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The Matrix Online
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Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector WTB male body pill 1 WTB male body pill 1 Brommerz77 0 04/30/2009 13:56

looking for the above, or which ever the thinnest pill is.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Tennis Season 2009 Tennis Season 2009 Brommerz77 0 01/09/2009 08:59

Any supporters out there? I'm sat watching Murray V Fed in the Doha semi's now.

Who do you think is the most likely to claim the Grand slams this year? And what order do you see the top 5 being by the end of this year?

Come on Murray! xD

Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector Done. Done. Brommerz77 0 01/03/2009 10:14


Community General Discussion WIN. WIN. Brommerz77 0 12/12/2008 05:46

Given the amount of drastic I R LEAVING NO EVENTZ threads. And the continuing attempts to push rare back to the old style, which i highly doubt is gunna happen.

I thought it'd be fitting to make my own thread.

This game owns, I enjoy pvping scrubs and having a laugh with Eps and Hlew etc. I R NOT LEAVING NO EVENTZ.

There's always been more than events to this game for me, and It's still way too early days for me to consider making a decision on the new implementations.

MxO ftw.

Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector WTB White Hair Pill WTB White Hair Pill Brommerz77 0 12/08/2008 12:49

What it says on the tin, too lazy to farm so i'm looking for a Male White Hair pill SMILEY

Development Discussion Development Roundtable FIX INVISIBLE WALL PLS FIX INVISIBLE WALL PLS Brommerz77 0 11/28/2008 17:38


Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector Done Done Brommerz77 0 11/28/2008 14:06

I'm after the Merv boots from the latest update. I'll be happy to pay REASONABLE amounts, or alternatively trade you for another of the Organisations rewards.

Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector Done Done Brommerz77 0 11/23/2008 09:51

What it says on the Tin

Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector WTB Several Things WTB Several Things Brommerz77 0 11/16/2008 10:54

Aight, post in here with respective prices for these items and I may take some of them off your hands if you have them going. All male items btw.

Area K


Widows Moor Lenses

Widows Moor Cap


That's it for now, but I may update the list later.

Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector WTS: Wireframe Glasses. WTS: Wireframe Glasses. Brommerz77 0 11/07/2008 21:48

I'm thinking about selling these, I have the ability to farm another pair or two.

I'll post the stats up tomorrow, because I'm too lazy to log back in tonight SMILEY

If you're interested then send me a PM, or reply in here with some sort of offer and I'll see what I think.

Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector Done. Done. Brommerz77 0 11/01/2008 07:37

Looking to buy one of these because I'm too lazy to farm it myself. Post here or send me a PM.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Gears Of War 2 Gears Of War 2 Brommerz77 0 10/28/2008 10:58

So, anyone else looking forward to this?

I'm particularly looking forward to the new multiplayer mode where you fight off waves and waves of the buggas! SMILEY

Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector Stage 3 Sleepwalker Signatures. Stage 3 Sleepwalker Signatures. Brommerz77 0 10/25/2008 18:03

I have a few of these for sale. Post an offer or contact me in game if you're interested.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Halo 3: Recon Halo 3: Recon Brommerz77 0 10/09/2008 09:42
The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion US Open US Open Brommerz77 0 09/06/2008 12:29
  So, anyone a tennis fan?

Just been watching Murray Vs Nadal, Murray has been on fire. And watched most of the Fed game.

Anyone rooting for anyone in particular?
Community General Discussion MxO on bbc news! MxO on bbc news! Brommerz77 0 08/15/2008 04:33
Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector WTS 36 Stage 3 Marbles, and Stage 3 Signature. WTS 36 Stage 3 Marbles, and Stage 3 Signature. Brommerz77 0 08/10/2008 15:18
  Selling it this way so that you have the option to trade in for whatever item you want.

I'll leave this offer open for a day or so. Post your offers here.
The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Loose Change, 9/11 Comissions Report. Loose Change, 9/11 Comissions Report. Brommerz77 0 07/17/2008 19:55
  Now i'm not an American, yet looking back on 9/11 still makes me shudder. I've seen plenty of documentaries about how or why people think the towers came down.

And now i've just watched Loose change... Which is a documentary/film which shows the whole set of events as an inside job.

As a result of watching that, i've just ordered a copy of the 9/11 Comission's Report, which i'll be interested in reading when it arrives.

I know that this is still a sensitive topic, so please keep it clean. I just wondered what other people's views about this tradgedy are...

Because for me...i'd hate to believe a government could do this to it's own people, but there are still a lot of questions about it that havn't been answered.
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector Did Vector just crash? Did Vector just crash? Brommerz77 0 07/03/2008 09:30
  Or was it just me?

Anyone else been experiencing lag spikes since the hotfix?
Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector Silenced Halsey Silenced Halsey Brommerz77 0 07/02/2008 16:09
  I'm still after one of these. Has anyone managed to loot one yet?

If so are you willing to trade new weapons for a copy of it? Or perhaps let me buy a copy?
Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector WTS: (Updated) WTS: (Updated) Brommerz77 0 05/26/2008 10:43
  Body Type Pills:

Male Type 1 x 1
Male Type 2 x 3
Male Type 3 x 1
Female Type 2 x 3

Hair Colour Pills:

Male 21 x 1
Male 31 x 4
Male 30 x 3
Male 29 x 2
Female 24 x 2
Female 21 x1
Female 23 x 1
Female 25 x 1
Female 26 x 1
Female 32 x 2
Female 30 x 2
Female 29 x 2
Female 31 x 1


Black Widow Threads x 2
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector WTB Epsilon WTB Epsilon Brommerz77 0 03/09/2008 19:01
  Anyone know where eps is?

WTB him back in game...
The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Earthquake Earthquake Brommerz77 0 02/26/2008 18:16
  So uh... Who just felt that in the UK?

That was quite a strange feeling. 4.7 Magnitude and about 30 Miles south of hull apparently...which aint too far from me :/
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector New Construct New Construct Brommerz77 0 02/17/2008 16:52
  So who's looking forward to this thing?

And do we reckon it's finally going to mean pvp moves away from mara? For at least a while anyway SMILEY
Vector - Hostile Crew and Faction Recruiting - Vector 'Project Mayhem' - Machine 'Project Mayhem' - Machine Brommerz77 0 01/27/2008 17:45
  Originally on Heuristic/Enum.

Faded out a while back, but due to the lack of Machine players on vector for most of the time these days. It has been decided that we will bring the tag back once more.

We'll take 50's and lower levels, helping out the lower levels too if we can.

There's not many Machines left running round these days, but we're here.



or finally

Maxphoenix (wb) <3
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector World Forums World Forums Brommerz77 0 01/22/2008 13:08
  Seems like everytime we go on syntax boards, they cry and we pwn them.

GF i own.
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector New Harddrive New Harddrive Brommerz77 0 01/16/2008 14:27
  So that means im installing mxo from fresh, bring on the patches!

Mxo ftw!
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector WTB Machines. WTB Machines. Brommerz77 0 01/10/2008 17:37
  Getting bored of being the only machine online, or maybe one of two.

More machines plz.
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector Combat System; Positives And Negatives... Combat System; Positives And Negatives... Brommerz77 0 01/09/2008 20:14
  I love to do a lot of moaning myself, especially about knife thrower. So it got me thinking what i actually think about CR2. I was there for CR1 and i miss parts of it. But i still think that CR2 manages to be more balanced. Yet we're all painfully aware with some of the issues with it.

So post up what you like about CR2, and what you main issues are with it. Should be interesting to see what others think. And try to keep a hold on the BRING CR1  BACK posts xD

<3 mxo.
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector I could well be gone. I could well be gone. Brommerz77 0 12/08/2007 05:47
  Customer (Brommerz soe)
Then consider my subscription likely closed.

I'm currently deciding whether I should continue to pay to play this game. Given i've played since BETA, and have plenty of friends here, it's a big decision to make, but as of recent events i've become more distressed about it.

I love this game. Just a heads up.
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector George Orwell George Orwell Brommerz77 0 09/30/2007 03:54
  1984? Anyone?
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector Ronin and Systematic Chaos. Ronin and Systematic Chaos. Brommerz77 0 09/29/2007 16:06
  Given the drama tonight. Ronin now take an official standpoint that Systematic Chaos will no longer be seen as a fellow Machine Faction to us. They will not be recieving any help or assisstance from any member of Ronin.

Vector - Hostile Marketplace - Vector WTS Yellow Pill : Hacker Pill WTS Yellow Pill : Hacker Pill Brommerz77 0 05/29/2007 17:27
  Rare pill, holds worth...

State offers.
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector Lol Check it out Lol Check it out Brommerz77 0 05/24/2007 03:51
  When i got my new pc i lost most of my CR1 screenshots, but i just logged on photobucket and found some classics.

Enjoy how noob i am XD

Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector Gf Vector. Gf Vector. Brommerz77 0 05/10/2007 13:04
  So is there anyone on here thats not levelling or has levelled characters on the other servers?

Vector is slowing dying, i think many of us know it, perhaps i just miss the busy times being a brit...but i dont know. I'm refusing to level another character on the other servers, and am aware this means i miss out on a lot of fun. But as messed up as it can get, i love the community on vector, i think all the players that play it are good people and i think them for continuing to make the game fun for me.

Huddle up, huddle up

Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector Broms first photoshop attempt Broms first photoshop attempt Brommerz77 0 12/27/2006 18:24
  Ty to yas for his help...

if you're not smart enough to realise...this topic refers to my sig SMILEY
Vector - Hostile Crew and Faction Recruiting - Vector The Pwn Is Coming The Pwn Is Coming Brommerz77 0 08/28/2006 07:17
Vector - Hostile World Discussion - Vector Mervs At Mara Tonight... Mervs At Mara Tonight... Brommerz77 0 08/24/2006 18:55
  Just wanted to say thanks for not ganking me and letting me relax with you guys while it lasted (before zion zerged).

That sort of thing doesnt happen very often, so i appreciate it a lot.

Especially KR0N0Z. Oh and Nace, ty for the 'slow's SMILEY

Vector - Hostile Crew and Faction Recruiting - Vector Project Mayhem - Zion Project Mayhem - Zion Brommerz77 0 08/23/2006 15:31
  Project Mayhem is probably one of the longest running zion factions left in the game. True, it disbanded a while ago, but now it is back...and aiming to reach the strength it once held. The faction splits into low levels, and 50's. All levels are welcome, and the low levels do recieve help from the 50's unless they are busy. We aim to help the low levels hit 50 and then introduce them to the world of pvp and have another member in the team. Interested???

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