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An Animator
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Joined: Aug 21, 2006
Messages: 3158

pack-hunter wrote:
LtCmdr_Tsusai wrote:
I was thinking among the lines of a SDK release, someone makes the animation, make them sign a release form, devs import into MxO proprietary format, the end.
I'll tell you a few things

  1. When you buy an MMO you get the rights to play it, but that game isn't your property per say, the disks and everything on it is but it isn't your game because the game is played on their servers, that makes it a service. That is why they can terminate your account. Legally that would make it illegal for anybody outside of SOE to add to the game. For that reason SDKs are not released on MMO's
  2. Animation software is expensive because of the subtle complexity of the actual game and would be pushing 5 figures to put it in a package that was for mass distribution.
  3. The game mechanics are extremely difficult, when SOE devs took over 2 years ago around about they knew nothing, now 2 years on, they still know extremely little, and these guys have been adding/changing for 2 years it's their job so I don't know how people who don't know a peep about design are going to manage.


I would have to disagree with #2 as the original game has already been mass distributed, I would assume you could just add animations with new patches. City of Heroes does it, why not MxO? But the main problem is SOE doesn't care about MxO, I think the YouTube Ad thing was a good idea.

Systemic Anomaly

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I'm not talking about the game

To buy a product with a license like that is erm well impossible. Just because the game has been mass produced doesn't mean they can give things away, Trust me getting an animator would be much less expensive than giving out free copies of Animation software, and I do not want posts in the forum asking "How do I get cheap animation software" because there simply isn't any, or not to my knowledge.


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Maya personal is something i had in mind.

Systemic Anomaly

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LtCmdr_Tsusai wrote:
Maya personal is something i had in mind.
yea I know that program, but here's the problem

"The purchase options shown above are for versions authorized and licensed for use only in the United States and Canada. Export of these products from the United States or Canada and distribution and use of these products in any other country constitutes copyright infringement and contravenes the license." -taken from the Maya Personal Site

as you can see only US and canadians can use it, meaning that if we who live outside the border of the US want to we'd have to buy a different one.


Joined: Dec 4, 2005
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I suspect this is less a problem of "can we build a custom MXO SDK?" and more a question of too many cooks:  let's not forget that this was a Warner Brothers property, farmed out to Sega, who recruited Monolith...and it promptly got dumped in Sony's lap--rather unceremoniously, from the employee side of things, if what I had heard during the transfer was true.

Technically, I would imagine there's a common format underneath:  use existing models, paint up some new textures, throw in some new loops of movement.  Devs then integrate.

But that doesn't necessarily mean an animator wouldn't have to be, for instance, heavily schooled in how the LithTech engine works, in order to understand the limits of how they can build.

SOE could hire a freelancer--plenty of those about--but maybe the skillset needed would seriously jack up the price.

Femme Fatale

Joined: Dec 2, 2006
Messages: 347

What kind of animator are you asking for?  A 3D animator for the models or someone to make the cinematics a little more ... colorful?

Monolith were the ones who made the original content.  Models, textures and animations.  When they sold it they probably sold it as one big package.  So - there is no need for an animator as the game is now.  Although the inclusion of more models, and animated moods would be a super cool thing.  To work with has been done already one needs access the source stuff Monolith made the objects and models with.  Probably some new code.  It takes money and time to do that.  And obviously Sony care about none of it.

 I'm an animator - mainly 2D but I studied some 3D for games in school.  I would love to add content to this game, if I could.  And getting some compensation would be nice too.  But I'd do it mainly for the love of doing it as a fan.

There are several animations and such that do need to be perfected in the models.  Maybe some more facial animations.  New models and textures and the nine yards might require and expansion pak of some sort as everyone would have to install all the new content on their computers.  Like with Warcraft BC.  I would like to see new robot models, maybe some more dungeon creatures, boss creatures - more insentive to get players into dungeons and such on a more regular basis. 

 As for the cinematics - I think it should go back to the in-game filming.  Sorry Rarebit, but the black&white film noir style isn't cutting it for me.  And it could be much more animated instead of being so simple if they had someone who knows how to work Flash on a higher level of 2D animation experience.  Heh - like me.  Anyway - I feel that if the fans can make the cinematics on a free basis with their own software - why can't the company?   

Femme Fatale

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I love the 2D cinematics, especially how they are now, they have a very strong graphic novel theme.  Another reason we may not have the in-game engine cinematics is because they were motion capture and would require an animator.

But, the main reason we could do with an animator is to do some brand new content, new abilities, /emotes and lots of other stuff. 

Also, expansion packs are the bringer of death for MMOs, all your doing is asking the players to fork out for more money for more content they should be getting with their monthly subscription anyway.  All new stuff to MxO shall be patched just like CR2, from what I remember, that was a pretty big patch.


Joined: Sep 1, 2005
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I'm pretty sure that anyone who is left in MxO wouldn't mind shelling out another $40 for some new content. Worst case scenario: They don't pay and they still have content that comes from the normal patches.


Joined: Dec 4, 2005
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I agree with Darkhawk that those cinematics aren't working.  They just don't strike me as "Frank Miller arty"--they simply look rushed and cheap.

Sorry if that sounds mean--I know someone put effort in on them, but the end product just reminds me too much of really bad old cartoons, and as a result I really stop paying attention to the story. SMILEY

I've barely scratched the surface of the MXO videos out there, and I'm seeing some pretty impressive player machinima without the need for custom animations.  Motion capture:  not sure that would be necessary, would it?  As long as someone in development has models with bones and good hierarchical linkage, I'm guessing that an in-game cinematic is just a matter of putting on a tweaked puppet-show.

But I also agree with SolidRevolver:  new stuff would definitely need to be part of what we pay our monthly fee for:  I run across people whose hold on the game is tenuous at best, and I can't see them being happy with being asked to pay for an update.

Mainframe Invader

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Another option would be one many of us have already gone through with the transition to SOE.  The story was put on hold to work on bugs and many other aspects of MxO.  I would be more than happy to continue paying even if it meant I would not be able to play for X amount of time.  However, I would only do this if the MxO site stayed online and had regular detailed updates on progress and what was being added/tested etc.  It would also have to be an expansion pack size addition i.e. new areas, drivable vehicles, new abilities, massive combat fix etc.
Message edited by Praey1 on 08/18/2007 18:26:02.

MC Photographer

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Praey1 wrote:
Another option would be one many of us have already gone through with the transition to SOE.  The story was put on hold to work on bugs and many other aspects of MxO.  I would be more than happy to continue paying even if it meant I would not be able to play for X amount of time.  However, I would only do this if the MxO site stayed online and had regular detailed updates on progress and what was being added/tested etc.  It would also have to be an expansion pack size addition i.e. new areas, drivable vehicles, new abilities, massive combat fix etc.
If they would put the Storyline on hold or lowered LEs to fix some of things in the game, I'd still pay to play. Adding vehicles isn't really needed... nor new areas. For now, I'd stick with fixing the bugs in MxO.

Message edited by Gerik on 08/19/2007 01:16:20.

Jacked Out

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Ballak wrote:
All comes down to money. ;P
it always does...

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 7, 2005
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I just don't think this game, whatever kind of money it brings in will take off again. I just get the feeling now that all the money for this game is being sapped and moved to new projects, and even if we were to get a heck of a lot of new subscribers, the big shots will probably just sift it off into The Agency or something.

Systemic Anomaly

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pack-hunter wrote:
I just don't think this game, whatever kind of money it brings in will take off again. I just get the feeling now that all the money for this game is being sapped and moved to new projects, and even if we were to get a heck of a lot of new subscribers, the big shots will probably just sift it off into The Agency or something.

That game doesn't look too bad, though! :P

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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SolidRevolver wrote:

I love the 2D cinematics, especially how they are now, they have a very strong graphic novel theme.  Another reason we may not have the in-game engine cinematics is because they were motion capture and would require an animator.

Walrus said the reason is because none of them know how to work the tool to make the old cinematics.

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