MidnightFH wrote: I hope Hackers is nerfed the MA and Gunman tree should be dominant Hackers are not suppose to be Powerful but mean as a support system as Healer tree is. I disagree STRONGLY with this. This is, IMO, purely malicious in the hopes of getting rid or having the Hacker tree seriously nerfed. And moreover I do NOT think Hackers are supposed to be 'a support system'. They SHOULD be purely capable of holding their own in the same fashion a MA or Gunman could. Please nerf them, and bring them down to where they belong. Neo hacked the way your imposing in this game noone else did. They FOUGHT with MA and GUNS and occassional Swords. Id be happy to see Hacker removed all togather. Oh for crying out loud. If you need to tone the Hacker tree down SOME...great..but let's get over this "nerf their class mentality". It's childish and definitely uncalled for. Especially when you're dealing with SOE, which odds are, going to nerf every class but one, and make them king of the dogpile the same way they did things in EQ2. this is not WOW or anything else it's Matrix please bring the movieness back to the game. Gunman should be one of the most powerful in the game then MA if your going to balance anything switch the power of Hacker with Gunman and we have a start. Hackers should have a equitable and fair chance to do combat in their own uinque style the same way Gunmen and MAs do. Regardless..it's here to stay..and it's already been said they will NOT be removing the Hacker tree. Nothing...and I repeat NOTHING needs 'switched', nothing needs removed, nothing needs massively nerfed..perhaps slightly toned down, sure...I realize a lot of debilitating effects at once that a person has no way to counteract is frustrating..but just destroying the class because of spite is not the intelligent way to handle things. To be quite honest..I'm very thankful for them leaving the Hacker tree in...because when I got to MxO..I picked Hacker simply because I did realize it was the equivalent of a "Mage" class. I had no info on what the tree could do at high levels, nor all the complaints about how supposedly 'powerful' it was. All I knew is that it looked neat to me, appealed to me as a new player, and so I took it. 22 levels later...and some indepth research and question asking..and I hear a lot of whining about the Hacker tree here and there. Why someone would just go out of their way to take something like this and urge the Devs to remove it because THEY can't keep the pace with the class, is beyond me. Personally, I'd ask my particular tree be beefed up to handle it instead. Think about this a moment...some people may not even read DN1 often..and what if they are say, 30+ in level? One day as a Hacker they log in and find their ENTIRE tree missing...plus all the info they used to upgrade everything through 30. That's literally millions in info, and a entire tree gone with no way the Hacker can do anything about it. If that were to happen do you honestly think those Hackers would just stick around? I'm seriously betting it's on to other games if they did that. I know I would, definitely. Lastly a note of import. People need to be very careful now that SOE is at the wheel. SOE has a very strong track record of doing things to extremes, and not listening to their playerbase at times. (Walrus, this does not apply to you mate) The combat upgrade everyone wanted so badly in EQ2 came and went and it caused issues for a lot of classes...and left a LOT of undesirable things behind for players to deal with. It wasn't a balancing of the classes..it was a burn the top and chop the trunks handling of things. Be careful what you ask for with SOE...they are apt to push things on you to the point it's way more than you ever wanted, and it could cripple MxO pretty solidly. Look at the combat revamp for SWG, and EQ2. By and large while a minority percentage welcomed the revamps in those games..the majority percentage felt things were seriously skewed and out of what, even worse than before the revamp. This..is NOT what I think people want for MxO.
I hope Hackers is nerfed the MA and Gunman tree should be dominant Hackers are not suppose to be Powerful but mean as a support system as Healer tree is. I disagree STRONGLY with this. This is, IMO, purely malicious in the hopes of getting rid or having the Hacker tree seriously nerfed. And moreover I do NOT think Hackers are supposed to be 'a support system'. They SHOULD be purely capable of holding their own in the same fashion a MA or Gunman could.
Please nerf them, and bring them down to where they belong. Neo hacked the way your imposing in this game noone else did. They FOUGHT with MA and GUNS and occassional Swords. Id be happy to see Hacker removed all togather.
Oh for crying out loud. If you need to tone the Hacker tree down SOME...great..but let's get over this "nerf their class mentality". It's childish and definitely uncalled for. Especially when you're dealing with SOE, which odds are, going to nerf every class but one, and make them king of the dogpile the same way they did things in EQ2.
NanoHaxiaI wrote:If you release in parts, then you have one tree that has been changed against those that haven't. That's not what combat will be like once all parts are released. Also, I don't think MA should be the most powerful class. I think all classes should have an equal chance in combat, and not be solely confined to support roles.
Message Edited by AlphaCoder on 11-02-2005 04:32 PM
AlphaCoder wrote: On a happier note I'm glad to see the revamp of the spy combat, however I am sad to see Interlock go, I feel it is one of the things that sets MxO apart from the rest of the genre and makes it really fun to play..I mean the satisfaction when you pull off an extreme falling kick on some one IN BULLET TIME!! I mean its awsome, or even a triple front kick as this needs your opponent in a state so you have to work towards gaining that beautiful visual of you beating the hell outa this guy. I will be very sad to see this go. Thanks for the update though Walrus, keep 'em coming Message Edited by AlphaCoder on 11-02-2005 04:32 PM
AlphaCoder wrote:Im sorry Culann but you just sound bitter about SOE owning MxO and about whatever they did to EQ2 to effect you, I disagree about 'a little toning down' on hackers, I agree that they shoulnt be lost as I will explain in a bit, but I think SOE are getting their teeth into this game which is something that never happened with Monolith IMO. But anyway, I think we will have to agree to disagree on this cos I dont see you as the person to let down on an argument and I'm not either lol. Message Edited by AlphaCoder on 11-02-2005 04:32 PM
AlphaCoder wrote:well, ok I'm sorry I mis-read your post then, I admit it. And now I also see what your saying, This is the only SOE game I have ever played and therefore havent experienced their management before. But have you ever wondered that increasing the scouts dmge would have over powered them?? Unless they revamped the HP of NPC's and characters alike?? Just a thort, anyway I'm just excited to see what will come And thx for the heads up Jeffers on the Combat, much appreciated
NanoHaxiaI wrote:I already recycled me masks, along with Neo's Insight, Neo's RSI Frags, etc.Yep, that’s right. Using a Stealth Ability while being able to Restore another player has been deemed viable gameplay. I know this is going to be somewhat upsetting to a few people, but there’s a design reason for not “fixing” this: Upcoming changes to Stealth mechanics.So, being able to revive someone without becoming visible is not an exploit? And it's not an exploit because in 2-3 months you plan to change the way Spy works anyway... right.I understand you're hesitance to try to change or fix combat because you're coming out with an "Upgrade" sometime "soon", but 2-3 months with some of the combat problems is too much. Hence why some players have cancelled their subscriptions.To be honest, the more I hear about this Combat Upgrade, the more I think nerf.Hackers, Patchers, Ranged Classes, Spies, it sounds like this game is heading to make MA the class. Sure, giving MA a viable chance in PvP is nice, but there are other ways to go about it than nerfing classes and combat in general. We'll see, in a few months how things really turn out.
Freak3r wrote:As long as they nerf MA to match the nerfs to the hacker and spy trees it's all good. Gunman should be the most powerful class in the game, not MA. MA was for show in the movies and nothing else. Removing all the defuffs the MA abilites have,(stun, powerless,staggered, etc.,) would be a good start to making gunman the domaint tree as it should be.
I think a archive forum is a great idea Walrus and should not be limited to just the stickies. Major threads prehaps involving events, both the offical and unoffical (player driven) ones, threads that reach a certian popularity with the community, and extreemely helpfull threads, such as the learn marcoing in two days should be included, most likely as copies, to serve for ease of finding.
This way, if in the event those threads become unstickyed or get buried after time, they can be easyly found again.
Message Edited by Sykin on 11-04-2005 06:29 AM