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Community General Discussion The Matrix Online Memories Re:The Matrix Online Memories phi 0 06/02/2009 17:55

Also player antics and posing for fun screenies.


And Skull086 being my 100th CQ

Community General Discussion The Matrix Online Memories Re:The Matrix Online Memories phi 0 06/02/2009 17:51

End of Beta - in particular Radio Free Zion's live coverage of the agent spawn madness.

The race for the one, with the bonus that changed depending on which org had collected the most frags. (and reading what all the frags said)

The thrill of being a lowbie and running your first missions across Westside, international and DT... madly trying to avoid gang aggro and agent spawns.

The event where we were chasing the compiler programs that ended up making the N30 agents for the General.

Meeting Morpheus at Mara C for the first time.

The first Sleepwalker Spawn catching me by surprise.

The Cryptos Boxes

The Bluesky concert sets with the player-made videos.

Getting killed by Ms. Tucker (complete with insult) immediately after helping take out one of the searchlights.

Meeting Niobe after the Sleepwalkers were defeated.

Fighting alongside Niobe and Neoteny to kill the Cyph spy in Zion. (after Neoteny's epic effort of some 9 months to follow the clues and catch the spy)

Community General Discussion An Open Letter to SOE and MxO Community Re:An Open Letter to SOE and MxO Community phi 0 06/01/2009 23:40

A voice from the past chimes in:


Community General Discussion An Open Letter to SOE and MxO Community Re:An Open Letter to SOE and MxO Community phi 0 06/01/2009 17:03


You want a good example of how close-knit this community is... Even NightTrace and I agree on stuff these days.

United by a common SFOE no doubt.

Recursion Crew and Faction Recruiting - Recursion The Kings of Never Re:The Kings of Never phi 0 06/01/2009 01:19

Oh hey ... look at that... end of the Matrix and we're still here.

Recursion World Discussion - Recursion The End is Nigh. Re:The End is Nigh. phi 0 06/01/2009 00:57


Recursion Crew and Faction Recruiting - Recursion Fallen Horizon Re:Fallen Horizon phi 0 06/01/2009 00:55

Well I must say today's fighting in Mara C. was fun... a real blast from the past hanging out with a few of you.



xRagex sends his regards.


Eirik and Nelly Furtado say:

Honestly, what will become of MxO?
I don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is dandy
We are what we don't see
We miss everything daydreaming
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?

Community General Discussion YO MXO DEVS PLEASE DO US A FAVOR Re:YO MXO DEVS PLEASE DO US A FAVOR phi 0 05/29/2009 00:44


Any thing and everything MxO I can get my hands on I will be archiving (such as mission posts and player fanart etc...)

The aim is to make it available online once these forums go down.

Nelly Furtado says:

Honestly, what will become of me?
I don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is dandy
We are what we don't see
We miss everything daydreaming
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?

 Additionally I will be taking epic pics of MxO as seen from my GTX 295.


Community General Discussion The Matrix Online Memories Re:Re:The Matrix Online Memories phi 0 05/28/2009 23:55

Jurymen wrote:

I just wanted to say on behalf of myself and the old... old moderation team... I'm gonna miss everyone! This was one of the best communities I have ever moderated in and I don't think that will ever be replaced.

I have been through a lot with you guys both good and bad, but regardless of whatever it was... it was great!

Now for something funny! Who remembers this...

God I miss using Mr. Locked

*tear* Bye bye!

Who do you think you are? My Wife? SMILEY

Anyway... he's Echo's handler in the DollHouse now.

After all the anger and dissappointment, and the inevitability of it all... It still feels like the death of an old and close friend.


I hope SOE have allowed for the bandwidth as a buch of us update our old client backups for the finale.


Omega0 wrote:

phi wrote:

Looks like I won't make it afterall... my sub expires June 11th.

After June 1st, it will be free to play MxO.

\o/ 11 days of refund!
See you at the finale!

From beta to close ... not too shabby


LtCmdr_Tsusai wrote:

Can't. Packets are encrypted, wasn't able to break it.

Oh btw

"SOE has never and will not ever shut down a MMO"

I remember seeing this constantly......

Another 1st for MxO!


Well time to pach up and jack in to get meatwaded one last time.

And no... I won't be buying any other Sony products... ever.



Looks like I won't make it afterall... my sub expires June 11th.

So my guess for end of world event is: Spawn all holiday objects, turn on winter weather (with possible code for snow), degrade all monuments like in "death of the destroyer", optionally bring dead characters back, spawn monsters and agents, end of beta eye sky. and then Virrago runs around changing people into stuff before the final meatwad and shutdown.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion What are you playing now? Re:What are you playing now? phi 0 05/14/2009 19:51

EVE and, if I can wedge myself between my wife and the TV, Project Gotham Racing 4, Gears of War 1&2, Halo 3, SSX 3, Starwars Force Unleashed and a couple of others... and with my new GTX 295 card ... Crysis at max settings. SMILEY

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion The Power of Humanity Re:The Power of Humanity phi 0 05/13/2009 16:53

Why do you think I posted this here? SMILEY

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion The Power of Humanity The Power of Humanity phi 0 05/13/2009 16:41


The guys at work have just finished launching the new Red Cross campaign here in Australia.

Show your support by being part of the bigger picture (literally). It's a cool little app the guys have made.
Add your face to the mosaic for free and optionally make a donation or pledge to give blood.


You can also view the campaign ad here:

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion It's time for me to hang up my Trenchcoat Re:It's time for me to hang up my Trenchcoat phi 0 05/10/2009 17:32


The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Oh Lord... give these kids an RPG to play Re:Oh Lord... give these kids an RPG to play phi 0 05/03/2009 17:43

If you're gonna do this... at least get into shape. Spandex is a privelage... not a right. I feel so orry for the kid in the green and black outfit. Captain Muffintop or whatever his name was.

This could start a new craze though. Extreme-risk LARPing

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion X-men Origins : Wolverine Re:X-men Origins : Wolverine phi 0 05/03/2009 17:11

For Spoilers relating to what happens in the credits highlight below:

Striker stopped because some cuts of the film show him being stopped by Military Police for qustioning related to the murder of the General.

At the end of the credits there is a super secret extra scene. Depending on which cinema you see it in you will see one of the two:

- Wolverine drinking in a bar and when asked by the waitress if he is drinking to forget, he replies that he is drinking to remember.


- The hand of the now decapitated Deadpool reaching out and grasping his head (with the mouth now open - presumably the computer control mechanism is broken). as his hand grasps his head the head says "Shhhhh."

I really liked this movie. The only things I will complain about are:

- Ryan Reynolds gets too few smart *donkey* lines

- Remey LeBeau is missing his usual accent

- the SFX on the claws are brilliant when they are bone, but they can look a bit cartoonish when they become adamantium.

- The sfx on Patrick Stewart's face to make him look younger were terrible.


And for all the people saying this doesn't feel quite like Woverine's personality in the movie... I feel it explains the genesis of his current personality perfectly.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion X-men Origins : Wolverine Re:X-men Origins : Wolverine phi 0 05/03/2009 17:10

Curse you Gerik - for stealing my black background

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion X-men Origins : Wolverine Re:X-men Origins : Wolverine phi 0 05/03/2009 16:59

Why has noone mentioned that Gambit is missing his super-heavy New Orleans accent

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Neat funny game Re:Neat funny game phi 0 04/21/2009 00:11


Community General Discussion We Are The Problem. Re:We Are The Problem. phi 0 04/14/2009 18:24

If you think MxO has anything left to offer you are deluded... the players may have entusiasm, but the game is dead.

MxO isn't alive, nor is it dead... it's a vegetable on life-support.

SOE need to either actively advertise and develop MxO... of pull the plug already. But just siphoning the cash of the hopeful is the sort of behavior that deservers a good, solid kick in the pants... the front of the pants.

Sorry Virrago, I feel for you man. Stuck between the oblivious rock of management and a hard place.


The title of this thread could not be more wrong. Might as well say "emo cutters FTW!"

Community General Discussion We Are The Problem. Re:We Are The Problem. phi 0 04/14/2009 18:20

Face it. SOE are going to keep the game running as long as people pay enough to keep the servers online.

The point of the complaining is to try to force SOE's hand by either driving off enough new players (and existing ones) that revenue drops and they are forced to do something. Plus no company likes negative publicity.

The guy that said "there is no such thing as bad publicity" was a *donkey* (you know what word I meant, same meaning).

Community General Discussion 'QuiDormit's Theorem' Re:'QuiDormit's Theorem' phi 0 04/14/2009 04:59

SOE prides themselves on never having turned off an MMO.

At this moment it's like a ward of braindead patients on life-support and the relatives won't turn off the life-support.

enjoy your $15/mo. matrix themed chatroom with an interactive background.

You can bet your lunch money that RareBit and anyone else has had to sign an NDS to prevent them from spilling the beans.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion goodbye... for now Re:goodbye... for now phi 0 04/13/2009 16:53

Don't bother... If we have them they'll  just be last year's copy-pasted

Community General Discussion Things I've learned from my time at The Matrix Online. Re:Things I've learned from my time at The Matrix Online. phi 0 04/13/2009 16:50

I approve of this thread

Community General Discussion Did it surprise anyone? Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Did it surprise anyone? phi 0 04/13/2009 16:46

Virrago wrote:

Croesis wrote:

Indeed, it's just a shame that it seems that most of the subs we pay seem to go toward supporting other games. This view could be dead wrong (Although I doubt it is) but we don't get told otherwise, hell we don't even get any type of communication on the forums from the Producer anymore.

That view is dead wrong... I can honestly say that 100% of all MxO Subscriptions go towards MxO.


So how close are things to not being able to afford the server bandwidth?

Community General Discussion Did it surprise anyone? Re:Re:Did it surprise anyone? phi 0 04/13/2009 16:43

Fen wrote:

"We want to get rid of it, but it brings in money, and it's still profitable as long as we don't spend any time on it.  We need to essentially stop supporting it in the hopes that people will stop using it.  However, we don't want to actively drop it since people are still willing to pay for it.  Some people are paying for it and aren't even using the product any more, and it could be a problem for us if they realize that they still pay us every month for something they're not using."


Community General Discussion Poll - Is the Game Dead? Re:Poll - Is the Game Dead? phi 0 04/05/2009 23:39

I direct your attention here for your answer:;#36300553260

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Not with a bang... Not with a bang... phi 0 04/05/2009 23:33

... but with a whimper.

The time now is: 04/05/2009 23:32

There are 97 online users: 8 registered, 89 guest(s)  
Most users ever online was 17,098 on 9/24/07 11:30 PM
Connected users: ArchDuke  JEasy  Neoteny  Therinwhitten  phi

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion The Conficker Virus Re:Re:The Conficker Virus phi 0 04/05/2009 23:30

Zeac wrote:

thats true, I remember having something like the a strain though (with a fake windows saying you need to buy some software) all it did was annoy me and slow down my computer but of course this could be worse.

You'll probably find that it disabled your firewall too and downloaded a bunch of other virii/trojans

I cleaned another two machines this week.

1 was infected by browsing an infected site (a personal site that was infected by having it's owner account bruteforced)

the other was infected by opening an infected .pdf readme in a torrent.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion The Conficker Virus Re:The Conflicker Virus phi 0 03/30/2009 04:59

Bay... that was last year... this year same result but all 3 browsers fell:


interestingly enough... conflicker is java based and of 47 computers (linux, mac & windows - mixed versions) about half the macs were infected when I started... but the others were all fine.

Community Community News The Matrix Online Fourth Anniversary Celebration! Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Matrix Online Fourth Anniversary Celebration! phi 0 03/24/2009 04:53

Neoteny wrote:

Villemar_MxO wrote:

Walrus wrote:

SampleNow wrote:

12 new shirts?

Or are we wording it weirdly?

"Operatives who successfully fight the virus will be able to use their Smith fragments to to purchase an array of twelve subversive T-shirts. Clothing from previous years will be available along with Oracle's special cookies and candy."

Nope. It's the shirts from previous years. Sorry if the text is fuzzy.

Better than nothing I guess

It's theoretically impossible for something to be greater than itself.

QF I couldn't have put it more eloquently.

An I wish I had your godlike powers of optimisim Nicks..

Smith virus, MxO servers. Anyone spot the similarities?


Major continuity error... The Oracle is not in that shell anymore. Or is this like that story where there was an alien attack and the train pulled in to the station and the servers went in to loop and the train pulled into the station and the servers went in to loop and the train pulled into the station and the servers went in to loop and the train pulled into the station and...


Party like it's 2008!

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Lighten up. Re:Lighten up. phi 0 03/24/2009 04:43

Somewhere, on a distant shore, NT is doing the I-told-you-so dance.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion After the simulation is lifted from our eyes. (Where are you going after MxO) Re:After the simulation is lifted from our eyes. (Where are you going after MxO) phi 0 03/22/2009 19:58

EvE. Now with wormholes.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Lighten up. Re:Lighten up. phi 0 03/19/2009 04:25

That this is one of the most active threads on the forums speaks volumes.

It's not the Dev's fault. They's always done the best they could with the ever decreasing resources. God knows that's a tough line to walk (I certainly do as one of the few to see a bit more behind the scens than most).

It's not the whining players. They actually care. If they didn't they wouldn't.

It's not the players. They keep coming back (for the most part)

It is a case of a game that was never given the chance it deserved by a company that really didn't care enough to promote it properly. Non-americans were barely even permitted to play let alone encouraged. Heck MxO was never even released in Australia. It was a profit based decision, when what was needed was a decision based on belief. Belief in what this game could have become. Perhaps it was a poorly concieved business model, one truely non-viable in the long run.

The point of subscription length is not so much one of elitism... us players that have been around since the beginning certianly take it a little more personally than some. Who can blame us. We stuck through the thick and thin for a game and a story that really grabbed our imagination. We stayed and invested our time and more not because we payed, but because we cared and believed in a story and game that I still believe is and was truely epic in nature.

The day people stop complaining is the day they stop caring.

Everyone should fear that day.


As for me... well I stopped paying but I've never stopped truly believing that this community is one of the most amazing collection of hearts and minds I ever have been a part of... or ever will.

The friendships forged here extend well beyond the reaches of this game.

I feel sorry for any of the newwer players that have been denied such a significant experience.

Cut them some slack... we were them once.

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion What is your Occupation in RL? Re:Re:Re:What is your Occupation in RL? phi 0 03/15/2009 16:29

Akunin wrote:

sospechoso_1 wrote:

Train operator New York City Transit Subway system.

Engine engine number 9, on the New York Transit line....

If that train goes off the track pick it up, pick it up, pick it up!


IT Manager/Systems Admin/Coffee Nazi ... seriously I manage the roster of who cleans the espresso machine, order beans etc. for an advertising agency with clients like Red Cross Australia, Nissan, Bob Jane, Symbion, Seek Recuitment, Hahn, Assorted performance/luxry car companies that I can't mention without their permission... etc.

Next month's project: Build 4 MAME arcade machines.

I love my job.

Community Player Events The Combat List: A History (All server PVP Event) Re:Anyone else get this? phi 0 03/09/2009 23:34

added me to his friends list last night...

The Lounge Off-Topic Discussion Who Watches the Watchmen? *potential spoilers* Re:Who Watches the Watchmen? *potential spoilers* phi 0 03/09/2009 23:29

Saw it. Loved it. SPOILERS AHEAD

I notice that the director gets his little joke in right at the start... when th comedian throws his cup at the intruder and misses. it knocks the 1 off his door number turning it from 3001 to 300.

Also 99 Luft Baloon during the funeral was deliciously appropriate as that song is about a cold-war missile launch nearly being triggered by a child releasing baloons into the sky. (seriously... listen to the words of the english version)

The duality of Roschach was not as heavily done as I would have liked and a few things were skimmed over sucking some of the depth from the story. However his brutality and refusal to compromise is faithfully portrayed ("I'm not locked up with you. It's you that are locked in here with me")

All the same it is full of delicious irony, the joke that the comedian is a parody of. The "tweaked" ending didn't detract from the message of the film too much but the "united against a single external foe" was far less punchy.

All-in-all an excellend portrayal of the book, including some of the best scenes in the book translated nearly frame for frame. (think night-own sitting next to his costume hanging up in the locker).

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