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Tone down Hyper Speed.
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Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 21, 2005
Messages: 365

this is one thing that has bothered me for a very long while, and i know it has been discussed multiple times before, but i just thought it could use some recognition once again. The hyperspeed animation is possibly the most matrixy of all of them, excluding combat, and just looks so dang cool when you turn off the code. however, you can't get the code to disapear with out sacraficing a few other neat FX like bulletshells, gunfire, punching sounds, etc... so i would ask that it be looked at once again to either tone down the yellow code, change it's colour, or remove it all together.

Systemic Anomaly

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It is a tad excessive, and they did the same for Hyper-Sprint awhile ago, if memory serves.


Jacked Out

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I say remove it.  I've always thought that the Awakened and Operative trees should be devoid of "code" effects.  Those should only come up with Coder/Hacker/Miner classes.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 21, 2005
Messages: 365

i do remember the sprint being toned down, but i didn't have a problem with that one. i like that idea of no code in the awakened tree to begin with. that actually makes a lot of sense, seeing as how it's not devoted to hacking the rules, but simply bending them.

Systemic Anomaly

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Mobyias wrote:
that actually makes a lot of sense, seeing as how it's not devoted to hacking the rules, but simply bending them.
Ooh, put in such sexeh terms...


Jacked Out

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I remember commenting on this before. I'm all for removal of the yellow code and keeping the blur. The only thing I don't like about the blur is it happens with every minor movement even when standing in the same spot. But, meh... yeah, remove the yellow code...

Systemic Anomaly

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Croesus wrote:
I remember commenting on this before. I'm all for removal of the yellow code and keeping the blur. The only thing I don't like about the blur is it happens with every minor movement even when standing in the same spot. But, meh... yeah, remove the yellow code...
I dunno I don't like either the code or the blur, if the blur only activated when W, A, S or D was pressed down to eliminate the minor movement blur.

Femme Fatale

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Say please =D


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Once upon a time, Hyperspeed had no effect at all.  I would like that to return.  In theory, if we're breaking the rule of speed, then there should be no blur at all, only everything else blurring around us.


Systemic Anomaly

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At least it doesn't have that annoying yellow sprite pulsing around the feet anymore.  SMILEY  But yeah, the swirling yellow code does get annoying.  The blur effect is more than enough of a visual cue of the speed boost. 

I've always felt that the code itself, in all effects, should be made more transparent.  The fact that they are completely opaque and cover a wide range of colors makes it all too "in your face".  Greens, yellows, purples, reds, oranges, flying all over the place and detracting from the action of the game. 

Systemic Anomaly

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Ascendent Logic

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Garu wrote:

Once upon a time, Hyperspeed had no effect at all.  I would like that to return.  In theory, if we're breaking the rule of speed, then there should be no blur at all, only everything else blurring around us.


Me too. Please. SMILEY

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 23, 2005
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It used to be so much worse, with flashing yellow lights on your feet. I like it the way it is, I don't want it changed.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 21, 2005
Messages: 365

kou_urake wrote:
It used to be so much worse, with flashing yellow lights on your feet. I like it the way it is, I don't want it changed.
i remember that, and i hated it too, but i think the idea of code swarming us, especially yellow code, is just stupid. in my my opinion it actually pulls me away from the Matrix experience some what. the blur needs to stay, the code needs to go.


Joined: Aug 21, 2005
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Yeah, I remember when it was just the motion blur.  I thought that was fine and never thought adding the code was a good idea.  I half want to say I recall the justification for adding it being something about making it different than the hyper sprint animation.  Whatever the reason, I wouldn't complain if the yellow code got ditched. 

I would like to see the blur stay rather than no animation.  If somehow the teeth could be dropped from the blur or made less prominent that would improve it in my opinion. 

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