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[8.3.2] The simulacrum's reactions will be processed and analyzed - Vector - 10/11/07
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Machine Liaison

Joined: Dec 7, 2005
Messages: 48

The General's simulacrum has thus far been resistant to requests for assistance. Its logic routines, if they can be called that, are hesitant and erratic. If it will not understand the importance of aiding the stability of the System, then some other means of persuasion must be brought to bear.
Agent Pace
System Liaison










































Jacked Out

Joined: May 3, 2006
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There are so many questions about the simulacrum unanswered.  Investigating the questions only leads to even more questions.  Are the answers right there, are we that blind, or is it the simulacrum's intended "purpose" to be a distraction?

Message edited by HostileIntention on 10/12/2007 19:53:01.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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HostileIntention wrote:
There are so many questions about the simulacrum unanswered.  Investigating the questions only leads to even more questions.  Or the answers right there, are we that blind, or is it the simulacrum's intended "purpose" to be a distraction?

Mm. He was evasive at times, yet showed signs that we were getting somewhere. I can see why he was frustrating Pace.

One things for sure, it won't be the last time we come accross the sim. Hopefully next time we'll have a little more success.

MC Photographer

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It would seem that the Simulacrum would desire something that is unlikely to be found; true neutrality.  As little likelihood as there is in that, he did make some very strong points.  If we keep pointing fingers at eachother, then nothing will ever resolve itself.

Systemic Anomaly

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Nice setting for the event!



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Why is Pace back to her old look?

Jacked Out

Joined: Mar 22, 2007
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(( they re did all of the event characters looks, some went back to old out fits, some got new ))

Systemic Anomaly

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odj wrote:
Why is Pace back to her old look?
Its not her old look. Pace has two new looks for chapter 8. One with regular glasses and no gloves and one with tented glasses and black gloves. If you look closely she doesn't have her dove pin attached to her jacket which was apart of her old look.

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
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Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

It is hard to find answers from someone looking for answers. Perhaps in trying to find out it's simplest desires will lead to simple answers at first then lead on to the important information. Of course determining its simplest desires could be harder than it looks, especially if it's being so evasive...

Jacked Out

Joined: Oct 4, 2005
Messages: 52

This simulacrum poses unique challenges in regards to persuasion for both groups. For the Machines there is the difficulty that its thought patterns were designed to match those of a fanatical, passionate rebel, not to mention the fact they are asking it to perform a task as aggressive and violent as giving them the codes that will lead to mass genocide of Zionist civilians. For Zion itself the difficulty in persuasion lies in the fact that this 'Morpheus' is indeed a sentient program and will not side against those of his ilk lightly, no matter the situation.

It will be interesting to see if either group can make him see the truth of their beliefs. For now he seems to be thinking more rationally than either side to be honest.

Message edited by Br00ch on 10/16/2007 12:23:50.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Dec 9, 2005
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I don't feel that we are taking the necessary precautions with this unpredictable assembly of code.

This will only turn out worse if we continue to let this simulacrum grow. We cannot dissuade its position... This has been proven... A time will come when it must be destroyed as its usefulness to us is lacking. Its usefulness to Zion, however... Will prove a disadvantage to us.


Joined: Apr 21, 2006
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Morpheus has always wanted a purpose.  This sim has not found one ... yet.  I do believe that this sim desired some sort of peace (as those were Neo's last wishes) but if anything, if he has a "purpose", he might be using The System to locate Neo's remains (if they exist).  Hard to tell what he really wants at the moment...

Message edited by SureShot187 on 10/14/2007 21:06:07.


Joined: May 17, 2006
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Location: Vector-Hostile Faction: Morpheus'Legacy Organization: Zion

"You 'purpose' is an excuse for action.Your actions cause conflict.This may be necessary....but do not delude yourselves over the consequences of your belief."

Jacked Out

Joined: Jan 3, 2006
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Location: Bay Area, CA Server: Vector-Hostile Faction: Morpheus Legacy HvCFT: Digital Pimps Organization: Zion

That has to be the record on the word "purpose" used within 5-10 minutes. SMILEY
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