I am proud to say that I have enjoyed the MXO community as much as the gameplay.
The game has come alongway from the beggining.
Whilst fighting an aponent it may be tricky one you have all your best buffed clothing in your inventory to change clothes before you engage in battle. I was thinking wouldn't it be more efficient to just type loadcl hacker
meaning to load you saved hacker clothing load out which you can change and resave at anytime. So when battle commences you just type loadcl MA or gun. what ever possible to load your clothing as fast as possible. It could be enhanced by having an inventry button red yellow and blue and a save button. so you just click on which ever when you need to( which an suit any ability tree type clothing versatile).
The only obstacle is to be able to do this away from the hardlines I think the inventory button would be better than selcting the individual pieces of clothing each time, better than messing with the keyboard while you someone is kicking code out of you.
Just ways to simplify things just a bit more...
The following link may assist you with your dilemma. It's one that I know many people employ during PvP:
Do you have to load the macro onto the same hotbar as the clothing? For example, can you have the macro sitting on hotbar 1, for clothing on hotbar 3?
This is one of my old ones but you can put the macro anywhere. The use ones are loading my clothes which is are on the hotbars. These are just two examples of course./macro Ravager /loadlo gretyl/ravager; /use 10, 17; /use 9, 17; /use 8, 17; /use 7, 17; /use 6, 17; /use 5, 17; /use 4, 17; /macro Aikido /loadlo gretyl/aikido; /use 3, 17; /use 2, 17; /use 1, 17; /use 10, 16; /use 9, 16; /use 8, 16; /use 7, 16;
Can we make macros equip clothing from our inventories, rather than a hotbar? I'm a little short of hotbar slots.
Not currently or are you requesting that this becomes do-able?