I just ran into a problem where posting a new reply caused it to appear as the only reply on the second (last) page on a thread, despite there being several other posts on that page.
A refresh fixed this.
Nope, we've seen that before.
Procurator wrote:
*Sighs loudly.*Another problem.When I posted in this thread, the redirect took me here:http://forums.station.sony.com/mxo/...mp;#36300481329which not only put me on the wrong page (2 out of a supposed 2, when the post actually was the last on page 1), but made it look like it was the only post in the thread.No consistency in the calculations relating to posts and pages. Pagination is not difficult. The original forum code probably worked (if somewhat inefficiently); what did Web Presence do to break it, and why?
*Sighs loudly.*
Another problem.
When I posted in this thread, the redirect took me here:http://forums.station.sony.com/mxo/...mp;#36300481329which not only put me on the wrong page (2 out of a supposed 2, when the post actually was the last on page 1), but made it look like it was the only post in the thread.
No consistency in the calculations relating to posts and pages. Pagination is not difficult. The original forum code probably worked (if somewhat inefficiently); what did Web Presence do to break it, and why?
Oh god, it did it again when I posted that!
So I was hit with the post eating bug again, when I was informed in lovely bold red text that "you must input a message before you can submit it!" or something like that. Luckily, I copied my entry before hitting submit, so I simply reloaded the page and pasted it in again, then clicked submit.
However, I was promptly greeted once again by the same lovely red message, despite being very aware that I had input more than enough text to qualify it for submission. I refresh/copy/paste'd several times over, eventually being frustrated enough to type "THERE IS A MESSAGE HERE, I SWEAR IT." into the bottom of the entry, which then made it work.
What is wrong with these forums?
Post edited. Reason Code 001: Bypassing language filter.
I did wonder why you posted 'THERE IS A MESSAGE HERE, I SWEAR IT.' elsewhere.
That's crazy. I could understand (though not tolerate for more than a few seconds) if maybe it only picked up typed characters rather than pasted stuff; so if you pasted the message it wouldn't realise you'd added anything. But that doesn't explain the red message the first time.
This forum is useless.
I can see a new post has been added to a thread, however when i actually go into the post by either starting at the begining of the thread or clicking the last post link i see no new posts. This happens in the majority of threads. I have tried refreshing and its still the same. I have tried different methods of getting into the new posts but its just not happening.
SOE hang your head in shame this is rubbish. As ive stated elsewhere we are affectively paying to access this forum with our subscriptions. Why are we the customers getting shafted up the botty?
can we please please please pretty please get a forum that actually functions the way a forum should!?
After today's maintenace, there is a bit of a margin on the left between characters and the body border. Also, a new box for adding links in text. In the box there is something that says Link List, but it seems to have no function yet.