats if the dev 's want it to work. By the way. i have read many threads on CRscrew and its always 10 bad opinions to 1 good opinion. yet every looking glass i read would give you the impression that the community is praising soe for a job well done. Where do they get the idea that we are looking forward to this. i dunno. oh well.. life goes on. guess ill need to get an xbox360..that is if i can afford it after blowing all my info on the uber beta clothes. MUWAHAHAHAHAHA



Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 5154
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PS1ON, you said if they make the Beta clothes tradeable, then they should go ahead and just give everyone an Assassin's Mask.  However, the Assassin's Mask IS tradeable, and people that have one might not have actually earned it.
But anyways, that is the FIRST post that has actually been constructive towards this issue, instead of whining and moaning like most other people.  I'm all for a set of CR2.0 clothes.
As long as the female RSIs can have black sunglasses.  lol  SMILEY

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4278

The Beta clothes do mean something. They mean you were in Beta.

Once again, let me state that that is wrong. All it means is that the person with the clothing pre-ordered the game. They didn't even have to be in Beta for anylength. The pre-order period of three days started about a week (or perhaps a few days less - I forget now) after Beta ended. So people with the beta clothing in their inventory could most certainly never have even played during beta - open or closed. So again, why be so stuck up about non-buffed clothing that means nothing? They aren't even that great to look at - with the exception of the female shades as they are the *only* black shades for female RSIs. I really don't see why some beta players/pre-order players are getting so upset over the thought of non-pre-order players suddenly being able to wear clothing that no one actually bothers to wear! Must be some kind of eliteness complex.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1081
Location: Awake. Instance: Syntax

Ehm, I was always under the impression that you only got beta clothes if you first had a beta account and then added a pre-order or a normal key to it. That if you started clean of with a pre-order key, all you got extra was hyper jump beta...

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4278

That if you started clean of with a pre-order key, all you got extra was hyper jump beta...

Nope, all pre-order accounts got them. They were never "exclusive" to beta players.


Joined: Oct 28, 2005
Messages: 226

Chuui... I'm pretty sure you're wrong...

Joined: Aug 21, 2005
Messages: 150

Chuui wrote:

Nope, all pre-order accounts got them. They were never "exclusive" to beta players.

Actually, preorders got access a special preorder key that gave them access to the beta test..  so as long as they used their preorder key, they got beta clothes.  Once the game was released, the retail key had to be input.

Message Edited by digitize on 03-07-200608:20 PM

Message edited by Dodge_THIS on 03/07/2006 17:20:02.
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