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Discussion Thread: Dev Journal 02 - October 12, 2005
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Ascendent Logic

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
Messages: 763
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

I second RockyBs words on Data Miners - if the payout increased, and we
got the chance to pull out red fragments this would mean actual
usefulness (and the possibility of a non-combat coder that can still do
his stuff without relying too heavily on people to farm frags for

Then there's also the possibility of occasionally dropping pieces of
actual useful information out of the 'floating feast' when we tap -
maybe similar to Pandora's Box items that lead us to specific locations
for unique missions/tasks. This could be yet another way to include

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 106

Dev's & Walrus


gentlemen & ladies, i knew my faith was well placed.

can't wait to see these refinements implemented and thanks for providing a attribute revamp, as obviously it will be necessary for the combat enhancements you propose.

thanks again for a great game

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 712
Location: Haddonfield Illinois, Server: Vector: Faction: JoKeRz HvCFT:Universal Soldierz Organization:Machines

It was nice to be able to see how it all began with
pandora’s box. Cool to see about the changes to come with hacker…melee
free fire no comment....Here’s something to throw out there while
changes are in the works…Knife thrower ….Knifes are a weapon in my eyes
and I’m sure in a lot of peoples eyes so ahhh when is fumble field
going to effect knife throwers? Last would be when are we getting the
real release of the new trees? Chop Chop people new content is needed..

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 3415

Very excited about the changes!! I will miss the multi-interlock stuff but I can see why it was a problem SMILEY Maybe the free-fire for martial arts will still look awesome and be much better ^_^

Jacked Out

Joined: Sep 16, 2005
Messages: 118

Will we be able to attach in-game codes, frags, apparel, weapons and etc. to email messages and send them like we can in EQ2?

Message Edited by ArdenStarmariner on 10-13-2005 08:16 AM
Message edited by ArdenStarmariner on 10/13/2005 07:16:19.

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1477

I enjoyed reading this, gave me an insight into how the Dev team works
and what they're working on, interesting. Nice stuff, looking forward
to the Dev Blog 03 :smileyvery-happy:

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 691
Location: Vector

Thanks for the update.

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 336
Location: Cologne, Germany

Thanks for this informations.

I full agree with the success of Pandoras box. Many Problems you have in Dungeons are removed:

- Group Content: You can´t do it alone.

- It doesn´t take too much time. It´s easy to encourage players to help.

( unlike some big dungeons in SWG where i heard : I´m not online long enough. or.... no time.

- No camping-problems with other groups.

- The loot makes it worth to do it more than one time.

It´s a real good alternative to instanced dungeons.

While Kung Fu is my favourite class in MxO , i completely agree with the DPS argument.

Can´t wait to see how gameplay works after Combat Revision 2.0.

And finally ingame email.

I changed the faction with my crew and i guess it takes 2 weeks now to get everyone informed about, when, why and where i went.

Btw. ....What the hell is a dead horse. I mean...i know what these two words exactly mean.

I guess it´s something like a "figure of speech" for a bad aspect of something or so, lol.


Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 575
Location: A place far far away.

Great to here an update and the history of pandora was very interesting

However... there wasn't really much info on the new stuff ecspically a small prediction on the time it comes out.  Usually i dont mind w8tin but we need a temporary fix as I am finding it annoying that i enrage hackers and then they roll out.  I like using kung fu but its just not worth it sometimes. 

Plus plz give us a hint with the market place

Thx again for the update

Fansite Operator

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 8129
Location: UK -------- Instance: Syntax --- Organisation: Zion - Faction: Omega Syndicate

The only thing i can criticise is the lack of...


-Marketplace overhaul

-UI changes

-Megacity revamps

-Faction management overhaul 

I mean even a nice "they're still in the works" would've been nice


Message Edited by cloudwol on 10-13-2005 05:30 PM
Message edited by cloudwolf on 10/13/2005 08:30:37.


Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 192
Location: Recursion Server

Always love seeing new dev journals and things in the
works.  I'm
having a blast with Pandoras Box as well and havent even done my third
yet!  Curious on the combat revision though. Will this mean an
Assassin won't be able to perform an attack on an interlocked player
since the move actually sends them into it?  I hope not, but if it
does, sounds like its going to get even tougher on the spy tree. :smileysad:

Joined: Aug 29, 2005
Messages: 64

All the changes sound pretty good. Since I'm not high enough, I haven't gotten around to playing Pandora's Box yet but I've heard it's pretty cool. I'll be happy to see some changes to the MegaCity. I remember someone mentioning sports stadiums and museums. Those would be nice editions.  I have to wonder if the free fire melee will take away from the animations that players are used to. I sure would hate to lose those...They are one of the reasons why I enjoy the game.  If the combat ends up looking like it does in SWG I'd be pretty upset. I'm glad they are toning down the Hacker tree. Some of those effects last too long. I thought those guys were for support, not owning everybody else out there. But hey that's just my opinion. Keep up the good work yall.

Fansite Operator

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 8129
Location: UK -------- Instance: Syntax --- Organisation: Zion - Faction: Omega Syndicate

Dude! the line


 'the process requires that we update damage abilities, buff abilities, weapons, items, and stat caps.'


Has got me seriously worked up!

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 284

i am glad to see they have updated the dev j.  I know alot of people were woried and complaining.  All the changes seem good and hopefully they will be better when they come out my only questions are these.

1) qa server?

2) beta testing the C.U if the qa server doesn't work anymore?

3) respec  now this is weired if you are using respec like swg are we not going to be able to load at will our abilities are the abilities going to be like swg?

4) with the above question is this going to go the way of grinding out abilities instead of paying for the upgrades?

5) i have hacker questions but don't want this to be about that lol :p

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 460

ArdenStarmariner wrote:
Will we be able to attach in-game codes, frags, apparel, weapons and etc. to email messages and send them like we can in EQ2?

Message Edited by ArdenStarmariner on 10-13-2005 08:16 AM

I hope so that would so rock!!!!! O and please how hard would it be to make a crew storage?

Message Edited by FlyMeToParis on 10-13-2005 09:53 AM
Message edited by FlyMeToParis on 10/13/2005 08:53:58.

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