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An Animator
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Joined: Aug 1, 2006
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Our paper(s) wouldn't have to have the foreshadowing content the Sentinel does.  We could make publications from a bluepill (or redpill) perspective that reflect recent events rather than future events.  Heck, I wrote an article in another thread which was about the Corrupted in Bathary from a Bluepill perspective.  With a few more collaborators for stories and images we'd have one decent newspaper. 

Systemic Anomaly

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machete wrote:

The conversation I had with Walrus at the fanfaire regarding the subject of hiring an animator went a little something like this.


What are the chances of hiring an independent contractor to do the animation work for MxO?  Maybe tap the talent of the community and see if someone is talented enough to take on the task?


We don't have the budget at the moment to hire a full-time animator.  I am not saying that we DON'T want to hire one, but IF we do sometime down the line we may take on an intern the same way we did with Dracomet, and nurture them from within to fill-in the position once they have proven they are up to it after their internship.

This tells me that they know they need an animator, but its going to take time for them to look for the "right" person to fill the intern position they are thinking of taking on. 
I think this is a great idea if it DOES indeed happen, considering how invaluable Dracomet has become to the dev-team now that he is a full time dev for The Matrix Online. 

I hope this answers any questions or doubts people may have had regarding the dev team taking on an new animator.

Much clearer, thank's Machete. :)


Joined: Dec 4, 2005
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Roukan wrote:
Walrus said the reason is because none of them know how to work the tool to make the old cinematics.

You know, it makes me really sad to hear that. Just in general, nowhere I've ever worked and nothing I've ever worked on has been documented. And problems like this are exactly why companies need to give their developers even a small amount of time to document what they do. I've even documented stuff in my spare time, off the clock, and had it deleted because "no one will ever need that stuff."


Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 20, 2007
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MXOWinterMute wrote:
Roukan wrote:
Walrus said the reason is because none of them know how to work the tool to make the old cinematics.

You know, it makes me really sad to hear that. Just in general, nowhere I've ever worked and nothing I've ever worked on has been documented. And problems like this are exactly why companies need to give their developers even a small amount of time to document what they do. I've even documented stuff in my spare time, off the clock, and had it deleted because "no one will ever need that stuff."

Rarebit cleared it earlier in this very thread

Rarebit wrote:

Eh, no, that wasn't really right. It's because they're extremely time-intensive. Making the old in-game ones became a full-time job for our old lead level designer, at least one animator, and I think maybe half a 3D/texture artist.

Message edited by 101 on 09/04/2007 06:59:31.


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(From another thread)

9mmfu wrote:
Damage for Interlock combat rounds are calculated as if they were 4 seconds long. In truth a round takes exaclty the length of time for all animations for that round to play. We really tried to make the rounds come out as close to 4 seconds as possible however events beyond our control took our animator from us before everything could be truely polished which is why Bullet time animations appear so messed up alot of the time.

Having an animator would solve much more than a perceived lack of content, methinks...

- Void

Jacked Out

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Why couldnt SOE get some budding animators/modelers that need some much needed industry experience to do some of these things for mxo.  They need portfolio work and would do this for virtually free.

There are lots of sites out there like 3dBuzz and 3DPalace that have people that are more than capable and I'm sure one or two here could do it.  They can send in their demo reels and I'm sure they would love to have SOE on their portfolio.

Message edited by DeadCert on 09/14/2007 10:01:01.

Fansite Operator

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Becuase it means paying people...

Personally i don't understand the situation, SOE took on the animator with the acquisition so it was willing to pay for one then he left of his own voilition and was just never replaced.

Tis lame thats for sure, like void points out theres just so many practical issues they could be put to use in (mostly the morked up interlock animations for sure).

They still make me wanna pull my hair out sometimes XD

Jacked Out

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Alot of these people wouldnt need to be payed as they deperately need corporate media on their portfolio.  If we do pay its a few hundred $.

Code Breaker

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Cost, it always comes down to it and you simply can't avoid it.

Jacked Out

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A simple post on these sites would get people willing to help out I can assure you.  There are some great people there

Fansite Operator

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I mean, its worth at least suggestion i suppose.

I mean, i for one would volenteer for free to help in any way i could (yes i know, legalities blah blah) if i was in the area. =P

Jacked Out

Joined: Apr 27, 2007
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Im not sure of the package used for mxo but there are several packages these people use that inclue maya, 3dsmax houdini plus many others.

I think any (free) outside help that can give mxo what it needs is okay to search for.  Its not as if these people can exploit through animations so why not

Code Breaker

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There are legal issues involved when your an employee of a company that deals with Intellectual Properties there are a bunch of things that have to happen. Volunteering for to produce content falls into a big tricky part of who owns what and in all honest most companies would just rather avoid the complication.

Maya was used to produce almost all base art/animations in MxO.


Joined: Aug 24, 2005
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You could SDK the wire frame and one/two animation samples in the Maya format. (Come on...who wouldn't want to see how the /ballet & /dogsniff animation worked.)

If the person takes that, makes an animation in Maya form, agrees to a contractual release....give them some free game time.

...its just a thought

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Message edited by LtCmdr_Tsusai on 09/17/2007 08:20:46.

Fansite Operator

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Pretty much what we're saying is there HAS to be SOME way we can help, god knows we want to xD
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